
The Billionaire's Bargain

Katie had a one night stand with a strange man,noticed she was pregnant, went back in search for the strange man sees him,but she only gets humiliated by him which led to a change of city and job,she becomes an undercover police,discovered the billionaire she was told to investigate about was the person whom she had the one night stand with. What was fate trying to do? What was the bargain? Find out in this interesting novel.

DaoistuPKHjL · Urban
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Chapter 4

Katie uses the next few days to get the information about Mr Arthur from her partner,Officer Smith. Officer Smith followed him around town,takes note of his daily activities, observes that Mr Arthur spends a lot of time at his office,and frequents a particular restaurants after work hours. She was satisfied by the information she got from her partner about his routine and decides to take action.

It was past 4,Katie was all dress in a red gown that highlighted her curvy figure,her red lipstick was the perfect complement to her outfit,and she wears a gold heels and a matching gold bag that add a touch of elegance. She radiates charm and peace,one would find it difficult to believe that she was a mother.

Toby walks into the room,sees his mom there and says "Mum, where are you going?" Katie turns around,looks at her son,smiles and says "Mum is going to make things right, I love you son." She calls Anna, Tony's nanny to come take care of Toby while she goes out to do her work as Officer Smith had already told her that Mr Arthur will be in the restaurant by 5. She picks up her earpiece wears it in her ears and uses her long dark hair to cover it up. She also takes up a camera,GPS tracker,recorder and the file and throws in her bags. She hurriedly did her make up and left so she wasn't going to miss her target.

Katie got to the restaurant before 5,sat down close to the window,she ordered for a burger and a fresh apple juice,while she eats and wait for Mr Arthur to arrive. It was twenty minutes past 5, She was still wondering if he was still going to be there, Officer Smith was with her. They both communicated while they waited for Mr Arthur to arrive at the Restaurant,it wasn't up to 5 minutes,this tall dark handsome man with a well built body entered the room putting on a dark shade. Immediately Officer Smith signalled Katie that,that was Mr Arthur then he left for her to continue from there. Mr Arthur walks to a sit close to Katie,he sat down there and positioned himself while he waited for a waiter to come attend to him. All these while,Katie kept close eyes on him, Mr Arthur took off his shade, and at that point she felt nostalgic, She felt a sharp pain piercing through her heart.... She had always known the body looks familiar but then seeing his face,she now fully recognizes him as the man she had the one night stand with."Toby's daddy" she screamed in her mind. She had a rush of emotions,she wasn't even aware when a tear dropped down from her eyes, what was fate trying to do with her again, she had worked so hard to try getting over her past and now this. "Lord,take over." She prayed quietly in her heart.

Katie was so confused,she thought about what to do,she knew she couldn't continue with the case because she already hated Mr Arthur for humiliating her in the past,she didn't even know when she screamed "No I can't do this," all eyes were on her,she quickly took her bag and her phone and left the room.

Early the next morning, Katie went to Mr Greene's office,she knocks quietly on the door to get Mr Greene's attention. Mr Greene looks up and tells her to come in. "I really appreciate your confidence in me, Sir. But I think it's best if I'm reassigned to another case. I'm not comfortable continuing with that of Mr Arthur Williams, for reasons that I'd rather not disclose." Katie says

Mr Greene looks at her thoughtfully and says, "I respect your decision, Katie. You're an excellent detective, and I know you can handle this case with professionalism and integrity and that is the reason why you were assigned for this, but I still think you're the best person for this job. Your unique perspective and skills are a perfect fit for this case. Well, I won't press the issue. But I hope you know that you can always come to me if you change your mind. "

Katie considers his words and then says, " Thank you,Mr Greene. I appreciate your confidence in me, Sir.

As Katie walks out of Mr Greene's office, she feels a mix of emotions. She's relieved that she made the decision that felt right to her, but she also feels a sense of loss. She had been looking forward to working on this case, and now that won't happen. She walks back to her desk and sits down, feeling a bit disheartened. But she knows that she made the right choice.She begins to reflect on her career as a detective. She thinks about all the cases she's worked on, and the impact she's had on people's lives. She feels proud of the work she's done, even though it's sometimes been difficult. She takes a deep breath and decides to focus on her current caseload. But she can't help but feel a bit wistful about the case she just turned down.

Just as Katie is about to get back to work, her phone rings. It's Mr Greene, calling from his office. She takes a deep breath and answers the phone. "Hello, Mr Greene," she says. "What can I do for you?" Mr Greene says, " I don't know whatever might have happened and I know this must have been a difficult decision for you. I just want you to know that my office is always open whenever you need me, no matter what." Katie feels a sense of gratitude for Mr Greene's support. "Thank you, Mr Greene. That means a lot to me," she says. Mr Greene says, "I also want you to know that I still believe in your skills and abilities. You're one of the best detectives I've ever worked with, and I'm proud to have you on my team. Don't ever forget that." Katie's eyes well up with tears. She's touched by Mr Greene's words, and she's grateful to have a boss who believes in her so much. "Thank you, Mr Greene," she says, her voice breaking. "I really appreciate that." Mr Greene says, "You're welcome, Katie. Now, get back to work. There's plenty to do, and I know you'll handle it with the same skill and determination you always do," Mr Greene says, ending the conversation. Katie hangs up the phone and takes a moment to compose herself. Then, she opens her case files and gets to work. She feels grateful to have such a supportive boss.