

Enemies to Lovers Albert Anastasia is known for being nothing but ruthless. He is feared by all in the Italian mafia. He kills on site and fears no one. He has reclaimed his throne and is hungry for revenge. Greta Marino will do anything to protect her best friend. She just wants Alice to stay happy like she promised. She will never break her promise, even if it breaks her. What will happen when Greta is thrown in an arranged marriage with Albert? Will there ever be peace between these two who just can't seem to get along? Will she manage to keep her promise or will he eventually break her? *SLOWBURN* *MATURE* This book contains sex scenes, some inappropriate language, physical and verbal abuse which may be triggering for some readers. Please read at one's own risk as a trigger warning will not be designated at each chapter.

Rachelwrites · Fantasy
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14 Chs




Here came the day which I dreaded for. I sit here in a room full of people working on my hair and makeup.

I didn't know who they were or where I was. All I knew is that some man brought me here and they all just appeared. Apparently we were getting married at a cathedral.

Yes, put a bunch of murders and criminals in the church to watch us get married.

"Ma'am, do you like it?" One of them asked me as she turned the chair to face the mirror. I smiled when I saw myself.

My makeup was beautiful. They didn't put on too much to make me look scary. They used just the right amount.

My long, smooth black hair was neatly curled and I loved it. I always kept my hair straight so I look different now.

I nodded my head. "Yes."

She smiled back. "Perfect! Let's get you in your dress now, okay?"

I nodded before standing up and stepping into my dress.

They quickly laced up my dress and fixed any parts that needed to be adjusted.

I am not going to lie, I looked really nice; although this is not the dress I wanted.

"Why did he want me to wear this dress?" I asked one of them and they all looked at each other.

"We cannot answer your question, ma'am."

I figured they wouldn't know but it was worth the try.

"Do you know if I have any bridesmaids?" I asked eagerly.

Maybe he wanted to surprise me and bring in my friends.

"I am afraid you don't, ma'am."

The bright light in my eyes quickly dimmed. "Oh."

A knock was heard on the door and one of them went to answer it while I continued looking at myself.

I glided my hands along my waist. It was too tight.

I told him it would be.

"Mamma mia!" Dad and Alice both exclaimed at the door.

I turned to them and opened my arms with a smile.

They took no time before coming to hug me.

They were still on bad terms but they united once it came to me.

"You look very beautiful. I wish your mother was here to see you," dad said.

I frowned. "Don't make me cry, dad."

"Every bride cries at her wedding," Alice joked. "Are you sure you still want to go through with this?"

I nodded. "Yes Alice, I'm excited to get married. I'm ready to start a family with him!"

No, I am absolutely not!

She hugged me again. "I can't believe my

Best friend is getting married."

I hugged her back tightly. "It's your wedding next."

She laughed nervously. "Don't say she was afraid.

"Excuse me ma'am, would you like to wear the jewelry Mr. Anastasia gave you?" one of the ladies asked.

Alice smiled. "He gave you jewellery? You have to wear it! He sounds like a good guy."

I faked a smile. "I guess I should wear them then."

I put on the bracelet and the earrings while she put on the necklace.

Someone banged on the door and shouted "it's time!"

"Ready?" Dad and Alice both asked and I nodded.

I stepped into my heels and took both their hands.

We headed downstairs and walked until we were outside the closed doors of the cathedral entrance. I began to feel nervous.

Was I making the right decision? Was it worth it?

I looked over to Alice and saw he had the biggest smile on his face.

She never used to smile like this before. I can't take that away from her. I have to go through with this.

The Canon in D started to play and the doors opened.

Papa and Alice took a step forward but I froze at the sight. In there was full to the max.

My breathing accelerated and Alice furrowed her eyebrows.

"Is everything okay, Greta?"

I faked another smile. "Yeah, let's go."

I took a step forward so that I was in line with them once again and we slowly made our way into the cathedral.

I tried looking around to see if I knew anyone but they were all strangers. It's like he hired all these people to make sure that the place didn't look empty.

There is no way he knew all these people. Everyone was dressed elegantly and most looked scary.

Some of their faces were covered with tattoos and the others just looked terrifying.

I felt uncomfortable. Finally, my eyes landed on a familiar face.

Eve stood there with tears in her eyes and big smile on her face. She sent me a kiss and I smiled.

We almost reached to the top and I decided to finally take a look at my husband to be.

He was standing there handsomely without a smile on his face staring into my soul.

Dressed down in his fancy black suit with his hair done neatly as always.

"Wow good score Greta," Alice whispered into my ears.

This was the first time Alice was seeing him.

We reached to the top and my father and best friend let go of me for the last.

"Take care of my sister," Alice told him and he simply nodded.

"Protect her," dad said.

"With my life," he replied and stretched out his hand to me. I bit my lips as I remembered him ignoring me when I stretched out my hand to him.

I looked at him up and down before walking up next to him without taking his hand. I knew that angered him because he rolled his hand into a fist and turned around to face the priest.

The smile I tried to hold could not be maintained anymore.

It felt good getting back at him and I knew he felt embarrassed in front of everyone. That is what he gets for being a jerk.

How dare he treat me like shit and then expect me to treat him like a king?

He deserves a dose of his own medicine and I won't apologise for giving him.

"Let us begin," the priest started. "We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Greta Marino and Albert Anastasia."

The priest did a speech about marriage before asking us to hold hands.

He made us exchange rings and repeat our VOWS.

He then turned to me. "Greta Marino, do you take Albert Anastasia to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

At that moment, I should've said no. I should've walked away and go back to my happy life back in America. I should've save myself from the torture and slavery that was heading my way but instead I said "I do."

He turned to Albert. "Albert Anastasia, do you take Greta Marino to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Without hesitation, he answered. "I do."

"With that being said, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride."

My heart started beating faster as Enzo looked up to me and started stepping towards me.

I automatically closed my eyes out of fear before I felt his soft, warm lips pressed on top of mine.

He made it short and the crowd clapped.

"Now you can say you kissed an Italian man," he whispered into my ears before turning to the cheering crowd.

"Let us feast!" Someone in the crowd shouted and we all laughed

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