
The Office Announcement

The next morning found Lilian staring up at the large high-rise building that acted as the main building of the Walter Enterprises' headquarters. Seeing as it was connected to two other similar towers through the usage of sky bridges, forming a sort of triangle formation in its entirety. The brunette took a moment to admire the grand structure, despite knowing how well-known the company is, she was still rather shocked at the sheer size of their main building.

'What exactly did I get myself into?' She thought ruefully, shaking her head slightly before she began to make her way inside.

Much like its exterior, the interior of the building was lavishly decorated with modern tastes. It was also incredibly spacious, Lily was sure that if she had to go around alone she would be lost within the hour. Snapping out of her thoughts, the woman turned to one of the many couches littered around the office lobby as she took out her phone. Once she was seated, the brunette sent out a quick text, she had agreed to meet up with Walter in his office today in order to finalize the contract agreements. Which was why she was even here in the first place despite feeling slightly out of place dressed semi-casually in a t-shirt tucked into a blazer and skirt set as she was. Receiving a reply within seconds, Lily settled to wait, idly scrolling through her messages before going social media once she had exhausted the messages she needed to respond to.

For a while nothing seemed to change as employees bustled about the building, however, as it neared the 10 minute mark Lily could begin to hear the growing murmurs around her. Glancing up, she noticed the increased stares and whispers her way, most of them in confusion but there are a few who were sending her suspicion-filled looks. Watching as some of the female employees began to head her way, with a security staff in tow, whether simply as a precaution or if they've had one too many run-ins with Walter's more enthusiastic fans Lily wasn't sure.

As they grew closer, the brunette stiffened already gearing up for a possible confrontation when a shout sounded through the lobby.


Turning towards where the shout sounded Lily was met with the sight of an excitedly waving Michael who was being carried by his father. Despite herself, the brunette couldn't resist waving back to the toddler who beamed back at her, wiggling excitedly in his father's hold. The raven haired man had just taken a single step in the building when his mini-me started protesting in his hold, huffing and pouting at his father who simply gave him an exasperated look but relented. He only just managed to steady Michael on his feet before the toddler was dashing towards the brunette, grinning cheerily.

Lily let out a fond huff as she rose to her feet to meet the toddler midway, crouching down once she was close enough in order to receive an enthusiastic hug from the boy who giggled, nuzzling his cheek against hers. "Hi mommy, I missed you,"

An affectionate smile tugged at her lips as she rose, Michael carried securely in her arms. "Hello Michael, I missed you too, I wasn't aware you would be coming with your daddy today,"

"He was begging to come once he heard I was meeting you," Conrad explained, striding towards the pair. "And it was easier to bring him then try to reason with him when he gets like this,"

Lily frowned, momentarily forgetting that they were in the lobby and thus were attracting quite the crowd from his employees. "Won't you be busy with your work though? Who's gonna watch over him?"

"If I'm just doing paperwork in my office he usually stays with me, we've packed his iPad with us to keep him entertained and if I need to go to meetings he stays in the adjoining room to my office to nap or continue playing."


"The adjoining room is equipped with a bed and a shower, I had it made for occasions when I have to stay in the office late in order to finish up businesses and other paperwork." Conrad explained, a hand ruffling at his son's hair, "Now it's mostly being used by him for his naps, though it is highly secure seeing as only two people; including myself, are aware of the code to open the door."

The woman let out a small hum of understanding, "I see." She remained silent for a moment before she glanced towards the toddler in her arms. "Then, what would you say to me taking Michael out for the day once we've wrapped up here?" Lily asked, switching her gaze to the raven haired man across her. "I mean, rather than having him cooped up here for the day I can take him out for lunch,"

Before Conrad could offer her any sort of reply he was interrupted as Michael blinked up at her, "go out with mommy?"

"Yea sweetheart, would you like that?" The brunette asked with a small smile. "We can go on a little date together today, if your daddy agrees to it,"

Without much prompting, the toddler swiveled around in her hold to look up at his father with large pleading eyes, lips pulled into a pout.

"You'll say yes right daddy?" Michael beseeched, "I want to go with mommy."

