
Can I Have the Day With You?

Conrad awoke to the feeling of a slight weight on his chest, the faint sound of another's breathing and the feeling of his left arm going numb. For a minute the raven haired man startled at the additional weight before his memory of yesterday's events returned. How he and Lillian Chen had officially signed the contract, how he had let the brunette bring Michael out to the mall, how he had rushed over to meet them once he had completed the most urgent matters necessary, Lily's unfortunate run-in with Natalie, and how both his son and his fiancée had ended up falling asleep during the ride home. With how late they had arrived back at the house he had decided against driving the brunette back and had simply asked the maids to help change her clothes and help her into bed.

Apparently the maids took that as helping the woman get comfortable on his bed. It had been too late into the night when he finally entered his bedroom, ready to simply flop onto the bed, only to find the brunette curled up on one side of the large bed. Looking back at it now, he had thought that it would be fine, after all the bed was certainly large enough for the both of them to sleep without even touching one another. Thus, the predicament he found upon waking was quite the surprise.

The man let out a slight grumble, raising his free arm to shield his eyes from the small glimpses of sunlight passing through the curtain gaps. He was vaguely aware of the head that was currently using his left arm as a pillow, chocolate brown hair splayed over the white pillow sheets. He would be inclined to assume that it was solely the brunette who had shifted in her sleep from where she had been laying after the maids had changed her yesterday had it not been for his own pajama-clad arm curled around her waist, clutching her sleep warm form to him.

"I'm not awake enough to deal with this, what time is it," The raven haired man mumbled lowly as to not awaken the woman still slumbering next to him, stretching his head up to glance at the alarm clock on the nightstand on his right.

He paused in his movements when the figure laying on him let out a sleepy whine, eyebrows furrowing in annoyance. Conrad scoffed lightly, refusing to acknowledge how his lips quirked slightly as he moved to lay back down. He watched in silent amusement as the brunette shuffled even closer, shifting to instead lay her head on the left side of his chest. Slowly, the man reached over with his free hand, carefully brushing back a few stray chocolate strands of hair from her face.

'I guess getting some more sleep wouldn't be so bad.' Conrad thought, as he laid back down causing Lily shift once more in search of a more comfortable position. When she finally settled the brunette let out a little content sigh and the raven haired man could feel her body relaxing against his.

In the quiet hours of the morning and with the woman, for once, soft and calm in his arms the raven haired man was able to take in his fill of her. Perhaps it was luck that Michael had somehow led him to finding her, after all it was due to that meeting that he was able to find the perfect good solution to his problems. The fact that Lily was even mostly agreeable to his initial terms in the contract regarding the entire thing only helped further convince him that this entire contract relationship they had agreed on was only going to be profitable for the both of them.

'And well, I guess mornings like these are something I can look forward too.'


Lily felt as if she was laying on a cloud.

Which was a little bit weird especially when remembering that although her bed was not the worst it definitely was not this comfortable. Aside from that, it might be that she was still half-awake but for some reason it seemed that her pillow was moving?

Blearily-eyed, Lily was immediately found herself face to face— or rather face to chest— with a another sleeping body next to her. The sight didn't seem to really register itself in her head as the brunette simply blinked sleepily before letting out a tired sigh, unthinkingly burrowed even closer to the warm embrace she was in.

'This is nice,' Lily mused silently. 'If this is how I wake up like this everyday I might not even be able to get out of bed,'

The contented grin on her face fell the moment she registered how her 'pillow' seemed to rhythmically move up and down.... there was something familiar about the movement too... it almost felt like her own breathing...

Lily's eyes widened as the sudden realization hit her, the brunette bolted up in a panic but was only able to raise her form up halfway before she was tugged back down by the arm tightening around her waist. Falling back into the soft sheets with a soft 'oof', Lily froze when the figure next to her shifted, gentle breaths fanning across her cheek. Steeling herself she peeked upwards and was greeted by the sight of a peacefully sleeping Conrad Walter who, by the looks of it, was inadvertently using her as his personal bolster.

Her racing mind immediately screeched to a halt.

'What the fuck is happening?' Lily panicked internally, unconsciously chewing at her bottom lip in worry. 'Why am I in bed with Conrad Walter? Why is he basically crushing me to him? Where is this in the first place? Why am I not wearing what I remembered wearing yesterday? Who changed my clothes? Oh God, please don't tell me I slept with him....'

