
The Billionaire's Bargain

Katie had a one night stand with a strange man,noticed she was pregnant, went back in search for the strange man sees him,but she only gets humiliated by him which led to a change of city and job,she becomes an undercover police,discovered the billionaire she was told to investigate about was the person whom she had the one night stand with. What was fate trying to do? What was the bargain? Find out in this interesting novel.

DaoistuPKHjL · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 3

Katie sat on the couch with her son, Toby. She's looking at him in the eyes and saying, "Toby, I need you to listen to me very carefully. I need you to understand how important it is to follow the rules. Can you do that for me?" Toby nods, and he looks at his mother with wide eyes. Katie continues, "I love you so much, and I want you to be safe. So, I need you to promise me that you'll always listen to what I say, no matter what. Can you promise me that?" Toby nods again, and he says, "I promise and I love you mom."

It was five years later,after Katie left her old City and move to a city that is very different from their old home. It's a big city, full of skyscrapers and bright lights. The streets are crowded with people, and there's a constant hum of activity. The air is filled with the smells of food, exhaust, and cigarette smoke. There's a mix of languages and accents, and the city feels alive and vibrant.

Katie has grown into a strong and confident woman since she became a mother. She's still caring and compassionate, but she's also learned to be assertive and resilient. She's become the kind of person who can handle anything that life throws her way. She knows that she can take care of herself and her son, and she's proud of who she's become.

Her life as an undercover police officer has been nothing short of excitement and danger. She has to be alert and on her guard at all times. She has to be ready for anything, and she has to think on her feet. She has to be brave and fearless, and she has to be willing to take risks. Her job is not for the faint of heart, and she's constantly challenged. Her confidence and resilience have helped her in her job as an undercover police officer. She's been able to go undercover and get close to some of the most dangerous criminals in the city. She's been able to gain their trust, and she's been able to get the information she needs to help put them behind bars. Her job is dangerous, but she's never felt more alive.

Katie's job has also made her realize the importance of family and community. She's seen the damage that crime can do to a community, and she's determined to make a difference. She involves in community outreach programs, and she does her best to help the city become a better place.Katie's work in the community has led to some unexpected friendships. She's become close to a local shopkeeper, who has shared with her the struggles of running a small business in the city. She's also become friends with a local teacher, who has shared with her the challenges of working in a low-income school. These friendships have broadened Katie's perspective, and she's realized that everyone has a story to tell.

Katie's boss, Detective Greene, is a tough but fair man who has high expectations for Katie. He pushes her to be the best, and he's always challenging her to do more. He's a great mentor, and he's always there to offer advice and support. He's a family man, and he's always talks about his wife and kids.

Greene has always had a soft spot for Katie, right from when she was posted to work with him, and he's always looked out for her. When Katie was struggling with a difficult case, Greene took her out for coffee and listened to her talk about her challenges. He offered her advice and encouragement, and he helped her get through a tough time. After that, Katie felt a real bond with Greene, and she felt like she could trust him. She knew that he had her back, and she was grateful for his support.

Katie's colleagues at work admire her for her dedication and hard work. They know that she's always willing to put in the extra hours to get the job done. They also appreciate her sense of humor and her ability to make light of even the most difficult situations. Even though Katie is a serious and professional officer, she knows how to have fun and keep the mood light in the office. There's Officer Jones, who's always cracking jokes and making everyone laugh. There's Officer Smith, who's quiet and focused, but always up for a friendly chat. And there's Officer Brown, who's like a big brother to everyone in the office. They all look out for Katie and support her in her work. The atmosphere in the police station is one of camaraderie and teamwork. Everyone in the office knows that they have to work together to keep the city safe. They all have different personalities, but they all share a common goal. Katie was a valued member of the team, and she feels like she belongs.

One of the most important things about the office is the feeling of trust and support. Everyone knows that they can count on each other, and they know that they can come to each other for help when they need it. Katie has found a family in her colleagues, and she was aware that she can always rely on them. This sense of community extended beyond the office walls. The officers often socialize outside of work, and they've developed strong friendships. They go out for drinks, go to sporting events, and do other activities together. Katie has become close friends with several of her colleagues, and they've become like a second family to her.

Her work also impacted on her personal life, she's more confident and assertive,and she's not afraid to stand up for herself unlike her before. Katie used to be shy and insecured.

It was Monday morning,Katie is sitting at her desk, when her boss's assistant appears in the doorway. The assistant says, "Detective Greene would like to see you in his office, right away." Katie feels a knot in her stomach, and she's unsure what this could mean. She follows the assistant down the hall to the boss's office. They arrive at the door, and the assistant knocks. Katie's heart pounded so fast as the boss calls her into his office. She takes a deep breath and walks through the door. The boss is sitting behind his desk, with a serious look on his face. He gestures for Katie to take a seat, and she does so, feeling nervous and unsure. "How are you doing, Katie?" the boss asks. "I'm good." She answers.

"That's good to hear," the boss says, "but I'm afraid I have some bad news." Katie's heart sinks, and she feels a pit in her stomach. "I know you've been working hard on the Adams case," the boss says, "but I'm afraid we're going to have to close it for the mean time." "I don't understand," Katie says, feeling a sense of panic. "I thought we were close to solving this case. Why are we putting it on hold?" The boss sighs, and he says, "It's not a matter of your hard work or dedication, it's just that we're getting pressure from above to focus on other cases. I'm sorry, but it's out of my hands."

Katie takes a moment to process what the boss has said. She feels a mix of emotions - anger, disappointment, and confusion. She takes a deep breath and says, "I understand that you're just following orders, but I feel like we were so close to cracking this case. Can we at least finish up the leads we have, so that we can close it out properly?" Greene looks thoughtful for a moment, and then he says, "That's a reasonable request,but there's nothing I can do." Greene proceeds further to tells her the main reason he invited her to his office.

"There's someone I want to talk to you about," Greene says. "His name is Arthur Williams. He's a billionaire, but he's source of wealth is yet to be uncovered. He's been accused of a number of crimes, but there's never been enough evidence to charge him. I'd like you to look into his case and see if you can find anything that will stick." He says while handing over to her a file.

Katie takes the file from her boss and opens it up. The file contains information about Arthur Smith. As she looks through the file, she realizes that this case is going to be a challenge. She sees that Mr Arthur is a clever businessman who's always one step ahead of the authorities. He's a difficult target, and she knows that she'll need to be very careful. Katie stands up to leave Mr Greene's office as she reaches the door, Mr Greene says "Be careful Katie, Mr Arthur is known to be dangerous."