

Being the prodigal daughter of her family, Cassandra is disowned and thrown out of her home. But she's relentless and prepared to get her inheritance back no matter what. Billionaire Chase London is exactly who and what she needs to get back at her family. He's in love with her but all she wants is a strict contract. Will one's desire outweigh the other?

Lyon_Lee_0926 · Urban
Not enough ratings
9 Chs



Cassandra was alarmed after noticing that the entrance to GRAVIA LAW FIRM was vacant. The security personnel weren't at their duty posts. She glanced at the watch adorned on her left wrist. It was past 9 am yet there was not a single guard.

"Strange," Cassandra muttered under her breath and strode toward the reception.

She walked into the reception and was shocked at the spectacle before her. The security guards and some of the staff were assembled in the reception, talking in low tunes.

"What's going on here?" She demanded, announcing her presence.

The crowd darted their gazes to her. She could sense the fear and panic in their eyes. It was as if they had seal tapes covering their mouths. No one spoke.

They began to whisper.

"Are you sure she's not aware?"

"Isn't she his mentee?"

"What the hell is going on here?" Cassandra yelled. "Someone should please tell me what's going on here."

The chief guard sighed and walked up to Cassandra. "Ferguson is missing." he spat. "His wife said he didn't come home yesterday."

Cassandra was taken aback. She gasped. The handbag she was clinging to with both hands slipped off her grasp and fell to the floor.

"What?" she trembled with her left hand on her chest. She could feel her chest congesting.

"I don't understand what's going on in this firm. Why do people keep missing?" Someone lamented.

Cassandra began drifting backwards as colour drained from her face. "Mr Ferguson!" she gasped and was forced to stop moving backwards when her back hit the wall.


Cassie rested her back on the twin couch facing the smart HD television taking a large part of the wall. She was going through her phone, her attention was away from the movie.

After Cassandra's forced exit from the family, Madeline initiated a movie night ritual in the Briggs family. Every Sunday night after dinner, they move to the living room to watch a movie together.

Tonight, Madeline was the only one interested in the comedy she had picked. Mr Briggs was going through a business magazine with his only son Liam. They sat beside Madeline who was lying on her back on one of the couches. Cassie was seating on the carpet.

Madeline sighed and turned to look at her husband and Liam. "Hunny I thought we agreed that there will be no business at movie night."

Mr Briggs lowered the magazine to his chest and adjusted his glasses. "Oh come on dear, it's just a magazine. It's not work-related."

"A business magazine." Madeline retorted. She cast her gaze on Cassie. The girl was engrossed in her phone.

"An entertaining business magazine," Liam added with an impish grin.

Madeline frowned and fixed her gaze back on the television. "Like father, like son," she remarked.

Liam and Mr Briggs broke into a laugh. Not even their laugh could distract Cassie from her phone activity.

Mr Briggs adjusted his spectacles and pointed to a set of furniture from the magazine. "Once your office is set, you should order for a set of this."

Liam smiled. "Oh come on dad we don't have to alter anything."

Mr Briggs closed the magazine and dumped it on his lap. "Remember what I told you, son. Appearance matters. You must enchant clients and visitors with your office setting."

Liam agreed with a smile. He had been assisting his father in running the business ever since he graduated from Harvard. Unlike Cassandra, Liam studied Business management as planned.

The doorbell rang. Madeline sat up. "Are you expecting anyone?" she threw the question at her husband.

Mr Briggs glanced at the silver clock hung above his head. It was almost 9 pm. "I'm expecting no one." He turned to Liam. The boy shook his head, signalling he was expecting no one.

"If the security guards allowed someone into the mansion at such an hour, then it must be something serious." Madeline hinted.

Liam stood up. "I'll get the door."

Liam strode to the entrance and opened the door. His jaw dropped. "Cass...Cassandra!" he stammered with shock spread across his face.

Cassie's phone slipped off her hands. Madeline abruptly stood up and hurried with Cassie to the door.

Mr Briggs fell back on the couch with a smirk. "Finally, the prodigal daughter is back home," he mumbled.

Cassandra stepped into the living room, her head lowered. She was dragging a luggage bag behind her.

Cassie ran toward her and immersed her in a hug. "I miss you so much sister," she said with tears welling up in her eyes.

