
The Billionaire's Bargain

Katie had a one night stand with a strange man,noticed she was pregnant, went back in search for the strange man sees him,but she only gets humiliated by him which led to a change of city and job,she becomes an undercover police,discovered the billionaire she was told to investigate about was the person whom she had the one night stand with. What was fate trying to do? What was the bargain? Find out in this interesting novel.

DaoistuPKHjL · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 5

On a beautiful summer evening, Katie took a break from work and enjoyed the simple pleasures of a weekend at home. The sun was setting, casting a warm glow over the neighborhood. Katie could hear the faint sound of children playing in the distance. The air was fragrant with the scent of fresh-cut grass and blooming flowers. It was a moment of peace and tranquility, a respite from the busyness of life. Toby walked up to his mother with his homework in hand. ''Mom, can you help me with my homework? Anna's not here and I don't know where to start.''

''Of course I'll help you, honey,'' Katie replied with a smile. ''Let's sit down and work through it together. I know you can do it with a little help.''

''Thanks, Mom,'' said Toby, taking a seat next to her. They began working through the assignment, taking turns reading and solving problems. As they worked, Toby asked questions and Katie patiently answered them. After a while, they reached a difficult problem that stumped Toby. ''I don't get it, Mom,'' he said, furrowing his brow in frustration. ''This one's really hard.''

''It's okay to be confused, Toby,'' said Katie. ''I know it's not easy, but let's take it step by step and see if we can figure it out together.'' She took her son's hand and they both looked at the problem, slowly breaking it down into smaller pieces.

''Oh, I get it now!'' said Toby.

Memories came flooding back as Katie looked at her son, Toby. His dark hair and warm brown eyes were just like his father's, and it made her heart ache. Arthur had been a mistake, a one-night stand that had caused so much pain for her. But looking at Toby now, she felt a wave of gratitude that he had come from that night, that he was a part of her life and a reminder of what had been. It was a bittersweet feeling, a mix of emotions that she couldn't quite put into words. Toby was a precocious child, far beyond his years. Though he was only 5, he had a maturity and wisdom that made him seem much older. He was inquisitive and curious, always asking questions and seeking to understand the world around him. But most of all, he was kind and compassionate, with a heart that was full of love. He was the light of his mother's life, and she would do anything to protect him and keep him safe.

Toby looked up at his mother, wondering why she was staring at him with such an intense gaze. ''Mom, are you okay?'' he asked.

Katie blinked back her tears and smiled at her son. ''I'm fine, honey,'' she said, forcing a lightness into her voice that she didn't quite feel. ''I'm just so happy to be here with you, that's all.''

''You're always happy with me, Mom,'' said Toby, his face lighting up with a grin. He knew he could always make her smile, and it gave him a sense of pride. But despite his mother's best efforts, Toby could tell that something was bothering her. There was a sadness behind her smile, a heaviness in her eyes that he couldn't ignore. 'Mom, are you sure you're okay?' he asked again, his voice full of concern.

Katie took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. ''Sometimes even adults feel sad, Toby,"she said, reaching out to stroke his hair. ''It's normal to feel sad sometimes. But even when I feel sad, I still love you and I'm still here for you. No matter what.''

Toby thought about this, his brow furrowed in concentration. "So it's okay to feel sad sometimes, even if you don't know why?'' he asked, his eyes wide and searching.

Katie nodded, her heart swelling with love for her son. ''It's okay to feel sad, or angry, or even scared,'' she said. ''And sometimes we don't even know why we're feeling those things. But just because we feel them, it doesn't mean we're bad or wrong. It just means we're human.''

Toby considered this, taking it in with the seriousness of a child trying to understand the world. "So even though you're sad now, you still love me and you'll still take care of me?'' he asked, his voice small and vulnerable.

Katie reached out and took her son's hand, holding it tightly. ''Always, Toby,'' she said, her voice full of conviction. ''Nothing will ever change that. No matter what, I'll always be here for you. I promise.''

The look of relief on Toby's face made her heart ache. He knew that his mother loved him, but hearing the words out loud was something different. He leaned in and hugged her, his small arms wrapping around her."I love you too, Mom,'' Toby said, pulling back from the hug and looking up at her. ''I don't know why you're sad, but I'm here for you too. Even if I'm only 5, I'll help you however I can.''

