
The biggest Milestone of the powerful billionaire

Romance fiction isn't entirely about the mind-blowing sex description which makes the readers sexually heightened. The biggest milestone of the powerful billionaire is another romance fiction, but with a slight twist. A progressive story unfolding the events which propel Audrey to a man which she would learn to love. Yes... It has to do with a contract but, read on to discover what fate has in store for Audrey and Lucas in this beautiful fiction.

Simp4_Tomi · Urban
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The Over Pampered Assistant

"Do you think she'd be able to come to dinner?!", Lizzy asked Prisca who just dropped the call. The family had just served a customer who left with a smile and a full stomach.

Lizzy wiped her hands as she came to sit beside her daughter as her husband pushed his glasses, trying to figure out how to operate his cellphone.

" Yes, yes, I was able to get through to her, she should be able to come this weekend!", Prisca said as she wrapped her mother in a hug. "Ohh, so this is how it should be!", Joseph, Prisca's father said as he finally figured out how to change the settings on his phone.

" Why didn't you give Prisca to help you with the setting, you're just too stubborn!", Lizzy said before she turned her attention to Prisca. 

"I never thought Audrey's departure would be so hard to digest!", Lizzy said, her gaze focused on nothing in particular, shaking her hand in front of her mother's face, Prisca was able to grab her mother's attention before she continued.

" She didn't go anywhere too far, she's just like three streets away!", Prisca said, Joseph dropping his phone and taking off his eye glasses.

"This Audrey girl must have meant a lot to you. Because if not, Elizabeth wouldn't stop saying all sorts of things about her, ouch!", Joseph exclaimed as Elizabeth hit him on his arm.

" Of course she's a good girl!", Lizzy said rolling her eyes, she continued, "poor girl, I used to treat her like my daughter, now I feel bad she had to go!", Lizzy said, her eye lids brimming with tears.

" I'm going to cook a feast for her!", "and I'll help you!", Prisca interjected, the whole family bursting into laughter.

Back at WG, the staff from the investment floor who saw Craig and Audrey heading to the president's private elevator were shocked because it was something they didn't believe.

Lucas and Audrey didn't even try to keep their relationship a secret, most staff knew about it and some had thought the president wasn't serious with her.

But, some of the staff who saw Audrey heading to the president's private elevator could finally confirm that the rumors were indeed true.

The private elevator's door closed, a chirpy Craig coming to the surface. Unlike the expressionless Craig she knew of, Audrey was surprised to see Craig utter more than three words other than " yes president!", or "got it!".

" Miss Audrey, please can you beg the boss to go home early today, it's a weekend and my grandma's around!", Craig said, Audrey taking sometime to process the message as she had to digest the fact that Craig said more words than usual.

"Why, is he that busy?", Audrey asked confused. " Well, since the president would be out tomorrow, coupled with the fact that he has to go the soiree, he has to finish his work tonight and that's going to take loads of time!", Craig said rushing his words.

"Ohh, I don't know Craig, I don't know if he'd listen!", Audrey said to Craig's amusement. 'Miss don't you know how he works on every single thing you say even if you think its not important!', Craig thought as he waited for Audrey to continue.

" Well, maybe I can help you talk to him and maybe you can go home earlier than you normally would!", Audrey said wondering what she could possibly say to make Lucas agree. Tut tut tut tut tut, Audrey didn't know how much of an influence she had on Lucas.

The elevator dinged open again as they had gotten to their destination before Craig remembered the most crucial part, holding the doors, he said, "and miss, please don't tell him I begged you to talk to him to release me earlier than usual!", " ohh okay then!, Audrey said before she headed to Lucas's office.

Since it was late, and Lucas had told her to stop doing it after so many times, Audrey opened the door to Lucas's office to meet what she described as a very hot view!.

He had removed his tie, blazer and waist coat, his top two buttons open, revealing his collarbone and some of his chest muscles, not to forget that his sleeves were also rolled up, showing those beautifully sexy hand veins as he typed away on the keyboard.

Deciding to play around a little, Audrey quietly closed the door behind her, dropping her bag without making a sound and tiptoeing to where he sat.

Audrey was oblivious to the fact that Lucas was aware of her presence in the room, yet he still wanted to see what she wanted to do. Lucas chuckled inside, the corner of his lips tugging upwards in a barely visible manner as Audrey tiptoed in heels.

Going around him with the intent to surprise him, Audrey was surprised instead to hear "hi babe!" From Lucas who looked like he didn't do anything.

"How did you know?", Audrey said taking Lucas's cue to sit on his lap, kissing her on her neck, Lucas wrapped his hands around Audrey before he said, " how did you think I wasn't going to see the door open, huh!?", he asked, playfully biting her neck.

"Well, the plan failed, I might as well plot another one!", Audrey said, the two bursting into laughter. " Isn't this the company's secrets, aren't you scared I'm going to sell it and steal all your money!", Audrey said as Lucas used one hand to work the mouse.

"Why would I be scared when I have you as my sugar mommy, or wouldnt you take care of me?", " I would definitely take care of you!", Audrey said, earning another round of laughter from the two.

Audrey went ahead to ask him about the matter which Craig begged her to be discreet about, and like Craig had predicted, the henpecked CEO of his granted her request without even thinking twice.

The two worked deep into the night, Audrey being the over pampered assistant as she helped Lucas, making the task even more faster than it should have been.

They had the food Lucas had ordered earlier which had already turned warm before they headed out of the building after completing a job well done.