
The Billionaire's Bargain

Katie had a one night stand with a strange man,noticed she was pregnant, went back in search for the strange man sees him,but she only gets humiliated by him which led to a change of city and job,she becomes an undercover police,discovered the billionaire she was told to investigate about was the person whom she had the one night stand with. What was fate trying to do? What was the bargain? Find out in this interesting novel.

DaoistuPKHjL · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

Katie's standing at the bar, sipping on her drink. She can feel the alcohol coursing through her veins, making her feel light-headed and disoriented. She have just had a serious argument with her boyfriend,John. John had been a pain in her ass,but she couldn't just see herself leaving him because she loves the hell out of him.She catches sight of a well built tall dark man with dark hair and warm brown eyes that should be in his late thirties across the room, and he's looking right at her. He's handsome and charming, and she finds herself drawn to him. She sees the man walking towards her. It's Arthur, and he looks right at her as he approaches the table. He stops at her table, and he looks right at Katie. Then, he says, "Mind if I sit here?"

Katie looks up at the man, and she nods. He takes a seat next to her, and he extends his hand. He says. "It's nice to meet you." Katie takes his hand and shakes. They smile at each other, and then Katie turns back to her drink. As they sit there, Arthur orders a drink. He downs it quickly, and Katie can tell that he's had a few already. He's a little bit tipsy, and his words are starting to slur. He turns to her, and he says, "So, what are you doing here tonight?" Katie shrugs and says, "Just out to cool off" Arthur nods, and he says, "That's nice. I'm here to cool off as well."

As they talk, Katie could feel herself getting more and more tipsy. She felt looser and more uninhibited, and she finds herself flirting with Arthur. He's flirting back, and the tension between them grew. After a while, they were both laughing and joking, and they've completely forgotten about their sorrows.

Arthur says, "We should go somewhere else. Do you want to go somewhere?" Katie nods, and they head into a room in the hotel.

So they find themselves in a room, and they're both still feeling the effects of the alcohol. They stood close to each other, and they could feel the heat between them. They kept on staring at each other, making jokes and laughing. Then, they kiss. It's a passionate, intense kiss. They were no longer aware of their surroundings,as they both embraced and romanced each other due to the alcohol influence,they had an affair that night and slept off without knowing,they were both exhausted.


The next morning, Katie woke up with a pounding headache. She looked around and realizes that she's in a hotel room, and that she's alone with this stranger still sleeping on the bed she was. She sees her clothes on the floor, and she realizes what happened the night before. She felt so guilty and ashamed, and she could'nt stop thinking about her boyfriend and what transpired between she and the stanger . She doesn't know what to do. She feels like her life is falling apart.

Katie realizes that she needs to get out of the hotel room. She quickly gathers her things and leaves. Katie was overwhelmed and confused,as she figured out what to do next. She didn't know how to explain what happened to John, and she's not sure if she was able to tell him. She just wanted to forget the whole thing ever happened.