
Chapter 4: The Date

The shopping trip with Angel went better than I expected. Dorothy didn't say much, only that Rolf did wonders to her hair and that Angel was very helpful with tips on what to look for in a dress. Naturally, being the President, Angel had a good network of clothing shops and tailors to choose from. Apparently, the one shop she got her dress from had a tailor on demand, and fitted the dress to Dorothy within a couple of hours, while Angel and Dorothy grabbed lunch and shopped around. It seemed like Dorothy enjoyed herself, but if I asked her, she probably would've denied it.

Norman seemed to be in high spirits for the occasion. He brought out his formal valet wear, which I had never seen him wore. On top of pressing and dry cleaning my tux, he got his outfit ready as well. Listening to him whistle while I chopped vegetables for dinner that night was interesting and kinda funny to observe.

But, I blinked and Saturday evening arrived. The butterflies in my stomach returned in full form, to the point, I started fumbling with my bow tie. I can tie a tie with my eyes closed. Bow ties are an art form, and for that, I'm very glad to have Norman help me.

Norman and Roger were in the entrance hall, waiting for Dorothy to come down and meet them. Norman was wearing his valet attire, looking over Roger's bow tie. Roger had fumbled with his bow tie and Norman had stepped in to fix it. Roger was wearing a classic black tail tuxedo with white vest with black leather dress shoes that had been polished to a mirror finish by Norman earlier in the day. Norman finished with Roger's bow tie and began adjusting the lapels of his tux.

"Nervous, sir?" asked Norman. Roger had begun to fidget with his bow tie again, and chuckled.

"Yes. Trying to picture how this date's gonna go and somehow, the ending always ends up with her calling me a louse. Heh… any advice to help?"

"Be yourself, sir. Miss Dorothy is very smart and wise. Don't pretend to be something you're not."

"That really doesn't help, Norman. Because in her eyes, I'll always be a louse…"

Roger and Norman heard the lift sound, and the gates creaking open. Roger trailed off, his eyes looking over Dorothy.

Dorothy stepped off the lift, wearing a deep purple, a-line, scoop neck, knee-length chiffon, cocktail dress with beading around the waist. The upper torso was covered in scroll lace patterns that were the same color as the dress with clear chiffon forming the boundaries of the collar and short sleeves. The lace from the torso continued onto her arms, making it look like Dorothy was wearing a creeping vine of clematises. The skirt of the dress, a-line, was covered in purple silk and chiffon that matched the color of the lace. Dorothy finished off the look with sheer leggings, modest black heels, black gloves that covered to her elbow, and a silver beaded drawstring evening purse. She stopped in front of the mirror and twirled for a moment. Earlier in the day, she had visited Rolf to get her hair done and he had done a magnificent job once again. As she twirled, so did her hair, but it fell back into place. A purple velvet headband had pulled her hair back into her signature style.

Norman took a step back, passing a wrapped present and small bouquet to Roger. But Roger was preoccupied by Dorothy's presence that Norman had to pry Roger's hand open and force the gifts into it, followed by gently nudging him forward. Norman beamed as Roger briefly stumbled, then recovered, clearing his throat as he walked to Dorothy.

"Dorothy, you look…"

Dorothy turned to look at Roger, which stopped his words. She wore a garnet drop necklace and earring set. She was not wearing make up, not that she needed to. Dorothy's eyes met Roger's, then she looked over Roger. She had never seen him in a tux before, but silently noted to herself that she did not mind the look. Roger's eyes, full of warmth toward Dorothy, seemed to convey a mutual feeling with Dorothy's dress choice.

Roger stepped forward, realizing the gifts in his hand, cleared his throat, and presented them to Dorothy.

"Normally, for a date, one comes with flowers, but… I wanted to mark the occasion."

"That's a bit out of character for you."

Roger tilted his head slightly to the left and shrugged. "I suppose, but if it's all the same, I do hope you like it."

Dorothy smelled the bouquet briefly, a small group of yellow-orange miniature roses, then opened the wrapping on the gift, and found a rectangular box. She opened it and found two sets of gloves. One black, similar to Roger's that he wore for work, but meant for her hand size. The other, a beautiful brown leather set with black fur cuff.

"I promised you that I would front the bill for anything you needed and I guess… I forgot about something to shield your hands from the cold and to help with your work. Please accept them as both my apology for my absentmindedness, and as appreciation for everything that you've done. You don't have to wear them tonight, though, seeing as you have your others on."

Dorothy smiled. "Thank you for this, Roger. This is very sweet of you. I will cherish these." She set the box down on the table in the foyer. Norman, thinking ahead as always had presented an empty vase with water. She set the flowers inside the vase.

