
Dream a Little Dream of Me


Came the surprised squeak from the blonde, before her entire demeanor shifted right in front of Lily's eyes. The snarl on her face turning into a sultry smile as the blonde woman batted her eyes at the man standing behind her. Lily withheld the urge to move away, severely creeped out by how fast the other woman shifted her persona and wanted nothing to do with it. However, the hold on her waist kept her where she was, and with how her few interactions with Conrad had went, the brunette was relatively sure that one way or another she would have to deal with this whether she wanted to or not.

"I wasn't expecting to see you!" Blondie continued on, shifting ever so slightly to more prominently display the cleavage-exposing cut on her top. "How have you been?"

"I was having quite the lovely day until I heard your little comment about my fiancée here, Natalie," The raven haired man replied coldly.

Natalie —'finally, a name', Lily thought silently— flinched, shakily plastering a confused expression on her face. "You must've misheard, I never made any comments about her." She protested voice turning shrilly as got more and more nervous. "We were only having a small chat about you and our past,"

The Walter CEO arched an eyebrow in quiet dubiety, "Is that so?" he drawled as he turned to glance down at the woman next to him. "Have you been talking about me again, love?"

"As if," Lily retorted automatically, shifting in his hold as she readjusted her own hold on Michael in order to ensure that the toddler was comfortable. "I was just done with shopping when Ms. Natalie approached me, wondering why I didn't know about her. Something about you two having a history, maybe you're the one who has some explaining to do hmm?"

From the corner of her eyes, the brunette spotted how Natalie seemed to perk up at the mention of her and Conrad's past, seemingly taking it as her cue to begin speaking to Conrad once more. Lily plastered on a fake smile despite how she was internally rolling her eyes, she could not care less if the man was going around bedding other girls, however if he was going to sell their marriage he really would need to put in more effort. Because, really, public cheating scandals weren't the way to go especially when she added in his reputation of being a player. It had only been a few hours since her agreement to this whole scheme and the brunette was already heavily regretting it.


The quiet mumble caused Lily to look down at the toddler who had burrowed his face into the side of her neck. Brown eyes softened, and without much thought Lily passed over the shopping bag to the man next to her. Thankfully Conrad simply took the bag, shooting her a perplexed look as he did before he continued to respond to his ex curtly. With a hand free, Lily pushed away the boy's bangs from his forehead before she spoke softly. "Hi sweetheart, you feeling okay?"

Michael nodded, pushing away at her hand to nuzzle back into her neck, his lips forming a pout that she could hear from his voice. "Hungry,"

The brunette felt her lips quirk up into an involuntary smile, pressing a brief kiss to the raven locks as she gently began bouncing the apparently hungry toddler. "I see, the baby's hungry hmm? Mommy is too, should we leave your daddy and go get the pizza I promised?"

There was vigorous nodding from the child in her arms, Lily practically feeling the grin that stretched on the boy's face. "Alright baby," she murmured. "You hang on tight and we'll get out of here to go get food yeah?"

She then turned her attention back towards the two adults in front of her, it seemed that Natalie had shifted from simple conversation to hanging of the raven haired man's arm. The blonde even had the nerve to shoot her a smug look once she noticed that Lily was staring at them to which the brunette simply returned with a raised eyebrow. From that, it was easy for her to place her attention and focus on the child in her arms, deciding to let her "fiancé" deal with his mess himself.

"Conrad," She said instead, looking up at her "soon-to-be husband" as she gently but firmly removed his hold on her waist with her free hand. "Michael's getting hungry and so am I, so we'll head out first to get some lunch. I'll leave you and Ms. Natalie to catch up,"

The raven haired man blinked at her words and then at his now free hand which was still curled around the space where her waist had been. During his distraction, Lily had already began making her way out of the store, the 'click-clack' of her heels echoing in the abruptly silent store. When it seemed that the raven haired man had just gained back his bearings and had opened his mouth to responds, the brunette stopped to glance back at him over her shoulder.

"Oh, don't forget to bring that bag you have when you go home okay? It's the dress that I need to wear soon and I only just bought it."

Conrad watched as the brunette gave a cheery smile and calmly continued her way out of the store, his son waving his goodbye at him from where he was held in her arms. Without her knowledge, that day Lily had left behind in her wake, a bewildered and captivated fiancé, his fuming ex, and a group of awed store attendants.


The raven haired man stared blankly at the brunette's retreating figure, silently wondering if his fiancée had really just left him with a woman who had approached her with the status of being his past lover. Although they did establish that the relationship is a contractual one it was still quite odd to see how Lilian Chen adhered to it, 'unlike the woman currently pawing at my arm' Conrad thought, barely holding back a sneer.

"That's the woman you're marrying Conrad?" Natalie commented snidely, shifting her previously narrowed eyes to glance up at the man coyly. "She doesn't seem like your usual types, especially when it comes to looks."

The Walter CEO stared down at the woman wholly unimpressed, raising an eyebrow pointedly which cause Natalie to be reminded of how the man's fiancée had responded to the her taunts. "Maybe that's exactly why she's the woman I'm marrying," Conrad responded coldly, harshly shrugging away the blonde's grip on him. "After all, looks doesn't always equate good upbringing or personality doesn't it?"

