

 After going through a relaxing day at the spa, Lucia went to a restaurant to treat herself and her driver to a relaxing dinner ( yeah she's that kind after she had met her friend George she acts humbly and treat everyone around her fairly). They went home after eating and they both went to their different places of sleep.

 Early next morning, as early as 6:30am, Lucia is up and was already preparing for her place of work. After doing her thing in the bathroom, she did her skin care routine as usual, she did her hair into curls and wore a white shirt and black skirt with black suit coupled with a pair of black heels and her black bag.

 She did herself a mug of coffee to start her day and made a simple omelette as breakfast. She was done by 7:30am hereby using an hour and fifteen minutes to get ready for work. She went out meeting Jake already prepared and set for work. 

" Good morning Jake hope you had a nice night" She said.

" Morning to you too boss I had a wonderful night and you?" He replied her.

" My night was ok. Thanks for asking. Let's get to work as quick as possible" She said. 

" Yes boss".

 The ride to her office was smooth and relaxing but as soon as she got inside the office, her aura and demeanor changed from warm to ice cold. 

 " Morning boss", "morning boss" was the greetings coming from her staffs but she ignored their greetings and went to the elevator that will take her to the last floor which was where her office is located as the CEO. As soon as she settled in, her secretary came in to read her schedules for the day.

" Good morning ma'am", Lucia just waved her hands as a signal for her to continue

"Ok ma'am"

" You have a meeting with Orange Flames Inc. at 9am".

"You have a lunch meeting with your friends Miss Kiara and Mr George at 12pm after the meeting ends".

" Then at 2pm you have a appointment with Mr Adams Lockwood the Auditor". 

" Is that all for today?" Lucia asked.

" Yes ma'am" the secretary replied.

 Then, Lucia went to the meeting and was currently with her friends at the restaurant they chose to have lunch at.

" Hope the hangover wasn't too much for you Lucia" Kiara said.

"Not at all, though there was a slight headache but I came over it" she replied". 

" Though there's a gist" said Luci

" What's the gist, you know I love gists" replied Kiara.

"Well, I had an appointment at the spa and on my way, a guy bumped into my car with his car and I was furious and haven't noticed how handsome he was but when he spoke I almost had goosebumps cause his voice was very sexy and I just looked at him keenly mehn if hotness was a person that's him cause he's friggin hot".

Then Kiara said" Did you collect his name, contact or any information about him"

Then Lucia replied" Sadly I can't cause I was about to lose my appointment at the spa and you know the amount of time and money used to reserve an appointment at that spa"

Then, Kiara said" Awwwn so sad but if you guys are fated to meet you would surely meet".

Lucia then said" Ok "

"Hey Adam why are you so silent?" Lucia asked.

" Nothing am just looking at both of you talking and gossiping for no reason " Adam replied.

" Ok, but guys I have to go. I have a meeting with the auditor at 2pm and I need to go prepare. I will make it up to you guys. Lucia said.

"Oh not again. I understand. Bye take care" Kiara said.

" Bye Lucy" George said".

"Bye guys" Lucia said as she bade them goodbye.

 On his way to Fernandez & Co Group of Industries, Adam could be seen wearing a white shirt, black trousers and a black suit dressing as a professional. He hated arriving to work late, he prefers getting there to early. He arrived at the front of the company and entered into the reception area. The receptionist seemed to be informed of him coming because immediately she saw him she greeted him and directed to the CEO's office for the meeting.

 When he entered Lucia was doing something on her laptop so she didn't see him so he greeted

"Good afternoon"

Hearing the familiar voice she looked up and she saw him. Immediately, she said, 
