
The Billionaire's Adorable Wife

Hedy Turner, once the world's number one genius, was ruthless and cunning. However, she was betrayed and met a tragic end. Reincarnated as a timid, seemingly useless, and overweight rural high school girl, Hedy faces bullying from classmates, double standards from teachers, and the scorn of those around her. But she surprises everyone when she sheds the weight, revealing her true potential. No longer useless, the principal of Ravenwood University personally recruits her. She originally wanted to experience an ordinary life but accidentally became the number one in the world. A sinister boss fell in love with her and protected her. Enter Sebastian Thorn, a cold, domineering, and ruthless billionaire whose very presence can silence a room. With piercing eyes that see through any facade and a meticulously crafted image, his swift and unyielding decisions leave no room for negotiation or mercy. Yet, beneath this exterior, Sebastian finds his match in Hedy. His eyes light up with warmth and affection whenever she is near, and when she's away, he feels a profound longing that only her presence can fill. Captivated by her intelligence and wit, he is constantly intrigued and inspired by her sharp mind and shrewdness. ~Excerpt~ Hedy: "Why do you keep looking at me like that, Sebastian?" Sebastian: "Like what?" Hedy: "Like you're trying to memorize every detail, every moment." Sebastian:(steps closer, his voice soft) "Because I am. Every time I look at you, I'm reminded of how lucky I am. you're the only one who consumes my thoughts, my dreams? Every moment without you feels like torture.” Hedy:(heart racing, her eyes locking with his) "Sebastian, you make it sound so... intense." Sebastian: (gently cups her face) "That's because it is, Hedy. You're my world, my everything. When I'm with you, everything else fades away. It's just you and me." Hedy: (breathlessly) “Am I enough for you?." Sebastian: (leans in, his lips inches from hers) "Then let me hold you forever. Let me be the one who chases away all your fears and fills your heart with nothing but love."

Ihateblue · Urban
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26 Chs


After sending the photo to Sam, Sebastian turned to his assistant and asked, "Have you located the individuals who entered Norwood City?"

The assistant replied, "No, our team lost track of them around here. It's strange. This place isn't that big, but it's as if they vanished into thin air once they arrived. We can't find any trace of them."

The assistant was puzzled. Those people had deliberately fled here, most likely with the intention of harming Hedy, who had helped Sam.

Sam had even been prepared to negotiate with them.

But a night had passed, and Hedy was safe and sound, while those people seemed to have disappeared completely.

Could it be that their team had been too close in pursuit, and those people didn't have enough time to do anything before fleeing?

"Disappear? This is no magic." Sebastian looked in the direction where Hedy had disappeared. "Continue the chase. We need to find them, dead or alive. Also, arrange for more people to guard this area to ensure the girl's safety."

Hedy was a benefactor of the Thorn family. If she fell into the hands of those people and something happened to her, it would be a disgrace for the Thorn family.

And we gave her money for saving Sam. Sam gave a ton, so why does she still live in this rickety place?

"Yes." The assistant remembered something. "By the way, sir, our team encountered individuals from 791 in this area a few hours ago."

791 was a division under the strongest mercenary group in Melfrey: the Arctic Fox Mercenary Corps.

Sebastian said, "Is it him?"

He was talking about Yves, the highest-ranking administrator of the 791 division.

What was Yves's man doing here?

This small city is unexpectedly full of intrigue.

The assistant said, "But they only appeared briefly and then left, as if they were just passing through."

Sebastian ordered, "Find out why they were here."

The assistant answered, "Yes."

As the assistant left, Sebastian looked at the dirty and chaotic environment around him, pondered for a moment, and decided to have his assistant call the mayor of Norwood City.

Timothy Foster, mayor of Norwood City, stood up excitedly when he learned of the other party's identity, and then he didn't dare to sit down again, even though the other party couldn't see him at all.

He held the landline phone in his study with both hands, trembling.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of her."

"If you have any other requests, I will definitely fulfill them for you."

After hanging up the phone, Timothy immediately asked his assistant to gather information about Hedy. As he waited, he became restless in his study, wishing he could take action himself.

He considered whether to visit the Turners, bringing gifts.

Or perhaps he could give the Turners a house or money under some other pretext.

But the Thorn family had instructed him not to disrupt the Turner family's life, not to provide them with any financial assistance, and only to take care of them.

Unless they needed help or were in trouble, that was.

Only then did he suppress the idea of visiting.

