

Being the prodigal daughter of her family, Cassandra is disowned and thrown out of her home. But she's relentless and prepared to get her inheritance back no matter what. Billionaire Chase London is exactly who and what she needs to get back at her family. He's in love with her but all she wants is a strict contract. Will one's desire outweigh the other?

Lyon_Lee_0926 · Urban
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9 Chs


Chapter nine

Casandra's phone began to ring. She hurried toward the center table and grabbed the phone. She gasped as her eyes rove around the phone screen.

"Ferguson!" she mumbled as the corners of her mouth stretched in excitement.

Ferguson was calling her. Cassandra settled on the couch with a smile and picked up the call with a trembling hand.

"Hello, sir!"

"Hey Sandra!" he called out to her in his usual fond way.

Cassandra sighed and shut her eyes. She was glad that she was finally speaking with Ferguson after a while.

"It's good to hear from you sir," she replied.

"Uhmm, a lot has happened Cassandra. I came back to the firm yesterday and they said you stopped showing up. Meanwhile, are you aware that I was kidnapped?" Ferguson said.

Cassandra swallowed some air. "I had no idea, sir. I just had an emergency and needed to leave. I tried reaching out to you but your phone line wasn't going through." she lied.

"The bastards who took me snatched my phone. They smashed it against the wall and dragged me to a deserted warehouse." Ferguson disclosed.

Cassandra shut her eyes, imagining the hell the man went through.

"Did they hurt you?"

"Not really. They had these masks on. They grabbed me after work, stuffed me in a van and drove me to the warehouse. They covered my eyes with a rag and set me free the next day without a scratch." he explained.

Cassandra sighed in relief. "I'm so glad you are safe Mr Ferguson and I'm sorry for what happened."

Cassandra heard Ferguson chuckling. "Oh come on Cassandra don't be sorry. It's not your fault right?"

"Yes sir," she replied with guilt in her eyes. If only Ferguson knew it was all her fault. If only he knew that Mr Briggs had him taken she wondered.

"I'm a senior advocate Cassandra so these things are bound to happen. We handle criminal cases. Lawyers share a common relationship with threats." Ferguson asserted.

"Yes." was all Cassandra said.

"So tell me, why did you suddenly disappear? Are you okay? My secretary said you haven't reported for three days. Are you scared, Cassandra?"

"Scared? Of course, I'm not," she replied.

"Well if you are scared, I will understand. I mean two lawyers including myself were taken from our firm so I'll understand if you have to leave." Ferguson said.

"I left Miami because I had some family issues to deal with in Florida Mr Ferguson. I didn't run away." Cassandra responded.

"So are you coming back?"

Cassandra sighed and slumped on the couch. "I don't think so, Mr Ferguson."

"Whatever the problem is, You just hang in there Cassandra and remember, you can reach out to me anytime," assured Ferguson.

Cassandra smiled. Ferguson was a mentor indeed.

"And in case you change your mind, you are always welcome in the GRAVIA firm," he concluded.

"Hold on a second." Cassandra implored just when Ferguson was about to hang up.

"Yes, Cassandra."

"I need a favour, Mr Ferguson."

"Of course, Cassandra." he encouraged her to speak.

Cassandra knew that Ferguson is a big fish and that if there is any moment to seek his help, it has to be now.

"Can you set me up with any law firm in Orlando? I'm in dire need of a job right now."

"You are in Orlando?" Ferguson retorted.

Cassandra shut her eye's, hoping Ferguson doesn't start asking her questions. She kept wishing he doesn't ask why she relocated to Orlando after suddenly leaving Miami.

"Yes, Mr Ferguson. I'm in Orlando and I plan to stay here for a while." Cassandra replied.

"Okay," Ferguson said.

He said nothing more. Cassandra was thrilled by the depth of his sensitivity.

"I'll send you an address after speaking to someone. Luckily, a friend of mine has a renowned firm there in Orlando." Ferguson said.

The excited Cassandra abruptly stood up.

"So, I'll give him a call and send you, his address. You guys can set an appointment and don't you worry about a thing Sandra. I'll ensure he grants you space in his firm." Ferguson promised.

Cassandra pressed her eyes against each other and opened them almost immediately.

"I don't know what I would do without you, Mr Ferguson. I'll forever be indebted to you," she stated.