The raven haired man stared at his pleading son and towards the brunette who was hiding her own grin behind his son's hair and suppressed a sigh. Trust the woman to somehow rope his son into being an accomplice for her, but he supposed it isn't too far fetched a request. "We'll see Michael, if your mommy and I can wrap up everything soon then I don't see why not."

"However," Conrad added, interrupting his son's cheer. "You have to promise to always stick with mommy, no wandering all alone and Marcus will go with the both of you until I can meet back up with you two."

"Who's Marcus?" Lily questioned, head tilting slightly in confusion.

"My driver," the raven haired man replied gesturing towards the man who had just entered the building and was immediately approaching them to offer a short bow. "He can take you guys around and accompany the both of you for shopping and the likes,"

The brunette let out a small 'ooh' of understanding before turning towards the man and offering a short bow of her own, carefully adjusting her hold on the toddler in her arms as she did. "Hello Marcus, we'll be in your care then." Lily greeted, one followed by Michael's own chirp "Hi Marcus!"

"The honour is mine, Mrs. Walter," the man hurriedly reassured, stopping to offer a quick wave to the toddler before bowing out once more.

Lily stiffened at the address, turning to face a bemused Conrad with the beginnings of a scowl on her face. "Why is your driver addressing me as Mrs. Walter? We aren't married!"

"Yet," Conrad countered smoothly, wrapping an arm around her waist to tug her closer. "After all, you did say yes to the proposal, so it's a matter of time and planning really."

"What if I say no at the altar huh?!" She insisted, lightly shoving at him to let go of her seeing as she's unable to use her hands at the moment. The raven haired man smiled back at her, one that bellied more schemes as he leaned closer to her, their noses nearly touching.

"Will you really say no to me, love?" He whispered, although with how the entire room had fell silent it was easily heard by everyone around them. Lily felt her face flush as she turned her face away from him, feeling his breath on her cheek. "Conrad Walter, what are you doing?! You're going to crush our son!"

She could practically feel his smirk as he pressed a lingering kiss to her cheek before stepping back only to reach to take Michael from her hold, easily depositing him into the arms of his assistant who's standing behind him.

"What?" Lily whispered slightly bewildered at the man's action, however she was given no time to process what she had just witnessed. Quick as lightning an arm shot out, clamping tightly to her right wrist and with a tug Lily found herself pressed up against the raven haired man.

"Will you stop that?!" The brunette bit out, feeling heat radiate from her cheeks. "Everyone's looking!"

"Let them." Conrad replied nonplussed, taking in her flushed features as he brought a hand to cup her face. "We're engaged anyways, they'll have to get used to seeing you around here."

Lily was sure that by now her entire face was red, trying to halt the other she raised her hands and pressed them against his chest in an effort to push him off her. "That doesn't mean you need to be like this! C'mon get off m—"

She was cut off as warm lips pressed against her own, eyes widening before her lips parted to let out a surprise gasp. An opening that the raven haired man took, his tongue easily slipping in between the open gap to deepen the kiss, muffling her protests. Startled at the action Lily jolted, pushing back against the tongue that was currently mapping out her mouth. Instinctively the brunette moved back, which was futile seeing as Conrad had an arm wound up around her waist preventing her from moving away from him. With her protests being muffled by the other, the brunette tried to push away the man but that was rather hard to do when an admittedly handsome man is kissing the life out of you. Just as she was feeling breathless the raven haired man pulled away, allowing her to take in several gulps of air as she regained her breathing.

Conrad glanced down at the woman in his arms, raking his eyes over her still panting form to the receding flush on her face before finally stopping at her slightly bruised red lips. Spotting how the people around were openly gaping at them; thankfully Ryan had covered Michael's eyes, a delighted smirk curled his lips. Well, this was one way to make sure the news of their relationship would get out soon and a way to make sure everyone here would know that the brunette was off limits.

He was brought out of his musings when a fist pounded against his shoulder sharply, tilting his head down he was faced with his glaring fiancée. While the sight should look intimidating, the blush still on her face made her look more embarrassed than displeased at the kiss.

"What. the. hell. Walter." Lily hissed, craning her neck slightly to look him in the eyes from where she was still pressed against the man. Her outrage seemingly allowing her to momentarily forget her current proximity with the other, "What was that for?! We're literally in your office building! You know, in public!"

