

After falling into a trap created, David lay with his family housemaid Daphne, and it resulted in a sudden unplanned pregnancy. David was forced to marry the family housemaid Daphne, to save his family image. Will he accept to marry opportunistic Daphne? Or will he resist to the end? Let's find out!!!!!! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ This creation is participating in the ongoing spirit contest. Please I need your utmost contributions, your review, and your d comment, and please add the story to your library. Thanks.

Adesua_Fayokemi · Urban
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14 Chs

The food tasted bad

Tessy refused to help Daphne, she accepted her fate to cook the food without anyone's input. She mixed the pie, rolled and cut it into small pieces, afterward she placed it inside the oven.

She switched on the gas cooker, and put the mash on top of the cooker,.. she tasted the mash at intervals, trying to check the taste.

She did it consistently until she arrived at the better taste she wanted after she was sure the food was done, she switched off the oven and brought down the mash from the cooker.

There is one of the rules regulating the mansion- Whosoever cooked will set the dining table among the maids.

She poured the food into two coolers, one for the family, and the remaining for the house workers. She brought out three plates, for the father, mother, and David his father. She almost forgets to add the cutlery, until her face lands on the cutlery hung on the rack.

After she carried the food, she turned and headed to the dining table.

Getting to the table, she met a maid, wiping, she instructed her to notify the family, that the food is set.

After a few minutes, David's parents came down to the dining, Mr. Donovan looked at Daphne and smile at her, then he proceeded and sit down. David's mother didn't bother to sit down, she went straight to perceive the food.

She opened the cooler and inhaled the scent of the food.

"I hope the food will taste nice," David's mother asked in a soft tone.

"Yes ma," Daphne replied nervously, anyone attentive to her voice will notice she sounded nervous.

"Good," she said and closed back the cooler, she looked at the staircase that lead to David's room, expecting to see him coming down.

"Where is my son?" David's mother asked when she didn't sight his son coming down.

"Have sent a maid to Inform him to come down and eat"

"Good. You can dish the food then,'' David's mother replied.

Daphne was still dishing the food into three plates when David walked into the dining, he went straight to his dad and hugged him at the back.

"Good morning dad," David greeted his father.

"Morning son, how was your night?, please don't forget the proposal I asked you to prepare on behalf of the company," The father reminded him.

"My night is Fair dad,"

Replying to his father, he moved his eyes towards Daphne, he looked at her angrily.

"Why?" The father asked.

His son's response make the father look at him, he noticed his son's expression wasn't friendly at all, and he trailed his eyes movement as they landed on the maid.

"Let's talk about it later,'' He interrupted his son, who was about to speak.

"Enough of the conversation, let's eat," the mother said, and her voice sounded like a command, instantly a silent atmosphere descended into the dining until she uttered a speech afterward.

"Bless the food son," Mrs. Donovan said.

David blessed the food, just as his mother wanted, afterward he dipped his fork into the Pie and Mash to eat. it was his best food, and he loves eating it always with yogurt.

The first thing he notice was the pie, it was too brown for his likened, he tried to taste it, to see how it will taste in his mouth since this is the first time Daphne will cook it, but he was unable to eat the first meal she cooked for the family, so he concluded, this meal will be bad as the first one she prepared.

Just as he predicted, he rushed out of the dining, as he gave the pie the first bite, his parents looked at themselves and saw the way he rushed out of the dining.

After sharing a gaze, they dipped their fork into the pie to taste, just as it tasted bad in the mouth of David, it tasted bad in their mouth likewise, instantly they dropped their fork and looked at Daphne.

"Sometimes, I wondered why you don't know how to cook well. Even David, a man can cook better than you, you are a lady for Christ's sake you should know how to cook," David's mother snapped at her.

Daphne's not really at fault, she has never imagined a day will come in her life when she will become a maid, she was brought up with a silver spoon until her father brought in another mistress and a grown-up son into their home, and this made her mother leaves her marriage and Daphne followed her. it wasn't long before her mother was diagnosed with terminal sickness, and they spent all her mother's savings on this sickness, leaving them with no dime, Daphne has to go outside and look for a job, to take care of her sick mother.

"Tell her mom, what is her usefulness in this house? if she can't cook food as a maid," his voice was filled with disdain and mockery, as he walked back into dining.

"Mom I think is better you sack her, and employ a better maid," David chimed in after his first word. He saw the expression on his mother's face, he noticed she was angry too, he want to use the opportunity to get rid of her.

"Darling, I think you should inform the other maids to teach Daphne how to cook. If she was our daughter, we can't possibly disown her," David's father said.

At that moment, tears gathered in Daphne's eyes, this is where she was able to gather money for her sick mother's drugs- She stood on the spot waiting for their conclusion.

"Dad," David yelled at his father.

"Darling, David is right. We can't be paying for Daphne's services, when she can't discharge her responsibility nicely"

Hearing the words that came out of his mother's mouth, David let out a smirk, and his face lits up.

"You're going, " David mumbles.

To Be Continued.

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