"Oh, come on Cassandra. You don't have to thank me. You are a star and trust me, you deserve to shine." he replied.

"Have a great day Mr Ferguson and thank you once again."

"You're always welcome," he said and hung up.

Cassandra fell back on the couch. That was just the call she needed. Ferguson was released and he had promised to link her up to a firm there in Orlando.

A few minutes later, Cassandra's phone vibrated. She checked the message. It was from Ferguson.

The text read. 'FRANKLIN AND SON'S LAW FIRM, NO 15 QUEENS STREET. He's expecting you at 10 am tomorrow.'


Cassandra dumped her handbag on the glass table and crossed her legs after sitting at the first booth of the SWIZZ restaurant. She'll be meeting with Ruby in the restaurant. Ruby will be coming from Florida.

She glanced at the watch on her left wrist. It was almost 2 pm. They had scheduled the hang-out for 2. Cassandra took a cab from the office straight to the restaurant.

It had been a week since she started working at the FRANKLIN AND SON'S LAW FIRM in Orlando.

When she got to the firm the day after her call with Ferguson. Cassandra was thrilled by the firm. It is a large building and it spoke of class. Later on, Cassandra learnt that it is the biggest law firm in Orlando. All thanks to Ferguson's connection, she managed to secure employment in the firm.

Cassandra and Ruby hadn't seen each other in almost a year. Today, Ruby will be coming into the city from Florida to meet her.

A cab came to a halt in front of the restaurant. Ruby alighted from the vehicle and hurried inside the restaurant, her face beaming with excitement.

Cassandra rose to her feet the moment Ruby stepped foot in the restaurant. She couldn't wait for Ruby to join her in the booth. She hurried toward her and immersed her in a hug.

"I've missed you so much." Cassandra professed while stroking Ruby's back lovingly.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you." Ruby reciprocated the loving gesture.

The best friends finally pulled away from each other and settled in the booth. They sat opposite each other.

"You are glowing Ruby."

Ruby giggled and dropped her Hermes bag on the table. "Oh come on Cassandra."

"I'm serious girl. Your skin looks as if it carries a lantern underneath."

Ruby smiled and flipped her hair. "I'll take that as a compliment. And you are not looking bad either."

A waitress strode toward them holding a little notebook. Ruby didn't lift the menu card.

"We will have whatever my best friend orders," she told the waitress.

The waitress shifted toward Cassandra's with a giggle. She leaned toward Cassandra who pointed to some meals on the menu card. The waitress scribbled the orders down and left.

"So how are you doing?" Ruby demanded and fell back on the sofa. "I can't wait to check out your house."

Cassandra sighed. "I live in a shit hole Ruby. The place is not worthy to be seen but I'm glad I'm no longer under his roof."

"Did he call you?" Ruby asked. She was referring to Mr Briggs.

"He wouldn't dare," Cassandra replied. "He broke ties with me and this time for good."

Ruby heaved a deep sigh. She knew about all the happenings in Cassandra's life. She folded her arms across her chest. "So what was that revenge plan you couldn't stop blabbering about?"

Cassandra cleared her throat loudly. It was time to relay her plan to Ruby. The revenge plan she had come up with in her quest to get her inheritance and exert her revenge on Mr Briggs.

"After he disowned me, I wanted to disappear from the country but I didn't. I chose to move to this city so I can be near him." She began.

Ruby displayed a blank expression. "I have no idea what you are talking about."

Cassandra sighed and went on. "If I move far away from Mr Briggs, my revenge plan won't succeed."

"And what's the plan?"

"Mr Briggs worships money. Money will be the tool I'll use to pull him down and take back what's rightfully mine."

"You and I know that you can't boast of a hundred thousand dollars Cassandra." Ruby pointed out.

Cassandra flashed an impish grin. "But I can get a rich husband. A competition for Mr Briggs.

Ruby had a dropped jaw.

Cassandra crossed her legs. "I'll get hitched to a rich husband. You can call it a contract marriage if you please. A two-year marriage and trust me, Ruby, I'll take back what's mine in two years."

"You don't even have a boyfriend Cassandra and now you are suddenly talking about getting a rich husband? How are you going to get one and how do you intend to exert your revenge on your father."

"Not my father Ruby." Cassandra sharply cut in. "He was my father and about my plan, don't you worry Ruby, soon you'll understand what I'm talking about."