Norman handed Roger Dorothy's coat and Roger held it open for her, as she put it on. Norman then offered Roger his overcoat and once it was on, Norman held the entrance door open, leading to the Griffon. Roger offered his arm to Dorothy, who happily obliged, and walked outside. Norman opened the doors for Dorothy and Roger to get into back of the car. Roger let Dorothy get in first, followed by himself. Norman climbed into the driver's seat and began heading for the resort dome.

It was dark and chilly for the November evening as Norman merged onto the freeway. Dorothy stared out the window. Roger admired Dorothy from a mental distance, letting her observe the changes in scenery peacefully.

This Rolf guy knows how to dress up her hair. It looks nice on her. Here's to hoping this goes off without a hitch tonight.

"Dorothy, you look lovely tonight."

Dorothy turned to look at Roger, giving him a gentle smile.

"Thank you. You got dressed up as well."

"I've rarely wore this tux. I figured it was time to get the dust off of it."

"And your manners too. That was a very nice and thoughtful gift you gave me," she said dryly.

Roger chuckled. "Caught red handed. But…it was like I said, I do apologize for not getting something for work and something you needed. It did get cold quickly this year."

"Rolf, my hair dresser, gave me some lotion for my hands and they have been looking better. I guess I'm still adjusting. Sometimes, my mind reverts back…thinking I'm an android, and I don't need to worry about these things, but it's been getting better."

Roger took Dorothy's hand into his and held it in a gentle squeeze. "As long as you keep moving forward with what you want and it makes you feel better, that's all that matters."

Dorothy blinked, feeling the warmth in Roger's hand transfer to her own. She gently squeezed back, nodding at his words. Norman saw the exchange through the rear-view mirror. A smile grew beneath his mustache, as he continued driving.


They arrived at the dome a short time later, pulling up at the restaurant. Norman put the car in park and stepped out to let out Roger and Dorothy. Roger offered his arm once more, Dorothy accepting, and walked up the stairs inside, Norman bowing at their departure.

Once inside in the warmth, Roger took off his overcoat and took Dorothy's coat from her, holding it in his arms. A valet offered to take their coats and Roger politely declined. Noting Dorothy's confusion, Roger explained he rather have the coats near them as a personal preference. Roger informed the valet of their reservations and the valet escorted them to their table, stopping to get menus. Once they arrived, Dorothy waited for Roger to pull out her chair and then scooted Dorothy in once she sat down. He put her coat behind her chair and Roger went to his chair, putting his overcoat on the back of his chair. Dorothy began reading over the menu, her eyes widening at the prices of the food and beverages.

"Roger… have you seen the prices?"

"I have. Nothing's off limits. Order what you want."

"But… this place is really fancy. I dunno, I feel out of my element a bit."

Roger put down his menu to look at Dorothy for a moment.

"Dorothy… this is my way of thanking you for everything you have done and for…well… saying yes to tonight. I know I'm not easy to live with or work with, but I want you to know, I do appreciate your patience with me."

Dorothy sighed and nodded. "Okay."

They continued reviewing the menu, Roger settling in on what he wanted. Dorothy had made her choice as well by the time a waiter arrived to take their food and drink order. Roger ordering a neat whiskey, Dorothy a virgin Shirley Temple. Once their order was taken, Dorothy looked around. There was a large dance floor with a live orchestra playing, an upper level that moved around, show casing views of the city. Roger had not spared any expense.

"Is there anything you want to do?"

Dorothy stopped gazing around her to look at Roger. "Could we check out the rotunda? And would it be possible for a dance later tonight?"

Roger nodded and got up from his chair to escort Dorothy.


Dastun was looking over the reports for the day in his office. He yawned. Inspecting Military Police stations was not work he loved doing, but it needed to be done. He took a sip of his coffee and began pecking at his typewriter when he heard a frantic knock on his office door.

"Enter," he said tiredly.

"Chief, sir! We have a development in the MP theft case."

Dastun became alert at once. "Go ahead soldier, with your report."

"According to forensics' findings, it appears we're short…"

"WHAT? When did they find out? And why am I being told now?"

"They only just finished their preliminary report, sir. I only just received it."

Dastun grumbled, rubbing his bald head. "What's all missing?"

"A handful M4s, pistols and associated ammo, cs gas canister launchers, and ammo associated with them, grenades… Um…half a dozen body armor shells and plates. The numbers are all here, sir."

Dastun slammed his fist on his desk. "I was sure we got everything. We combed that warehouse multiple times. But we never caught the ring leader. He probably moved some stuff to a separate safe house before we raided."