With a grimace the brunette moved to sit upright, using her hands to lift and cushion the raven haired man's head before she carefully shifted him away from her and on the pillow. Once she had successfully done that Lily turned her attention towards the arm that now coiled around her lap and after a moment of consideration the brunette tried to gingerly repeat the same process. She had only just managed to dislodge the arm and was trying to slowly slide out of the bed; attempting to get as far away as she can from the raven haired man when the same arm shot out to wound back around her, tugging her back down again. Nearly causing her to crash straight into the man, it was only due to sheer luck and several panicked maneuvering on her part that Lily managed to avoid falling on top of him.

"I swear to God.." Lily let out in an indignant whisper, trying to glare at the man currently pressed up against her back, soft puffs of breath brushing against the hairs on the back of her head. For a moment the brunette contemplated on simply hitting the other awake so that he would finally let go. Pursing her lips, Lily shifted so that she was facing the raven haired man... it would be so easy to simply reach out and just swat the man awake. She was debating her options when Conrad shifted closer once more, so close that it seemed like he had brushed a kiss against the top of her head.

Despite everything Lily could feel herself flush and really could you blame her? No matter what her personal opinions was on the guy there was no denying that he was without a doubt, one of the most attractive man she's ever seen.

'Even if he had an ego the size of the moon,' Lily thought sardonically.

Staring at the sleeping man the brunette was easily reminded of the boy who had basically gotten her into this very situation, and even knowing that Conrad was Michael's father, Lily couldn't help but marvel at how the pair was blessed with their good looks.

Truly, God had favourites.

'Luckily it seems that although Michael had inherited his father's good looks he doesn't have his personality.' She silently thought, absentmindedly poking at the sleeping man's cheek gently causing the other's brow to furrow and her to muffle her laughter. For a few minutes the brunette simply entertained herself by poking at the other's cheek before stopping at the slightest sign of movement. Giggling lightly when a small annoyed scowl began to appear on the man's face after a few moments of her insistently poking at the other between intervals so as to not wake the other up.

"You know," Lily murmured softly lost in her own thoughts. "I'm willing to bet my entire savings that girls out there would literally kill to be in my spot right now. It's like a modern love story come to life; about how the poor 'peasant' girl somehow ends up married to the rich handsome CEO. It's something straight out of a novel, I would know, I write them for a living,"

The brunette momentarily paused in her poking, "I write scenarios like these for a living and for some reason I'm now literally stuck in one... what even is my life anymore?"

Burying her face in her hands the woman silently bemoaned her fate. Somehow, she always found herself in the weirdest situations for various reasons and within different stages of her adulthood.

"Well, if I'm going to be stuck with having a husband I guess it's a good thing that I'm stuck with one that's pretty good looking,"

"Oh, so I'm just 'pretty good looking' to you?" A rough voice commented.

Lily let out a little shriek as she jolted in surprise and mortification as blue eyes blinked open to stare back at her, the raven haired man's lips pulling into a sleepy yet smug smirk. "What the— Are you awake?! How long have you been awake?! Have you just been listening this whole time?!"

"Long enough." Conrad replied cryptically, before he let out a yawn as he stretched languidly on the bed.

Lily couldn't mask the indignant tone in her voice when she retorted. "You've been awake long enough and instead of actually getting up you just decided to pretend that you were still asleep?"

"I was just taking the opportunity to sleep in when I can." The raven head replied innocently, looking as though butter wouldn't melt in his mouth. "Besides, you seemed to be enjoying yourself anyways, wouldn't it be cruel of me to ruin your fun?"

A fierce blush bloomed across the brunette's cheeks, "Shut up, I was not. Besides, that was because only I didn't know that you were actually awake. Now that you actually are, will you hurry up and let go already? Some of us actually need to get back to work you know,"

"Hmm, I don't know." The man drawled, a mischievous grin stretching across his face. "I'm pretty comfortable where I am actually, so I don't think I will."

"Walter I swear to God, if you don't let go in the next 5 seconds, I am going to hit you."

"Would you really hit this face?"

The brunette stared down at the puppy dog eyes the Conrad Walter was currently sporting, lips pursed into the smallest of pouts. 'Ah, so Michael inherited this from his father huh,' Lily briefly thought as she thought back to all the times Michael had managed to get his way through using his own puppy dog eyes.

"Yes." She replied impassively, daring the man to try her. The two remained locked in a staring battle, each one refusing to back down when the door to the room swung open. As one, the pair turned their heads towards the open door and Lily had to suppress the adoring coo she wanted to let out at the sight of the raven-haired toddler who was sleepily rubbing at his eyes as he let out a loud yawn.

