
The Billionaire's Adorable Wife

Hedy Turner, once the world's number one genius, was ruthless and cunning. However, she was betrayed and met a tragic end. Reincarnated as a timid, seemingly useless, and overweight rural high school girl, Hedy faces bullying from classmates, double standards from teachers, and the scorn of those around her. But she surprises everyone when she sheds the weight, revealing her true potential. No longer useless, the principal of Ravenwood University personally recruits her. She originally wanted to experience an ordinary life but accidentally became the number one in the world. A sinister boss fell in love with her and protected her. Enter Sebastian Thorn, a cold, domineering, and ruthless billionaire whose very presence can silence a room. With piercing eyes that see through any facade and a meticulously crafted image, his swift and unyielding decisions leave no room for negotiation or mercy. Yet, beneath this exterior, Sebastian finds his match in Hedy. His eyes light up with warmth and affection whenever she is near, and when she's away, he feels a profound longing that only her presence can fill. Captivated by her intelligence and wit, he is constantly intrigued and inspired by her sharp mind and shrewdness. ~Excerpt~ Hedy: "Why do you keep looking at me like that, Sebastian?" Sebastian: "Like what?" Hedy: "Like you're trying to memorize every detail, every moment." Sebastian:(steps closer, his voice soft) "Because I am. Every time I look at you, I'm reminded of how lucky I am. you're the only one who consumes my thoughts, my dreams? Every moment without you feels like torture.” Hedy:(heart racing, her eyes locking with his) "Sebastian, you make it sound so... intense." Sebastian: (gently cups her face) "That's because it is, Hedy. You're my world, my everything. When I'm with you, everything else fades away. It's just you and me." Hedy: (breathlessly) “Am I enough for you?." Sebastian: (leans in, his lips inches from hers) "Then let me hold you forever. Let me be the one who chases away all your fears and fills your heart with nothing but love."

Ihateblue · Urban
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26 Chs


The door was kicked open from the inside, forcefully colliding with the two girls waiting outside. The bucket of water they were holding spilled all over them.

"Ah!" The scream, the crash, and the sound of splashing water reverberated through the restroom. After the two girls were pushed back by the door's impact, they crashed into a few other girls who were watching the commotion. Then they fell onto the wet floor while their screams blended into a chaotic chorus.

Hedy leisurely kicked away the rebounding door with her toe while her hands were tucked into her jacket pockets. At the same time, she glanced down at the soaked and disheveled girls on the floor. Then, she slowly lifted her gaze to the only one who had managed to avoid getting wet: Beauty Queen Catherine.

Kayla had come to use the restroom and stumbled upon this scene. When she saw Hedy in the stall, she retreated without hesitating. She ran as fast as she could, fearing that if she were a second slower, Hedy would 'blackmail' her, and then everyone would know that this stupid fat pig was her older sister.

Hedy watched the girl run away without a care. Stepping out of the stall, she strode over the girls on the floor, her cold eyes fixed on Catherine. Catherine's face was slightly pale from the shock. She had bullied Hedy countless times, but this was the first time Hedy fought back. As she watched Hedy approach her step by step, she realized that Hedy was nothing like the weak and helpless girl she had known. So, she could not help but back away. In the end, her back was against the door and she had nowhere else to retreat.

"W-What do you… want?" Before she could finish, Hedy's fist came flying towards her face.

"Ah!" Catherine let out a scream and tightly shut her eyes. However, the expected pain never came. Confused, Catherine opened her eyes to find Hedy's face right in front of her, her fist just beside her ear. Before Catherine could recover from the shock, she heard Hedy's cold warning, "If there's a next time, you won't be so lucky."

As she looked at Catherine's shocked expression, Hedy felt that wasting time with these people was beneath her. So, Hedy withdrew her hand, tucked it back into her pocket, and walked away as if nothing had happened.

Catherine slowly turned her head. Then she noticed a dent with fine lines spreading out in the solid wooden door. It took her a while to regain her composure. After that, she looked incredulously at her disheveled followers on the ground. She belatedly realized that she had been intimidated by that fat pig, and immediately anger surged in her heart. With a fierce expression, she said, "Hedy, just you wait!"

On her way back, Hedy saw Ethan anxiously waiting in the corridor outside her classroom. Upon spotting her, he immediately walked over.