"It's quite possible, sir."

"Never mind that now. We need to find this ring leader. Put another BOLO out for the suspect, mark it urgent, and I want everyone to who's available to hit the streets and find him!"

The MP soldier saluted Dastun. "Yes sir!" He exited his office. Dastun waited until the door was shut before speaking into the watch Roger gave him.

"Roger, come in. We got a problem."

"Chief Dastun, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

Norman had intercepted the call.

"Uh…you're not Roger. Where is he?"

"I'm afraid Master Roger is preoccupied this evening. May I take a message?"

Dastun groaned. I have weapons missing and Roger's busy for the evening. Bah!


Dorothy stood with Roger, looking at the city, the domes lit up for the evening. Dorothy had a genuine look of amazement, the lights of the dome reflecting on her dark eyes. Roger felt his affection grow for Dorothy even more. They had almost made a lap around when Roger saw their food being set on their table.

"It seems like our food is ready. Do you wanna go and eat?"

Dorothy pulled out of her zen moment and nodded. Roger offered his hand as he stepped off the platform, Dorothy put her hand into his. She stepped off the platform, walking down the stairs to go back to their table.

"It looks amazing, Roger. I wonder what the city would look like without the domes."

"Lit up in all of its glory, it probably would look beautiful. But with the domes…"

"You can see the differences, between the affluent and the less fortunate. I guess understand why bridging that gap is so important. A choice needs to exist for all, not just for some."

Roger nodded. "It's why I do what I do. As a professional, I just try to do my best. Sometimes, you're successful and other times…" He shrugged.

They reached their table and Roger pulled Dorothy's chair out again. He pushed her chair in once she was seated and he sat down opposite of her. Roger had ordered a steak with grilled asparagus, sauteed mushrooms, and a small salad. Dorothy had settled for a lump crab cake with a tomato and cucumber salad and a side of wild rice.

"This looks very good!" She took a small bite of her food, savoring it. Roger chuckled to himself and began cutting his steak.

"So, what are you doing with the kids at the clinic?" Roger asked before taking a bite.

"Well, I was thinking about buying some clay and have them try making things with it. Not sure what theme we're going to explore. We found a book on the spirits in a fantasy landscape in the clinic's storage area. Of course, we're afraid one of the kids might tell their parents and their parents will tell Paradigm, which of course might result in confiscation. But it's a book for kids, so I don't think they'll bother, if that does happen."

Roger swallowed his steak. "I might have something. I got it from a client as a thank you from my early days when I was starting out as a negotiator. Haven't parted with it despite its value, but it's registered to me, so Paradigm wouldn't be able to say anything. It's a book called Robin Hood. It's set in a far away land surrounded by lush trees, streams, and wildlife, nothing like the world today. He's viewed as a common "thief," by the Sheriff of Nottingham, who absolutely hates the guy, and Prince John, the usurper to the kingdom as the King has gone on a crusade. The less fortunate and poor view Robin Hood as a hero because he stands for what's right and identifies with the common people. There's a fortress made of stone called a castle, where the prince lives, and inside, there's a fair maiden by the name of Marian, known for her courage, independence, loyalty, and beauty to Robin Hood. They have many adventures together, share their ups and downs, but the story, while it can be jovial and fun, is actually sad."

"Robin Hood doesn't get the girl?"

"No, Robin Hood is actually murdered by his cousin and it's a slow, painful death. Marian ends up outliving him and returns to living like an outlaw in the woods they once shared."

"So… they were outlaws, living in the woods, and life got better for them before he died? Why didn't they just stay in the woods?"

"After King Richard returned, he pardoned Robin Hood of his crimes, since the Sheriff of Nottingham and Prince John brought a lot of charges upon him and made him a wanted man. Marian marries him once he's pardoned. For a while, things were good and with Robin Hood pardoned, they were able to come out into the public light and help those in need openly. Supposedly, there are many stories about their adventures. The book I have is actually meant for children, according to Big Ear. An author, prior to forty years ago, translated the stories from the ancient beginnings of English into an English you and I understand, but kept it simple enough for children."

"People talked differently back then?"

"According to Big Ear, yes."

"So, you just don't use Big Ear for cases then?"

"Not all the time. Only when something piques my curiosity every now and then."

Roger moved onto his asparagus, his steak now finished as he had eaten it while telling the story to Dorothy.

"If you want to take a look, it's in the locked cabinet near my desk. There's different stories you could act out. Norman usually leaves the key hanging near it."

Dorothy wiped her mouth with her napkin. "Thank you. I'll look into that."