The sincerity in his words made Katie's eyes well up again. She didn't know what she had done to deserve such a wonderful child, but she was grateful all the same. ''You're such a sweet and caring boy, Toby,'' she said, her voice thick with emotion. ''I'm so lucky to have you.'' Toby beamed at her words.

As Toby's words filled her heart with warmth, Katie suddenly remembered that they were out of groceries. She looked down at her son and gave him a rueful smile. ''As much as I love our little heart-to-heart, we're out of milk and cereal,'' she said, laughing softly. ''Why don't we go on a grocery run?''

Toby's eyes lit up at the mention of an outing. ''Yes, please!'' he said, jumping up from the couch. ''Can we get ice cream too?''

Katie laughed again, her heart light with joy. ''Of course we can get whatever we need,'' she said, holding out her hand for Toby to take. ''We'll make a list of everything we need and get it all at the store. Then we can come home and have a movie night with all our snacks.''

Toby grabbed her hand and started pulling her toward the door. ''Let's go!'' he said, his excitement palpable. ''I can help you carry the groceries!''

With a fond smile, Katie let her son lead her out the door and down the stairs. She knew this simple outing would create memories that would last a lifetime. And as they headed out into the sunshine, Katie felt a sense of peace wash over her. Even in the midst of whatever was causing her sadness, she knew that moments like these were what really mattered. These were the moments that made life worth living. And with her son by her side, she knew everything would be okay.

They arrived at the grocery store, and as they walked through the aisles, Toby chattered away, pointing out all the things he wanted to buy. From cereal to ice cream to his favorite chips, he seemed determined to stock the pantry with all his favorite snacks. And as they walked, Katie couldn't help but

think about how lucky she was to have this little boy in her life. He was her whole world, and she would do anything to protect him and make him happy.

A hand gently tapped Katie's shoulder. Startled, she turned around to see a tall, dark-haired man standing behind her. "Excuse me," the man said, his voice calm and steady. "You look familiar. I think I've seen you before. Were you the lady at the Italian restaurant the other day?"

Katie's heart sank as she recognized the man standing before her. It was Arthur, She felt a wave of panic wash over her, but she did her best to keep her composure.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I recognize you," she said, her voice quavering slightly. "Well,I remember you from the restaurant the other day. And I want to know if you're okay." He says. Katie was taken aback,but she tried to stay calm."I'm fine, thank you." She said, hoping he would go away.

"I'm sorry if I'm being nosy," Arthur said, "but I couldn't help but notice that you seemed distressed when you left the restaurant. Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine, thanks," she said, trying to sound convincing. "I just had a lot on my mind and needed some air."

Arthur seemed skeptical, but he let it go. "If you're sure you're okay, then I'll leave you be," he said.

Arthur held out his hand and said, "My name is Mr Arthur Williams, by the way. It's nice to meet you."

Katie took his hand and shook it, still unsure of what to make of him. "I'm Katie," she said, feeling a bit more at ease.

They stood there for a moment, neither of them sure what to say next. Then, Mr Williams spoke up. "I know this is a bit forward of me, but I was wondering if you'd like to get coffee sometime?" he asked, taking a small piece of paper out of his pocket. "Here's my number. Please don't feel like you have to call me, but if you ever need anything, I'm here to help."

He handed the paper to Katie, and she took it with a small smile. "Thank you," she said. "I'll keep that in mind."

Then, Arthur spoke up again. "I should probably get going," he said. Katie picks up her cart and Toby's hand while they proceed towards the counter to pay for their groceries.

On their way home,Tobe looks up at his mom and asks "Who was that?" "A friend." She quickly answered.

Immediately they got him,Katie rushed to her room feeling a mix of reaction, whatever fate was trying to do,she doesn't know,but she knows it had made her a step ahead, and she thinks she's ready to face her fears. She picks up her phone and dials Mr Greene's number while she paced to and fro her room.

"Hi, Mr. Greene," she says. "I've been thinking about Mr Arthur's case you gave me. And I think I might be ready to take it on." There's a pause on the other end of the line, and then Mr. Greene speaks. "That's great to hear, Katie," he says. "I know this is a difficult case, but I have complete confidence in your abilities." Katie feels a surge of pride and determination. "Thank you, Mr. Greene," she says. "I won't let you down." "I know you won't, Katie," Mr. Greene says. "Thank you so much, Mr. Greene," she says. "I'll keep you updated on my progress." And with that, the call ends.