
The Billionaire's Fashion Designer

In a world where fairness should reign, injustice often holds sway. It's a place where the innocent suffer, where hard work doesn't always lead to success, and where privilege trumps merit. It's a world that can break hearts, crush dreams, and leave scars that never fully heal. Yet, amidst the darkness, there's still hope – hope for change, for empathy, and for a future where fairness isn't just a distant ideal, but a lived reality for all. But maybe that's not for me. After exchanging the rings I heaved a sigh of relief thinking that could be true, maybe there's truly hope somewhere. " You may now kiss the bride", the priest permitted. Every step he took towards me made me feel nervous, my heart pounding as fast as it could, and slowly he lifted my veil. I could bet I saw a smile for a second but it was immediately replaced with that of disgust on seeing me and he nearly puked. I thought this would be the beginning of dreams and not a nightmare but this would even be my worst nightmare. Wedding days are supposed to be the happiest days right? But that's not the case for me. Who said this world was ever fair? That was a big lie, if it is, to what extent?

Dammy_Dimples · Urban
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25 Chs

Chapter 20: Because it's you

Patricia felt so bad as she realized what she had done to her daughter and wondered how bad she must have felt. She was overwhelmed with guilt as she stepped into the house, she didn't know how to face her but she also wanted to let her know that she was so sorry.

She proceeded to Alice's room, her heart beating so fast, afraid she'd open her room and find her crying or feeling sad but she was going to assure her that she'd get her back what was rightfully hers but opening the door slightly, she peeped and saw her daughter dancing and doing a tik tok challenge.

Patricia sighed. ' I'm glad she's having a good time', she said in her mind and closed the door. She was glad to see her daughter not being moody and she smiled,

" Don't worry Alice, Christian is yours, and I'll make sure of it, don't worry baby, he's always yours", she said and smirked.


The maids peeped at Clarisse who was sitting down quietly still not picking any dress. A maid walked up to another who was dusting the portrait on the wall,

" Hi, Blue",

" Hey, Sandra", Blue greeted her with a smile," you're back",

" Yes I am, and why is everywhere so noisy?",

" OMG....Sandra you missed", Blue jumped on her feet dancing with excitement,

" I know I missed something, everyone just seems to be gossiping, and who's that?", she asked as she sighted Clarisse who was sitting in the room while they were in the corridor.

" Boss brought home a woman last night ", Blue said feeling so excited and eager to tell her everything.

" A woman?", Sandra frowned,

" Yes, but do you know the most surprising and beautiful thing about it...?",

" What's it?",

" I think she fell asleep on their way here, guess what",

" What?", Sandra asked getting angry and impatient,

" He was carrying her in his arms like a baby, it was so beautiful and romantic, such a beautiful sight", Blue said grinning and demonstrating how he carried her in his arms,

" So? What's romantic about that?",

" Don't be boring Sandra, you need to see it, the way the helicopter blows the breeze and blows his hair and cloth, with the woman in his arms and the way he walks and all oh my goodness, it was so beautiful ", she blushes.

Sandra looked at Clarisse one more time but this time she wasn't looking out of curiosity but glaring at her.

" And who's she?",

"Some said the master is married...",

" Married?", Sandra almost shouted,

" Yeah but some also said she's just a mistress, and some said she's his family which I don't care whichever one it is, Mrs. Bree said that if we serve her well we might get chosen to follow them back to the penthouse ",

" The penthouse?",

" Yes the mansion, and serve right under master".

This is the only thing that Sandra takes as good news, she smiled and said,

" That means I can get closer to master",

" Yes and no", Blue replied as she continued dusting,

" What do you mean?",

" Whoever is choosing isn't serving right under the master, we're serving under that woman whom I, personally, believe is his wife cause I overheard Mrs. Bree also saying something like honeymoon, well I don't care, I see this as promotion and I can't wait ", she said and return to her work leaving Sandra with her thought.

