

Enemies to Lovers Albert Anastasia is known for being nothing but ruthless. He is feared by all in the Italian mafia. He kills on site and fears no one. He has reclaimed his throne and is hungry for revenge. Greta Marino will do anything to protect her best friend. She just wants Alice to stay happy like she promised. She will never break her promise, even if it breaks her. What will happen when Greta is thrown in an arranged marriage with Albert? Will there ever be peace between these two who just can't seem to get along? Will she manage to keep her promise or will he eventually break her? *SLOWBURN* *MATURE* This book contains sex scenes, some inappropriate language, physical and verbal abuse which may be triggering for some readers. Please read at one's own risk as a trigger warning will not be designated at each chapter.

Rachelwrites · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs



"Mommy!" we cried as we both grabbed her hand tightly.

"I'm not going to make it, she struggled to tell say. "But we can save the baby."

I looked back at dad pacing back and forth in distress.

This only made me cry harder.

I was eight years old in this cold hospital room with my best friend and her mom telling us she was going to die.

"Stop it, Angelica!" Dad shouted at her. "Why are you telling the children such nonsense! If something was wrong the doctors would say!"

"This is not my first pregnancy. I know when something is wrong!" She argued back to him.

She grabbed her stomach in pain as she got another contraction.

I quickly grabbed a towel and dabbed her face. She was drenched in her own sweat because she was burning up.

"It's time," she told dad. "Call the doctor!"

She grabbed my hands tightly. "Greta, you have to promise mommy that if anything happens you will take care of your Alice and this baby with your life they're the only seeds I have in this world."

I shook my head. "No no no. I can't. You have to do it. You're just being dramatic right now because you're scared! You're going to be okay."

"Greta, promise!" She screamed.

"I promise," I cried. "I promise!"

The doctors rushed in and dad pulled me aside.

They made her push and everything was going good.

She smiled and dad gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"One more push and your baby will be here, Mrs. De Luca."

"I guess I was just overreacting," she laughed Alice and I laughed too.

"I told you so, Alice said."

"Ready?" The doctor asked and she nodded her head.

She started to push but the doctor immediate raised his hand. Her eyes were closed so she didn't see.

"Mommy!" I shouted as I saw blood. I was so scared, she was the only mother figure I had left. I grabbed Alice's hanias we both prayed silently for her.

She opened her eyes frightened. "Alice?"

She opened my mouth to speak but she was speechless.

"Promise, Gerta," she said once more before her eyes rolled back into her head and she seized.

When they stabilised her, they retrieved the baby and my eight year old self thought she went to sleep.

I looked at dad and Alice with a smile. She was okay. She was sleeping!

When I saw dad let me go and drop to the ground, I knew then that she was not sleeping.

I jolted up from my slumber breathing heavily and shaking.

I looked back and realized I was in my prison cell which was disguised as a bedroom.

I looked beside me to see him peacefully beside me.

Tears just spewed out my eyes once I saw him.

I have to keep my promise I made to Alice's mom. I have to protect her. I can't make this psychopath get close to her.

Alice doesn't't even know the world I have gotten myself in and I want it to stay that way.

She can't know that my husband is some psychopathic murderer. She thinks he's supposed to protect me but I'm the one who has to protect him.

I want her to be happy with her career and sister.

I believe that she will make it big one day and get married to the man of her dreams. Unlike my loveless fate, she has an exceptional chance of making a bright future together with whoever she falls in love with.

I had hoped that the same would happen to me but now this will never happen.

Even if I somehow managed to get away from him, I'd still be cursed somehow.

"I promise, her," I whispered under my breath.

His phone started ringing and I immediately laid back down with my back turned to him.

It took a few rings before he moved to pick it up.

"What?" His deep morning voice disrespectfully answered. "I'm almost there."

When he hung up he jumped out of bed and started to get ready.

I pretended to be asleep while he got ready because I wasn't in the mood to make any form of interaction with him.

I'm surprised I didn't fall asleep because he took his precious time getting ready.

The sound of his footsteps finally headed to the door before I heard it close.

I sat up and when I opened my eyes I froze. He stood by the door watching me.

"Don't try to pretend you're doing something. No one will believe you,"he said before actually leaving this time.

"She stays in there for the day," I heard him tell what I assumed to be Luca.

I'm going to kill him. I'm not sure how or when, but I will.

It's the only way to take me out of this terrible marriage and keep Alice safe from him.

A few minutes of me just looking out the window passed before I heard a knock on the door.

I know it wasn't him for sure because he just barges in whenever he wants. It was his room too to be fair.

The door unlocked and I was surprised to see who it was. It was Sebastian with a tray in his hands.

"Don't worry," he said as he placed the tray on the bed. "I come in peace."

I looked on the tray then back to him.

"I made you breakfast in case you were wondering. Ms. Rossi cannot be trusted when she makes food for people she's mad with. One time she threw laxative and gave to a guard who had shouted at her."

I stayed quiet and he frowned.

"I'm a bit disappointed. I've been told that you have quite a mouth on you yet you haven't said many words to me."

"That's because you tried to slit my throat," I finally spoke as I softly touched the bruise which was starting to heal.

"I told you already that I wasn't actually going to. I know better. Albert would've killed me right after."

He lifted up the cover of the tray. "I make a mean avocado toast."

I loved avocado toast. I always made it for Alice. She always loved my cooking. I slowly went up to him. "Eat some."

I was starving but I wasn't stupid. There could be poison in there. I don't trust any of these people.

"You're smart, I like that," he said before breaking off a piece of toast and eating it. "See? All good."

I lowered my guard a little just to eat. I ate a piece and it tasted heavenly.

Although it was just bread and mashed avocados. It could be that I was hungry too.

"If you think I'm good, you should try Albert's hand. That man could've been a chef."

I paused at the mentioning of his name.

"Why are you even friends with that guy?" I asked.

"Whether he admits it or not, he needs me and I need him. We were each other's only friend at one point but that story is for another day."

"What's he going to do with my father's deeds?"

He looked on me. "Why are you asking me that?"

"I was told you were the man to ask my questions to."

"I can't tell you that, Greta. If Albert wants to, he will tell you that himself. You just need to trust him. He is going to keep you safe."

"By what? Locking me in his bedroom all day? Taking away my phone from me? Shouting at me like I'm some kind of child?"

He laughed. "I'm sorry Greta but you have no choice. Every time he let's you out, you cause trouble. Also, Albert will give you back your phone when he's ready."

"I hate him so much," I said as I had the last bite of my toast. "No offense."

He laughed. "It's okay, I've heard people say worse about him."

"I should've married you instead," I said even though I didn't know him that much.

"Then you wouldn't get to experience the confusing world of Albert," he smiled. "Let's be friends. You will need one of those around here."

"Can you dance?"

"A little. Why?"

"Then we can be friends," I laughed.

He laughed back before grabbing my tray. "I have to meet Albert at the harbour. I just wanted to make sure you were fed."

"Would Albert care if I was fed or not?"

"No," he answered honestly.

"Okay," I said trying not to sound sad and he gave me a sympathetic look before leaving.