Conrad raised an eyebrow, lips pulled up into a teasing smile, "So that's your issue about this? Does that mean that I could do it again in private?"

Lily gaped up at the man in disbelief. "I, that's not—, you little—, you know that's not the issue here!" She protested, scowling as it simply led to the taller male laughing, "stop laughing!"

Which of course, led to the opposite; as Conrad's laughter grew in volume, hands clutching her even tighter against him. Lily let out a squeak at the action, fidgeting in the hold as the uncomfortable position of her arms finally made her shift her hands to his shoulders instead. Catching movement from the man in front of her in the corner of her eye, Lily ducked down, prompting Conrad to chuckle as he pressed the kiss to her forehead instead.

"Ah!" Michael exclaimed from behind them. "Daddy no fair! Michael want to kiss mommy too!"

Finally, the raven haired CEO loosened his hold on her as he turned to reach out for his fussing son. Which left Lily to gape back at him with wide eyes, a hand reaching up to ghost over the spot he had kissed, stunned. She quickly regained herself as Conrad turned back with Michael in his arms, the toddler reaching out for her. As soon as he was securely in her arms, the boy leaned up to press a loud kiss to her cheek before he leaned back to grin cheerily at her. A smile involuntarily spread on Lily's features as she herself pressed a kiss to the boy's forehead much to his delight.


Conrad couldn't help but stare at the sight in front of him. His grinning son being held in the arms of a woman he had only just met recently, when he wouldn't even let his own grandmother hold him. Which brings his attention towards the woman herself, he would admit if only to himself that Lilian Chen had entered his life in a convenient moment. Although, he did ask Ryan to conduct extensive research into her background which clearly showed that their meeting was in fact a coincidence. Something that ended up working in his favour despite how she took some time convincing of the agreement, watching how she and his son was currently laughing together, the Walter CEO was sure he had made the right decision.

"Oh right," Lily muttered "we're supposed to finalize the 'thing' aren't we?"

"Did you really just forgot the reason why you came to the office in the first place?"

Pale cheeks burst with colour, "shut up, it's your fault anyways."

"Why thank you for the compliment love," the man countered grinning sharply. "But I think we should take our next discussions in a more private setting no?,"

"Why do you have to say it like that," the brunette was sure that by now she was basically whining. However, she did not fight the arm that wrapped around her waist as the Conrad led her away to the hallways that housed the lift. "We're literally just going to be talking!"

That was how the Walter Enterprise employees were left to stare as their typically cold-hearted boss went about teasing the brunette woman who he had easily called wife. Not to mention how the woman had been the one to carry his son instead of the CEO, when the toddler tends to scream whenever any woman would take even a step close to him. And yet, here the boy was happily cuddled up close and chattering with a woman he called 'mommy' as the brunette steadfastly tried to ignore the raven-haired man beside her (although a few more eagle-eyed female workers did notice that she wasn't as immune to heir boss' charms as she portrays).

There was the loud 'ding' before the faint sound of chatter disappeared as the small family stepped onto the lift. The minute the metal doors closed, the entirety of the employees that were in the lobby turned to stare incredulously at the only person who could give them answers. Within seconds Ryan found himself entrapped in a crowd of clamoring people who had began shouting out questions at the poor man.

"Ryan! What the hell just happened? Was that really our boss?!"

"He can smile?!"

"I've never even heard him say anything more than like 5 words! Most times angrily!"

"Just who is that woman?"

The assistant pinched at his nose to hold the building headache at bay before letting out a loud clap, both as a way to gather attention and to get some semblance of space. "Alright people, show's over so everyone get back to work! If you want answers then the boss will be the one to give them to you."

When no one made to move Ryan narrowed his eyes "if you're not back at your places in the next 5 minutes, I'll take it that you're happily volunteering for more overtime this week?"

Within seconds the lobby was deserted baring those who were stationed here, letting out a tired sigh the blonde man hurriedly made his own way towards the office. Internally debating whether he should hand in his resignation to spare him from the eventual shitstorm that would occur in the next coming days .