She was still with Blue when Christian arrived, immediately they knew he was within the vicinity, they immediately composed their selves, stood straight, and bowed their heads as he passed by. Sandra raised her head as she stylishly watched him walk past. Like always.

Christian frequents the resort as it's one of his properties, and he does come to stay over anytime he has a business within the area, he liked the environment as it's one of his favorites so he thought it would be nice to have his honeymoon there. During the time he does come by, Sandra has been crushing hard on him, she has read too many novels and her favorites are novels and stories about how a billionaire fell in love with someone inferior, like a maid, and how they went through ups and downs, she has dreamt and wished that could happen to her and so anytime that he is around, she'd do everything to get his attention and even work double shift just to have a chance or a moment but each time she tried there's always an intervention, either that's when he'd receive a phone call or a maid would intervene, she didn't rush things because she knew he's single and have little interest in women so she felt she still has some time but now, like always, he'd walk by without knowing if she exists or not and worst part is that he now has a wife which she can't accept.

Clarisse looked up when she heard Bree greeting someone and her heart skipped as she saw him again, she looked away, away from those eyes that made her feel seen and uncomfortable.

She could see Bree whispering something to him from the corner of her eyes and then they all left, closed the door leaving both of them alone. This was the last thing she wanted, being alone with a man, she wished those maids wouldn't leave.

She could hear him walking closer to her but she refused to look at him.

" Hi", he said and squatted in front of her but she kept her gaze fixed on her fingers.

" Hi", her voice came off like a whisper,

" Is my princess angry with me?",

Not again with this princess, she groaned in her mind,

" No", and again, her voice came off like a whisper.

" Then why are you avoiding my gaze", he said and tucked her hair behind her ears slowly, having a better view of her lean but beautiful face, " I'm sorry ".

And again, her heart skipped hard, she felt so uncomfortable.

' why is he apologizing? Stop apologizing.

" I'm so sorry, mama", he said in a very calm and gentle tone when she still didn't look at him, he guessed she was still upset with him, for leaving her without saying anything to her and even when it was on their honeymoon and their wedding night.

'Mama? Why does that sound pleasant to the ear? And yet, so annoying ', Clarisse said in her mind.

" Why?",

" Huh?",

" Why are you apologizing?",

" Huh?",

" Why is it you that's apologizing?", she finally looked up at him but her eyes were teary and that broke Christian's heart.

' That must have hurt her so much, what have you done Christian ', Christian groaned in his mind, he felt so bad and the last thing he wanted was to hurt her, he wanted to make her happy and love her not do the opposite.

' why are you the one apologizing? Why are you the one saying sorry when you did nothing wrong, they were supposed to say sorry, they should be apologizing to me not you, do I even deserve one?', Clarisse said in her mind and sighed out loud.

" Don't apologize, you did nothing wrong", she said looking away again and the tears cleared away from her eyes and were replaced with blankness.

" Of course, I did something wrong, and I'm sorry mama",

" Don't, don't call me that", she said sternly,

" Okay...", he surrendered, " I already wronged you so I shouldn't try to provoke you, I'm sorry Ari",

" You did nothing wrong, stop apologizing ",

" Of course I did, I left on our wedding night and on our honeymoon to go to work".

She scoffed, "That's nothing, judging by having who you don't want ",

" I... don't get what that's supposed to mean ",

" I know it's Alice that you want, I'm sorry that I'm the one here ",

" What?! Who the heck is Alice?", he asked but then he remembered the information he was given, " ho, you mean your cousin?",

' I knew it, no one would ever want me', she said in her mind.

" I was never interested in your cousin ".

Clarisse looked at him. Liar.

" And I've never met Alice, it was an arranged marriage and I have no idea whom I'm being married to, but", he paused and smiled, " I'm glad it's you".

Clarisse furrowed her brow, " why?",

" Because it's you",

" Why me?".

He moved closer to her, too close that she moved back but he held her waist and drew her closer, brought his face close to hers, close enough to have their nose touch each other.

" Because It's you, Ari".