
The billionaire's cook

"How dare you splash that filthy, muddy water on me?" Flower's voice rang out angrily as she confronted Charles. Stepping out of his sleek car, Charles casually tucked his hands into his pockets, his eyes scanning Flower from head to toe. "It suits you," he finally muttered, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. "What? You shameless, senseless jerk! If stupidity could fly, you'd be a private jet. Total scumbag," Flower retorted passionately, her frustration boiling over. And then, without hesitation, she swiftly delivered a sharp kick to his unmentionables. Charles groaned in pain, but fate had more in store for him. Flower's fury propelled her to give him an unexpected yet forceful push, sending him tumbling into the muddy water below. A burst of hearty laughter erupted from Flower as she swiftly turned on her heels, making a quick getaway from the scene. ... Flower Cunningham had always dreamt of becoming a renowned chef and owning one of the trendiest restaurants in Las Vegas, USA. With her exceptional culinary skills and the ability to lure anyone in with the tantalizing aromas of her food, Flower thrived in the fast-paced world of gastronomy. She dedicated her life to perfecting her craft while balancing the responsibilities of caring for her disabled father, loving mother, and her supportive siblings. On the other hand, we have Charles Hamilton, the epitome of wealth and popularity, not just in the USA but across the globe. As the enigmatic and elusive billionaire, Charles was the face behind Hamilton's Group—the behemoth conglomerate with numerous divisions worldwide. His mysterious demeanor often left his employees puzzled, trying to decipher his ever-changing moods. When Flower and Charles first crossed paths, it was nothing short of chaotic. It became an unforgettable moment that would shape their lives forever. As fate would have it, Flower was soon employed as Charles's personal chef, marking the beginning of a thrilling game.

Rejoice_Diamond · Urban
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48 Chs

On his couch

"I wonder why your parents named you Nancy when you don't act like it," Julienne sneered.

"What!" Nancy gasped.

"Yeah, you're as bitter as eww!" Julienne made disgusting faces, and Honey tried to attack her, but Celdrick grabbed her hand.

Nancy immediately pulled her hands away from Celdrick, glaring at him.

"Mind your damn business or you'll regret it," she berated and stormed off, with Nora and Nita following her from behind.

"That was easy," Tifana said, sitting beside Honey Bell, who had been watching everything like a soap opera.

"Trust me, if you stood up, I would have deleted your number instantly," Julienne said, sitting down too.

"But...what just happened?" Honey Bell asked.

"She loves bossing students around just because of her rich family, and she expects everyone to bend to her insane policies. Everyone but not us. The dolls rule!" Carmen said, and Honey Bell smiled widely.

"What major is she in?"

"Same major as us, the business department," Tifana announced.

"Can we stop talking about it already? Let's talk about something else. Cheers to our friendship!" Julienne raised her cup of soda.

"Cheers!" The rest clinked glasses with her, and they all drank at once before starting to eat.

"Julienne! We haven't heard the scoop about how your blind date went last night," Honey Bell suddenly said, and Julienne dropped her cup.

"Let me fill you in then," Julienne replied, and the duo smiled eagerly, waiting to hear how it went.

"All right, here's the tea," Julienne began, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "So, I arrived at the restaurant, and there he was, sitting at the table, nervously sipping his water. He seemed really sweet and nervous."

Honey Bell leaned forward, eager to hear every detail. "And then what happened? Did you hit it off?"

Julienne grinned. "Oh, we definitely hit it off! We started talking, and it was like we had known each other for years. We had so much in common, from our love for art to our shared passion for travel. The conversation just flowed effortlessly."

Tifana raised an eyebrow. "But what about the blind date aspect? Did you feel any physical chemistry?"

Julienne blushed slightly. "Well, I have to admit, there was some definite chemistry. As the evening progressed, we found ourselves getting closer, and there were a few stolen glances and flirtatious touches. It was a magical night."

Honey Bell squealed with excitement. "That sounds incredible! Did anything romantic happen?"

Julienne coyly smiled. "Let's just say there was a surprise ending to the night. He walked me to my car, and as we said our goodbyes, he leaned in and kissed me. It was a moment straight out of a fairytale."

Carmen clapped her hands, thoroughly enthralled by the story. "Julienne, that's amazing! I'm so happy for you."

The girls raised their glasses once again, toasting to Julienne's unexpected romance. As they continued their meal, laughter filled the air, and the conversation shifted to lighter topics, filled with jokes and funny anecdotes.


Nancy walked into an empty classroom at the same time as Nora and Nita, visibly fuming.

"How dare they!" she shouted angrily, punching her fist against the wall and injuring her knuckle in the process.

"Calm down, Nan. We're going to teach them a lesson they'll never forget," Nora said soothingly.

"They completely embarrassed me. The whole cafeteria was staring at me," Nancy yelled, frustration evident in her voice.

"Today is just the first day of the new school year, right? They will definitely regret setting foot in this school," Nita commented.

Nancy smiled mischievously.

"They will regret ever coming to this school. I am not Nancy Hamilton, the great, if I don't make them pay for embarrassing me. Especially that girl, Honey Bell. Tonight, I will give her a lesson she won't soon forget at the frat house."


Honey Bell had finished eating dinner with her family twenty minutes ago and immediately went upstairs. She slipped into a short red floral gown, paired with a red jacket and a pair of white sneakers. Her hair hung loose around her shoulders as usual, and she smiled at herself in the mirror before leaving the room.

In the living room, Isla and Riley were waiting as Harrison had already left with his friends for the party.

"Mum, dad, I'm going to a school party," Honey Bell said, announcing her plans.

"Okay, dear. Take care and be safe," Isla replied with concern in her voice.

"Yes, Mom. I love you two," Honey Bell exclaimed dramatically, giving them both a tight hug.

"Come home quickly," Riley chimed in, his concern matching her mother's.

"Sure, Dad. Bye," Honey Bell responded as she hurriedly left the house.

Outside, she found Julienne and Tifana waiting for her, ready to go on their respective lady's bikes instead of a car.

"I didn't know you two had bikes," she said, surprised.

"We rented them for tonight's adventure," Julienne explained.

"Hop on yours and let's go," Tifana urged, gesturing towards her bike.

Honey Bell's eyes fell on another bike parked beside theirs, and her eyes widened with disbelief.

"You rented a bike for me too?" she asked, bewildered.

"Of course! Don't be silly, hop on and let's go," Julienne replied with a smile.

"Thank you," Honey Bell expressed her gratitude before climbing onto her bike.

With that, the three friends zoomed off into the night, filled with excitement for what lay ahead.

Charles's car glided into Hamilton's grand mansion, followed by Pascal expertly parking it in the designated spot. With a furrowed brow, Charles stepped out of the car, his expression reflecting his grumpy state of mind. His eyes, steel-like and intense, remained fixed as he embarked on his majestic stride towards the entrance of his mansion. The door swung open, granting him passage as he stepped inside.

As Charles made his way towards the elegant sitting room, his gaze surveyed the room, taking in every detail with an air of expectation. However, his curiosity transformed into surprise when he spotted a figure reclining on his luxurious couch. Instantly, his cold gaze turned even icier, suspicion replacing any remnants of kindness or warmth.