"Hey buddy," Conrad greeted in a soft voice, clearly trying to not startle the boy from his sleepy state. "Why are you up so early?"

"Daddy," Michael nearly slurred out as he slowly toddled towards where the bed was with eyes still half-closed. "Can we go see mommy again today?"

Lily felt her eyes widened in shocked delight at the toddler's sleepy reply, she chanced a glance at the man next to her who seemed to be experiencing multiple conflicting emotions that were clearly reflected on his face. The brunette bit at her lip in an attempt to muffle the laughter bubbling inside her before eventually shifting to press her palms to her mouth when her previous attempt failed. However, due to their current position it was clear that the raven haired man noticed how her body was faintly shaking from the force of her laughter. Well, that and the fact that her eyes were crinkled into half-moons; something he had noticed would appear every time she was laughing in earnest.

"Is he really still half-asleep?" Lily managed to whisper out between her giggles, when the only reply she received from the raven haired man was a tired look the brunette had to fight off another burst of laughter.

"Normally I would say no, but with how he's been the last few days; that's definitely him asleep." Conrad replied dryly, glancing down as Lily finally lost her internal battle and broke out into laughter which caught Michael's attention.

"Mommy?" Michael piped, features lighting up once he spotted the brunette who was currently still trapped within the raven haired man's hold. "Mommy!"

"Hi baby," Lily greeted, an affectionate smile gracing her lips as she craned her neck to take in how the boy was enthusiastically climbing up the bed to reach her. "Did you have a good sleep? Why are you up so early?"

"Hi mommy, I missed you." The boy replied, pushing through the space between the two to snuggle up against the brunette, the wide happy grin on his face inadvertently causing one to appear on her own. "Why are you in daddy's room mommy?"

"Oh. Uh, well"

"Why shouldn't your mommy be in my room huh?" Conrad let out in a low grunt as the boy accidentally elbowed him in the chest as he squirmed around in search of a comfortable position. "It's normal for mommies and daddies to sleep in the same room right?"

Staring back at his father doubtfully, Michael turned to stare back at the brunette who was watching the father and son argue with wide eyes. "Is that true mommy? Do mommies and daddies really sleep together?"

Lily froze for a moment before she turned to stare pointedly at the raven haired man in front of her who simply returned her look with a challenging one of his own.

"Well mommy? Since our son doesn't seem to believe my words anymore, then you should be the one to tell him."

The woman gave him a look of pure disbelief, before it shifted to one that spoke of the annoyance she felt inside. "Just you wait," Lily mouthed silently at the chuckling man. "I'll get you back for this."

With that, the brunette turned to address the toddler who was now tugging insistently at her sleeves, whining for her attention. Lily steeled herself to somehow be able to tell the boy that although it was true that typically married couples do share a bedroom, she and Conrad was not married and therefore do not share a bedroom....Despite the fact that she had somehow slept in the man's bed the night before.

Oh dear, this one was going to take a while.


Conrad watched in silence, now laying on one side of the bed with his fiancée on the other side and their son in the middle; the toddler animatedly telling the smiling brunette his dreams and plans for the day. No matter how the situation came to be, the sight of his son grinning happily never failed to warm his heart; although typically it was not accompanied by the sight of a similarly grinning brunette woman.

If someone was to tell him in the past that he would end up getting married in the future, he would have laughed in their face before recommending them to get their eyesight and their intelligence checked.

And yet, here he was.

Lazing in bed despite fully knowing that he had a full schedule ahead just because both his fiancée (and therefore their son too) absolutely refused to leave the bed before it was 9.

"If I'm going to have to end up res-scheduling my appointments today, so do you." Lily had stated, pointedly staring at him as if daring him to try.

Who would have thought that the brunette who seemed so sweet and innocent would also end up having so much sass too. The raven haired man was broken out of his thoughts by a quiet snore, as he glanced over Conrad was greeted with the sight of his son fast asleep. Tiny fingers grasping at the brunette's pajama shirt as she cradled him to her chest, humming a song he didn't know under her breath. Her lips were pulled back in a gentle smile and it wasn't hard to see how Lily was looking down at the raven haired boy in her arms with a fondness one would associate with a parent.

As if feeling his gaze on her the brunette looked up, the soft smile on her face slowly fading into a look of surprise, Conrad watched as a pink flush bloomed on her cheeks before Lily broke eye contact to snuggle up to the toddler in her arms. The raven haired man's body shook with silent laughter as he shifted to move closer, feeling oddly content with spending his morning just laying next to his slumbering little family.

'Well, this day is off to a good start,'