
Jade Chess Pieces

Translator: Tuiwen Editor: Tuiwen

"You're finally here!"

Jiang Wan stomped over to him, scowling. "I told you to buy me some fish in the wet market, and you just disappeared! Did you get lost or something?"

Yao Rong's face turned bright red. "I was on my way to buy some groceries when I come across an old friend of mine. We decided to play some chess, and I didn't realize how much time had passed."

"And what about the other things I had asked you to buy? Why don't you have any bags with you?"

"Bags? You asked me to buy other things?"

Yao Rong furrowed his eyebrows.

"I..." Jiang Wan was speechless.

After a moment of silence, she shot him a glare. "So you're saying you didn't read any of my messages or my voicemails?" she snapped. "Tangtang came, and I asked you to buy more groceries, and you didn't even take a second to look at them!"

Yao Rong quickly looked over the messages he had on his phone.

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