

  Tyron's POV

  Shit. What is that girl's problem? People are talking about the kiss that happened last night. They want some answers from me if Gretzel and I are together.

  I did not say anything. If they want to think something about us then let them be. I don't want to explain myself. Gretzel made that move so she should explain why she did that.

  After my wife got home yesterday I left Gretzel there at the Hotel. I didn't take her but I had Gin take him back to her condo. I hate it here right now. I still haven't talked to her until now.

  ' Mr. President the board members are now in the meeting room. You're the only one everyone is waiting for '


  I stood up and fixed my tux. I walked out of my office and Gin opened the door for me. I just nodded to him before going inside.