
The Billionaire's Fashion Designer

In a world where fairness should reign, injustice often holds sway. It's a place where the innocent suffer, where hard work doesn't always lead to success, and where privilege trumps merit. It's a world that can break hearts, crush dreams, and leave scars that never fully heal. Yet, amidst the darkness, there's still hope – hope for change, for empathy, and for a future where fairness isn't just a distant ideal, but a lived reality for all. But maybe that's not for me. After exchanging the rings I heaved a sigh of relief thinking that could be true, maybe there's truly hope somewhere. " You may now kiss the bride", the priest permitted. Every step he took towards me made me feel nervous, my heart pounding as fast as it could, and slowly he lifted my veil. I could bet I saw a smile for a second but it was immediately replaced with that of disgust on seeing me and he nearly puked. I thought this would be the beginning of dreams and not a nightmare but this would even be my worst nightmare. Wedding days are supposed to be the happiest days right? But that's not the case for me. Who said this world was ever fair? That was a big lie, if it is, to what extent?

Dammy_Dimples · Urban
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25 Chs

Chapter 15: Ari's shield and land

Christian frowned and said in a deep and vibrant tone that made Clarisse's heart skip so hard,

" and why would my woman do that?".

" huh?".

' did I hear that right?, He's been acting crazy since the wedding, I'm not Alice, who's his woman?', Clarisse said in her mind as she looked up at him, meeting his gray eyes.

Their eyes met and Chris felt his heart skip, her blue ocean eyes were so beautiful and drowning but at the same time, held lots of emotions.

" I'm doing that because I know it isn't me you want to be here and I understand that", she said looking away. She's sure Patricia can't just send her off to a good man so this is what she's thinking it is.

" What makes you think it's another woman I want here?",

" because I know it definitely can't be me", she said like she was so sure puzzling Chris and thinking if he was missing something.

" I don't know what you're thinking princess...",

" Clarisse, that's my name", she said feeling uneasy about him calling her princess, there's nothing processing about her.

" That's a beautiful name but I would have felt too much pleasure to call you that", he said without blinking an eye and once again he succeeded in making Clarisse look up at him. But she was looking at him like he was some madman.

" I.. please call me by my name", she said blinking her eyes as she looked away,

" you can choose, princess, baby, or mama?", He said and each sounded so sexy from his mouth that it would drive any woman's head spinning but not Clarisse.

" Clarisse",


" Clarisse",

" Mama?",

" Cla..Clarisse", she answered closing her eyes and remaining adamant.

" My wife is quite stubborn",

" I'm sorry",

" but I like that", he said smiling but Clarisse frowned.

There are many crazy people, is he playing with me? This must be some kind of torture.

Clarisse said to herself in her mind.

" I can try though, to go by Ari. Ari, is that okay?".

She hated how it felt or sounded, no one had ever given her a nickname or shortened her name, and she didn't want that from someone who sees as nothing or wanted anybody to see her as anything anymore, she was too broken and felt too empty.

" Clarisse, call me Clarisse".

" I'm sorry princess, you're able to negotiate with me because you're my woman, like I said earlier, you're free to ask me any question and I'll truthfully reply, and I'll make it up to you for not showing up early today for our wedding which I'm so sorry about, right now, you must have been so tired so let's eat, and change cause we are having family dinner",

" we can go for that now", she said,

" in that?", He asked referring to her wedding dress,

" yes",

" today's going to be stressful and now that I remember, we haven't registered our marriage nor taken any marriage pictures",

" that won't be necessary ", she answered.

Christian furrowed his brow and watched her stand up.

Clarisse was expecting him to be living in the same compound with his parent as Victor, and she didn't want to go and change her dress knowing her clothes were all old and tattered, she didn't want to put them on, not yet, seeing the way reporters rushed to their wedding she could guess he's a very important person and she does want a picture of her to be taken in those bad clothes. Not like the wedding dress was good though, it was oversized but she didn't mind.

" where's their quarters?", She asked,

" whose quarters?",

" The family quarters ".

Christian's eyes looked sideways without moving his head, " okay... that's miles away, more than five miles away",

"Is this house that big?", She asked looking surprised,

" house? This...",

" I can understand though, you all live together probably that's why", she thought she was saying it in her mind but she spoke loudly and Christian laughed.

She looked at him confused,

" This isn't a house",

" what..is it then?",

" this is a hotel, one of my hotels and we are just here to have to eat some meal and get changed, sign out marriage documents before going to meet our family which is going to take a while and that's why I didn't want to take you there on an empty stomach that was grumbling".

Clarisse face turned red in embarrassment, her stomach was grumbling while they were in the helicopter but she thought no one could hear because of the helicopter noise.

" And I don't live with my family, so you have nothing to worry about", he said smiling at her flushed face. She looks so cute with an expression of embarrassment.

" so wedding pictures first or food first?",

" Anyone ", she said.

Chris sighed and took a closer at the dress and how lean she looked.

" who chose that dress?", He asked,

" Miss Patricia ".

He nodded, he was already getting angry but he was distracted by the call he received from his mum.

" Hi, mum",

" Where are you guys?",

" the hotel",

" I knew it", she said and told Christian to along with Clarisse to take some wedding pictures and sign the marriage.

He hung up as soon as she was done,

" Mum called",

" hm",

" she said we should come for some wedding pictures ",

" Are we taking with families also?",

" I don't think so, the reporters made everyone leave in a hurry but unless you want us to talk together that won't be a problem ",

" no I'm good",

" are you sure?",

" yes",

"Okay then ", he said and stood up.

They left the hotel to meet Sharon who was in the mall waiting patiently and as soon as she saw them, she grinned and went to welcome them.

" oh my beautiful daughter", she said and she embraced Clarisse who felt strange, " congratulations my darling", she congratulated her.

Congratulations to hell. Clarisse thought to herself.

" Thank you, ma'am",

" Ma'am? I'm hurt by that", Sharon said feigning a frown which surprised Clarisse but she still didn't want to make any mistake.

" Anyways, we need to do some changing", she said and winked at her before pulling her away to the bridal dress setting.

" she acted like I'm so invincible", Christian said feeling a little bit jealous but then a call came in from his investigator whom he sent on an errand to make an inquiry about Clarisse.

He has been waiting for his feedback.

" Hello sir",

" Find anything?",

" more than anything",

" What did you find?",

" I found a lot", he said over the phone and began from when Clarisse started living with the Ferdinands, how she stopped going to school but was forced to study at home so she could always do Alice's assignment till she got out of college, how she was married off and everything that happened in her marriage and how she divorced and married off again.

By the time the private investigator was done making his report, Christian fist was tightened in anger.

" well done", he said and hung up. Now he understood why she was so distant, blank, and weird, the emptiness and pains that showed in her eyes, the blank expression, and everything she said, now he understood everything and it made his blood boil.

It made him so angry that his knuckles were turning red. Everything he has just heard wants to make him pull her into an embrace and pet her, protect her with everything and at every cost, and above all, get revenge.

He looked up at the direction they had gone to and said,

" They shouldn't have done all that", he said with his tone radiating anger, " now that you're with me, I'll be your shield and land, protect you with everything that no one would ever dare lay a finger on you. I'll make them tremble just by hearing your name, I promise you, Ari".

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