
Chapter Three: Where Is Giovanni?

New York city.


"He's running late again."Edward Russo complained for the third time, to his wife who stood besides him, while trying to keep a happy face while all is not well.

Apparently, they were under pressure seeing that very soon they were going going to take the words of insults thrown to them because of their immature son, Giovanni Rosso, who had refused to be on time for the private services that was being hosted in their hometown by his grandfather, has been an active member for a long time since the death of his wife.

Standing besides a worried Edward Russo, who turned to look at his father engaged in a conversation with an important guest, who was doing a good job keeping his mind away from noticing that Giovanni wasn't here yet.

His ever so lovely wife, Amrita Russo. The first daughter in-law to grace the family and proved her worth to the family both in business, and everything.

She was the apple of the man's eyes, besides her who was trying so much not to show how panicked he was, but right now when she tried to speak up on behalf of her son, she was tackled arrogantly by him.

"Come on, huni. He's probably on his way here, you know how Giovanni is, am sure Leo knows the best thing to do is to make sure he's here by all means." Amrita tried to calm Edward, when it's just for these few minutes that the reporters were busy doing a job to interview everyone present and Giovanni is not here yet.

The last thing that they want right now is another scandal, that would tarnish the image of the Russo corporation. Their son, Giovanni, had made it his primal duty to be on the bad side of the media every single week.

The Russo corporation was among the top five world leading oil mining companies to exist, its original founder Paul Russo was dead, his successor after his son being the man who was the reason they were gathered here today, Christian Russo.

Edward being the first son of the old man, followed by his brother who was not here yet, although he's sure that his father would not miss having his whole family here, on a special occasion like this. The old man would like to invite everyone of his family, just like old times so they could dine like a loving family.

"It better be just like you said, Amrita. Your son has caused me nothing but blatant headaches in the past few months, I have had enough of his immature ass, it's time he sits and assumes his responsibility as the heir to the company." Edward spat, which made her scoff at his words.

"My son? Seriously Edward, you and i both know you also spoiled the boy to the wits, you can't just pin the blame on me when he starts behaving just like how daddy dearest had taught him." Amrita sneered, before looking away from him in anger.

He always does this every time, when Giovanni behaves like the spoiled asshole he was, he would rather she takes the blame than him. But apparently, it was no one's fault that Giovanni was this way he is. The boy was difficult to handle, especially since he came back from the states from his studies.

"Amrita..baby, I'm sorry." Edward tried to apologize, but then they were interrupted by the all familiar car that parked with a screeching sound that attracted everyone's attention over to them.

The both of them didn't need any soothsayer to tell them who it was as the car door was opened by the bodyguard and Micheal, Edward's younger brother stepped out with that ever proud smile on his face.

His wife, Joanna, was  dressed to kill! Today was basically all about their grandfather, but she dressed like she was walking down the runway.

Edward couldn't help to control his smile when he saw the annoyance that ran across his father's face seeing her. Thankfully, he wasn't the only one who didn't like the bitch.

The reporters were on cue to start taking pictures of them, until the next car to slide in revealed Diego, the second grandson of the Russo Family, Giovanni's cousin.

"Grandpa." The bubbly one he was, as he wasted no time to run into the embrace of his grandfather, who was all smiles. No matter how bad everyone's dislike his mother, Diego was different and apparently the smile keeper of the family. Grandpa loves him.

"Congratulation father, on your new hospital." Micheal said, moving forward to pay his respect to the old one.

"It's not my hospital, Micheal. It belongs to the public." Christian Russo, replied back as a slight annoyance ran across his face when Joanna's voice was the next to be heard.

"Congratulations, father. You didn't tell us you were back from the states?"Joanna asked as her eyes scanned across the room in the hope of finding the favorite daughter in-law, Amrita.

"Maybe if you had kept in touch just like Amrita did, you would know my schedules, Judith."Christian Russo spoke harshly to her, but no one could interrupt him nor challenge him because they knew better not to do that.

Joanna tried to speak up to correct the old man who didn't know her name, even after twenty years of marriage to his son. But she was held back by Micheal, who grabbed her hand as a sign to shut her up.

He clearly was showing signs of Alzheimer, but no! This was no sickness or whatsoever.She knew that he was doing this in spite to remind her everyday, that she was nothing but a secretary that had seduced her boss, got pregnant and earned her space in the family register.

"I don't see Edward and family, perhaps don't tell me they might have forgotten about your special day, father?" Micheal teased, a wave of happiness running through him until it disappeared when he heard his brother's voice at his back.

"Finally, you all are here." Edward said with a smile, as he watched his brother grit his teeth seeing him and Amrita, until he noticed the absence of Giovanni.

"Since you all are here…." Grandfather tried speaking, until he looked beyond Amrita's back to see that someone was missing.

"Someone is about to be insulted." Joanna's said lowly with a chuckle, but she's sure that Amrita heard her quite alright seeing how pale she was at hearing Grandpa paused during his words.

He turned instantly to look at Edward and Amrita, disappointment clearly written on his face that his favourite grandson was not here, yet and there's a big sign that he wouldn't be.

"The event is about to start." Micheal reminded everyone, a satisfied grin plastered on his face.

"Father, I can explain."Edward moved forward, but the look he gave him made him shut up instantly as he bent his head down in shame.

Grandfather looked away from him and Amrita, towards Micheal and his family." Let's go in." While Edward had to leave with anger emitting off him, with Amrita going after him before he does something he would regret.

The question on everyone's lips, where is Giovanni?

who else already knows that Joanna would be an annoying character in this story?

Jayden222creators' thoughts
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