"What's up?"

"I heard that you were cornered in the restroom."

"So you came to see if I was okay?" Hedy understood immediately when she saw him nodding. "I told you, I just didn't bother dealing with them before." Seeing her little brother, who had no blood relations with her, limping up and down the stairs, Hedy felt a little moved. So, the usually quiet Hedy spoke to him a little more, her tone somewhat soothing. "I'm fine."

"He's actually the fat pig's little brother. A cripple and a fat pig. Gosh, this family's genes are so evenly distributed." An untimely mockery ruined the atmosphere.

Hedy turned and saw two boys coming out from the next door. One of them was Alex Sanders, Hedy's crush in her previous life. Hedy glanced at him dismissively and evaluated him. The school hunk, huh? At most, he had a complete set of facial features and he was not half as pleasing to the eye as her little brother. Ethan's clumsiness allowed Alex to take advantage of him.

Hedy's gaze then turned to the boy, who had just spoken. "She's a fat pig and has a cripple as a brother, but she still dares to have a crush on you with these conditions," the boy said to Alex. Alex's face darkened. Apparently, Hedy's having a crush on him was a disgrace. So he said to the boy, "That's enough."

When he noticed that Alex was unhappy, the boy pouted and said to Ethan, "Hey Cripple, class is about to start. If you don't go back now, you'll be late."

Ethan's clear and delicate face turned red. At the same time, he clenched his fists by his side while trying to hold back anger.

"Let's go. This is so boring." Before the boy could finish his sentence, a fat hand grabbed his collar and slammed him against the wall. The impact caused a lot of pain in the back of his head and back, so he yelled in pain. After he looked up, he saw Hedy's face.

"Hey, Fat Pig, are you looking for a fight? Let go of me now." The boy was very skinny. So, after struggling a couple of times but failing to break free, he became angry and embarrassed and cursed under his breath.

"Do you know how to apologize? Go on," Hedy demanded.

"I'll apologize to you in hell. Get your dirty hand off me."

"I said, apologize!" Hedy berated coldly. The boy was taken aback by the forceful tone. When he looked into Hedy's suddenly icy gaze, he was a bit stunned.

"What are you doing? Let him go," Alex said to Hedy irritably. If it were not for this boy, he would not even want to say a word to Hedy. Since Alex was speaking up for him, the boy immediately switched from being dumbfounded to having a smirk. He looked at Hedy with disdain as if to say, 'You'll obediently follow whatever Alex says anyway, Fat Pig.'

Unexpectedly, Hedy did not even glance at Alex. "Shut up. This has nothing to do with you." This remark left everyone stunned.

"You…" Alex did not expect Hedy to retort like this. After he recovered from shock, he felt embarrassed but did not know how to respond. Ethan looked at the domineering Hedy with a surprised expression.

"Apologize!" Hedy had lost her patience. If she was not in school, she would have taken action long ago. She tightened her grip and the boy was choked by his tightened collar. Gradually, his face turned red. A crowd had gathered in the corridor. At this moment, the boy wished he could hide in a hole but he wanted to beat the fat pig in front of him even more. However, he could not break free at all. So, after seeing more and more people gathering around them, the boy gritted his teeth and said, "I-I'm sorry."

Hedy leaned in closer to him and said in a hushed tone that only the two of them could hear, "If I hear the word 'cripple' again, I'll make sure you experience what that word means." With a dismissive gesture, she flung the scrawny boy away as if shaking off dirt. "Get lost."

The boy's eyes blazed with fury as he glared fiercely at Hedy, but he did not dare to do anything. Just then, the bell rang. So, Alex called him back to class, providing him with the opportunity to leave.

"What are you still doing here? Didn't you hear the bell?" Hedy turned her head to find Ethan standing there in a daze, which she found amusing.

Ethan struggled to comprehend the drastic change in Hedy, but he managed to ask the crucial question, "Y-You don't have feelings for Alex anymore?" Everyone knew that his sister had a crush on Alex and had faced public humiliation for confessing her love to him. When that happened, Ethan even felt embarrassed on her behalf.

Hedy was taken aback. "I never had feelings for him to begin with." Coincidentally, Alex, who was about to enter the classroom, overheard this statement.