He was truly excited and confused. If the Thorn family asked him to take care of someone, how could they lack money or a house?

But from his memory, he couldn't recall any successful person or wealthy official in Norwood City coming from the Turner family.

At this moment, Timothy was extremely curious about Hedy's identity.

He never imagined that someone in Norwood City would have a connection to the Thorn family and that the Thorn family would personally take care of them.

Who on earth is this person?

Unable to stay in the study any longer, Timothy decided to go downstairs, only to find his prodigal son sneaking back in.

There was no need to ask. He must have been out causing trouble all day.

"You little rascal. Danny has already returned to Raven. What are you doing here? I told you to accompany Danny properly. Are you taking advantage of this opportunity to misbehave?" Timothy scolded as soon as he opened his mouth, and even wanted to hit him.

Zack dodged and said, "What did I do? I didn't misbehave. I was doing something important for Danny."

"Something important?" Timothy, who was chasing after his son, stopped, not believing him at all. "What important thing could you possibly do for Danny?"

"Why would I lie to you? Danny personally asked me to help him find someone, and told me to call him when I find them."

Zack said as he took out his mobile phone, and sure enough, Danny's phone number was saved in it.

Zack wasn't lying. The person Danny had asked him to find was indeed Hedy.

Danny had been called back to Raven by his family early in the morning and had asked him to help locate Hedy. Zack naturally agreed.

He recognized Hedy's school uniform as belonging to Norwood High, so he went there early in the morning to inquire.

But after asking around for a whole morning, Zack became more and more confused.

According to the students at Norwood High, there was indeed a person named Hedy, a senior in high school just like him. The physical description matched as well.

But the Hedy they described was completely different from the Hedy he had seen last night, or rather, the difference was too great.

In his eyes, Hedy was cool, handsome, confident, bold, and audacious. She was so amazing that even Danny couldn't compare.

She was more attractive than any of those hot-bodied beauties.

But according to the students at Norwood High, Hedy was timid, cowardly, weak, hunched over with extreme self-esteem issues, and had abysmal grades. They said she was as stupid as a pig and had been bullied for three years without ever fighting back.

Zack didn't think Hedy was an ungifted student who only scored five points in her exams.

This left Zack full of doubts.

Timothy said, "Then you must do a good job for Danny."

Zack said, "I know."

He turned around and went to Norwood High to find Hedy himself, thinking about building a relationship with Danny through Hedy.

He planned to study in the capital for university and hoped to climb the ladder of success by befriending Danny. If he could integrate into Danny's circle, his future would be limitless.

"How has Danny been enjoying himself these past few days?" Timothy asked.

"He's been enjoying himself a lot," Zack replied half-heartedly.

Danny didn't have much enjoyment in the first few days and found it quite dull until Hedy appeared last night.

He bade farewell to Danny this morning and noticed that Danny was still filled with excitement.

"You should stay in touch with Danny, be cautious with your words, and avoid offending him. If you can become friends with Danny and earn his appreciation, I will fulfill your wish to buy a car."

"Really?" Zack's eyes brightened.

"I always keep my promises." Timothy was in a particularly good mood at the thought of establishing a relationship with the Thorn family and the Holmes family.

The rise of his family to the top was just around the corner.

Sam looked at the photo sent by his third uncle, initially unsure if the person in the photo was Hedy.

The girl's figure in the photo appeared thinner than the night before.

In the photo, Hedy seemed to have noticed the person taking the photo and slightly turned her head, revealing her soft and three-dimensional profile.

After comparing repeatedly, Sam confirmed that it was Hedy.

Then Sam noticed the young man in the photo.

Sam had only checked Hedy's personal information and didn't know about her specific family situation, so he was unaware that she had a younger brother.

When he saw the two of them walking so closely, his reaction mirrored Sebastian's: "Is this… her boyfriend?"

Or her younger brother?

Sam didn't pay much attention to it. Although Hedy had saved him, he had also returned the favor. The distance between Raven and Norwood City was vast, and their paths would never cross again due to their different backgrounds.

Sebastian's assistant discreetly arranged for a few people nearby to ensure Hedy's safety.

That night, when Hedy went out for a run, she noticed their presence.

Hedy was always quick and decisive. She'd never leave the affair of confirming the identities of suspicious figures until the next day.

So, on her way back from the run, Hedy slipped out of their sight.

Just as they were searching around, Hedy silently appeared behind them and asked, "Looking for me?"