Paying no attention to how the woman had flushed darkly at his snide remarks, Conrad took a thorough look at the woman in front of him before pointedly turning away from her. His blatant disinterest in her only adding on to her embarrassment before the man leaned down, voice barely above a whisper, "You're lucky that I'm feeling merciful today, Natalie. But if you ever show yourself in front of my fiancée and try to stir up trouble again I'll show you no mercy. I'm sure that you're well aware of how I deal with people who bring me trouble."

Giving the now pale and faintly trembling woman a tight-lipped smile, the man straightened and nodded politely at the store attendants before striding out the store intending on finding his wayward fiancée and son.


Lily stared down fondly at the snoozing toddler in her hold, it seems like the day's activities had finally caught up to him. The boy had almost immediately fallen asleep once he had eaten his fill, and the brunette had simply been standing by the mall's water fountain for the past few minutes, trying to lull him to sleep. With what she had learnt about the boy from Conrad earlier in the day, it had been clear that their outing and the little run-in with Natalie had taken a toll on him, emotionally and eventually physically.

"Is he asleep?"

The sudden question and appearance of the Walter CEO caused her to jolt, which startled Michael to blink up at her drowsily. She hurriedly soothed the toddler back into slumber by swaying gently and patting at his back, murmuring to him softly all the while aiming an accusing glare at the man smirking down at her.

"What the fuck Walter?! You scared the shit out of me" Lily hissed lowly, glancing pointedly at the sleeping child. "What if I had accidentally woken up Michael because of it huh?"

"Then you get to see and deal with getting the cranky brat back into bed."

The brunette rolled her eyes, "You know what they say, like father like son." she muttered with a teasing grin.

Conrad returned her grin with one of his own, one that spoke of intentions that Lily did not want to be part of. "I wasn't aware that you knew of my sleeping habits wife," the man murmured softly into her ear. "Or is this you saying that you want to find out?"

A blush erupted on Lily's cheek at his words, "I don't." She bit out, turning away from the smirking man. "And I really have no interest in finding out,"

"If you say so love," he replied smoothly, placing a hand on her back to gently steer her towards the shopping mall's entrance. "C'mon then, we should start heading back especially since we'd need to put Michael down for a nap."

"Should we get something for his dinner before we go then?" The brunette pondered aloud, glancing up at the man next to her.

Conrad shook his head, "No that's okay, it will be better to prepare something for his dinner at home instead." Blue eyes glanced pointed at her, "Especially, since he's had quite the unhealthy lunch today."

Lily stuck her tongue out at him. "Oh hush, it's not like I'm letting him eat like this everyday. Plus, no matter what he is a child, and as his mother I'm not going to deprive him of things he wants."

"You're going to spoil him,"

"Like you aren't already?"


"Sir," Ryan's voice sounded through the phone. "The reports you wanted have been placed in your home office, they have also submitted a draft of the potential business plans for your recent purchase of the publishing company. Additionally, Mr. Connor is requesting for a meeting tomorrow and the Madam would like me to remind you that the family dinner will be held next week and that she expects your fiancée to be there."

"Alright, I'll look them over once I've arrived home. As for that meeting," Conrad let out a tired sighed, raising a hand to pinch at the bridge of his nose. "Arrange it for tomorrow and be sure to inform Connor that this would be the last he would get unless he can produce results."

"Understood sir," his assistant replied. "What about the dinner Madam spoke of?"

The raven haired man opened his mouth to reply when a soft weight landed on his shoulder, slowly so as to not jostle the head now leaning against him Conrad shifted to look down at his slumbering fiancée. Once they were settled into the car, Lily had gently roused Michael to have the toddler lay on the seats with his head pillowed on her lap before lulling him to sleep once more. With the increased traffic at these times their journey back took longer than expected, and it would seem that the gentle rumbling of the car had finally allowed the day's exhaustion to catch up to the woman as well.


Ah, he had forgotten that Ryan was still waiting for a response, "Tell my mother that we'll be there." Without waiting for a confirmation the man ended the call, slipping back the phone into his pocket when movement on his side brought his attention back to the brunette.

It seemed that he hadn't spoken as quiet as he thought he did. The Walter CEO watched amusedly as the brunette snuffled in her sleep and nuzzled at his shoulder, he let out a huff as he carefully shook his son awake.

"mmgh," The boy groaned, blinking his eyes open. "Daddy?"

"C'mere Michael," Conrad whispered quietly, "Let's get your mommy comfortable too."

The raven haired man carefully helped the toddler shuffle forward, adjusting the boy to face him and letting his son comfortably curl up on his lap, head laying atop his own heart. Once he ensured that Michael had fallen asleep once more, Conrad stretched an arm to gently drag the sleeping brunette closer. It took a few light tugs but soon enough Lily was pressed up against his side, her head laying on his right shoulder. The raven haired man then carefully snaked an arm around her shoulders in order to secure her form against him, as a way to ensure that both of them were comfortable and to prevent the woman from potentially falling over.

Conrad would deny it but he held his breath as he felt the brunette murmured under her breath before her furrowed brows relaxed and she settled more firmly against him.

"I wonder how you would react if you realized the position you're in now," He questioned faintly, however he received no response aside from the soft breathing as the brunette continued her slumber. "Well, no matter how you would react I'm sure it would be amusing,"

Impulsively the raven haired man leaned down to first press a kiss to his son's forehead before pressing one on the top of Lily's own head, hiding a hint of a smile into soft strands of chocolate hair.

"Sleep well wife,"