Cassandra broke off their embrace with a smile. "You've grown taller."

Cassie giggled and pulled Cassandra into a tight hug, tears of joy streaming down her cheeks.

Liam moved away from the door and stood beside Madeline.

"Hi!" he waved at Cassandra with a faint smile after she detached herself from Cassie.

Cassandra gave a weak smile. She stared at Liam with astonishing eyes. The last time she saw him was about four years ago when he left for Harvard. The boy she saw four years ago had now grown into a man. His blue eyes made her smile the more. Cassandra darted her gaze to his broad chest. Liam was way taller than her now and could pass for a thirty-year-old when he is barely twenty-five.

Cassandra strode toward her mom with open arms. Her mother turned away with tears in her, her arms folded across her chest. She lowered her hands slowly. She knew her mother was mad at her for shutting them out all this while but she had to do that to prevent Mr Briggs from unleashing his wrath on them.

Cassie rushed toward Cassandra and took charge of her bag. They all moved to the living room.

The moment Mr Brigg's eye caught Cassandra, he flashed an impish grin.

"I knew you would come."

Cassandra rescinded her tears. She had promised herself that she was not going to break down before Mr Briggs.

"You wanted me back, now I'm back."

Madeline, Liam and Cassie were all displaying blank expressions. Cassandra instantly understood that they knew nothing about the tricks Mr Briggs had been pulling up lately.

Mr Briggs smiled and rose to his feet. "I asked the maids to clean your room. I knew you'll show up because Ferguson is dear to you but don't worry. He'll be set free."

Cassandra tightened her jaw and glared at Mr Briggs. The sight of him was pissing her. She felt like smashing his head against the wall.

"We will talk tomorrow."

Mr Briggs turned to the rest. "You all should go to your rooms. We will be having a family meeting during breakfast," he said and aimed for the stairs.

Madeline heaved a deep sigh and began climbing the stairs after him. Cassandra looked up to her disappearing figure, hoping her mother will turn back to look at her but Madeline didn't and the act broke Cassandra's heart.

"It's good to see you sister," Liam said and dashed to his room.

Cassie slid her hand into Cassandra's arm. "I'll walk you to your room."


"He's here." Cassie alerted everyone.

Madeline and her three children were seated around the large square dining table downstairs. Mr Briggs ascended the stairs and sat in his favourite spot. Cassie and Cassandra sat next to each other while Liam and his mother sat beside each other, facing the girls.

Mr Briggs positioned both his hands on the table. "Why aren't you guys eating?"

On the dining table were two tea jugs, mugs, a pack of sugar cubes, slices of toast bread on a tray, some fruits and water bottles.

Liam cleared his throat and went for a mug. He was smartly dressed in a blue suit and will be heading to the office with his father after breakfast.

Cassandra doesn't seem interested in the breakfast while Cassie was bent on doing what her sister does. Madeline went for a bottle of water with a sigh.

"Let's get this over with." Cassandra spat, with her arms folded across her chest. She was referring to the family meeting.

"Of course." Mr Briggs replied and flashed one of the smiles that Cassandra now abhors.

"Liam will be taking over the business. I'll soon announce him as CEO." Mr Briggs disclosed.

Liam's hands trembled as he managed to clasp onto his tea mug. Cassie turned to look at her sister but Cassandra's gaze was fixed on the blank wall.

"Congratulations Liam," Cassandra said and turned to her father with a hardened face. "Now that you have your CEO, why did you ask me to come here?"

Mr Briggs smiled and began stirring his tea with a spoon in circles. "You are useless to this family Cassandra." he blurted.

Cassandra cast her gaze on the table with a weak I'mile. It wasn't the first time she was hearing such a harsh comment from her father.

"I want to give you a second chance."

Madeline smiled, wishing Cassandra will jump on the offer. All she wants is for her family to be whole.

"I don't want any second chance from you dad. Just let me be myself for once." Cassandra retorted.

"You can go ahead and practice law in whichever firm you please. I don't have a problem with that."

Cassandra couldn't believe her ears. Her mother and siblings displayed shocking expressions.

"I will restore your dignity as my first child and grant you access to all your entitlements but on one condition." Mr Briggs asserted.