
The Billionaire's Crazy Wife

"Do you Mrs Chantel McCarty take Mr Dominic Winfrey as your lawfully wedded husband till death do you apart?" The priest ask the average woman glaring at the man on a retro suit. If look could kill, then Dominic would be unconscious right now. The priest made to ask again but the woman replied. "No, I don't" her replied shocked everyone especially her parents. "As the matter fact, I know nothing about this motherfucker" she paused and look back at the priest whose eyes was widened like that of a watermelon. "But who cares, I don't have damn right to make ma own decision. I'm sure Mr Demonic... oh sorry.. I meant to say Dominic, would say Yes, so I guess you should proceed Mr Priest, there's no need for you to ask since you know you can't do a damn thing to stop this wedding.. Gawd! my foot is killing me" She reach down and took off her heels. When she was done she took a deep breath and smiled to everyone in the hall not noticing the Dominic cold glare on her. His blood was boiling. "Mr Dominic Winf..." "Yes I do" Came a cold voice from Dominic as he glare at the Priest who shuddered in fear. Poor him. "I now p..pro..noun you both a..as Hus..band a..and wife" The priest stammer as his hand shaking. The wife was crazy and the husband was damn scary. ___ Being the most feared and ruthless Billionaire, Dominic Winfrey have a lot of rivals. Due to the pressure from his family to settle down and in order to protect his company from hostile take over, he have no choice but to proposed a marriage to the McCarthy family first daughter. The two families decided to merge for business collaboration. Unfortunately for him, Chantel McCarthy wasn't that type of a submissive woman. In fact she is the opposite of a perfect wife. Soon, series of comic events escalates in between them. ____ Wanna find out the drama between these two? What happened when an unexpected feeling came between them?

Mayorsther · Urban
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80 Chs

Chapter 73: Concern

"The magazine just started last year and they are quite impressive to reach their level at a short amount of time. They never had an international model help with their shoot before. They sent an invite to you and I think you should take it" Rana said, then look at the quiet guy whose eye was focused in the book with him.

"Okay" He replied, flipping the page of his book.

"You're not going to ask why I decided to choose this company even when they are not famous" Rana said.

"I believe in you Rana" Calton replied and look at her. "And I've learnt not to look down on any contract.. whether big or small" he added and return his gaze to his book.

Rana chuckled. "You're just like your mother"

"You've said that twice today" Calton said. His phone rang afterward. Seeing the ID caller, he smiled before picking it up.

"Hey" Delphine's voice sounded over the phone.

"Hi, how are doing?" Calton asked, his face lit. Rana noticed and smiled secretly.