
the big mistake

Lilyan's life was quiet until the scales turned after when somone kidnappe her and she try to devlope her self after the death of her husband but ...

Khouloud_zerrouki · Urban
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13 Chs

The new friend.

Lillian was choking, and Younes was smiling, and he saw her face change colors Lillian didn't open her eyes, she just started screaming, and Younes got away, and everyone broke into the room and saw Lillian scream and breathe hard, at the same time Anas looks at Younes screaming on his face, "What are you doing here?!"

Younes sigh "I know that you don't like me but there is no reason that make you so aggressive to me and for her I was passing by here, I heard a scream in the room, and when I walked in, I found her like this."

Amir put his hand on Anas' shoulder looking at Younes at the same time, "Thank you."

Younes nodded his head and came out of the room smiling with joy. Everybody's scared about Lillian health It gets worse every day everybody look at her with fear they don't know what they can do for here they just watch her health being destroyed day by day, they haven't caught the kidnapper yet and Anas try to calm himself because he know that Younes is the kidnapper but he don't have any proof.

the doctor get into the room and breaking that terrible silence," Mr. Amir. Your wife can go back home today Her mental its got better than the rest of the days.."

what the hell is going on in the morning he say that her health get worse than what they think and know tell them she can go back home?

They were looking at each other, and in the meantime, Amir attacked the doctor and talk, insisting on his teeth, "Are you kidding me?!"

Anas grabbed Amir and get him away from the doctor then the doctor look at them with an afraid face, "Sorry, but I can't let her stay here I'm going to be fired." he left the room and went into his office, where Younes was sitting on the doctor chair, "Well done." he get up smiling a victory smile to him Then he patted him in the shoulder, after that he get out of the office, and he went to Lillian's room, where he found everyone nervous, he changed his face to seriousness, and entered the room, "May I ask, what did he do?"

Amir punch the wall "My wife is still in a bad condition and he's asking me to get her out of the hospital!!"

Younes put his hand on Amir's shoulder to relieve him and said, "My friend has a private hospital, I can ask him to prepare for her a good room with a whole team of doctors."

Everyone looked at each other and then Amir stood there is no trick in hand and he can't do anything other than this.

after two hours the nurses came and they took everything off from Lillian, and then Amir carried her in his hands, where Younes insisted on his teeth out of rage. How can he touch his little darling?

Each of them got in his car and followed Younes' car to the hospital as soon as they arrived and received them by a medical staff where they took Lillian and entered her to the hospital and underwent all the necessary tests The doctor went out and looked at them, "no danger to her physical health, she and the child are in full health, but her mental health is prolonged, she needs long classes in a psychiatric clinic, can her husband follow me?"

Amir followed him to his office, and then the doctor said, "She's in a state of awake sleep, since she can't feel anything around here, she have to stay in the clinic for a long time. We're going to provide her with all the comforts, and we're going to hire our best psychiatrist to take care of her, so don't worry, sir, that your wife is in safe hands."

Amir sighed deeply, "Well, I'm okay if it's for her health."

The doctor gave him some papers and Amir signed them without reading them. Then he came out of the office, heading toward Lillian's room, sat watching her little face permanently. Her little face is always smiling, she's smile even at this time, her eyes are fading, and her face just meets the ceiling, she doesn't feel anything. Her shock is getting stronger. Amir wiped his hand on her stomach and desperately said, "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you." Then he feel a hand on his shoulder when he turns his face and he find Younes behind him, "I know how hard this is, but you have to be patient Try to talk to her, even if she is not conscious, she will be able to hear you, and your baby will be able to hear you throw your negative card away." Amir nodded, "You're right, I have to be strong for them." Younes came out smiling, leaving Amir behind him, and of course his smile never bodes well for him to do anything that would do the impossible to win Lillian.

after a few hours everyone had left the hospital except Amir, who was reading to Lillian some happy and cute story's He's trying so hard to get her out of this situation. It's been two weeks and he's in the same situation, he never get out from the hospital he used to stay with Lillian all the time, clean her body, make her take a shower, and the doctor says she's getting better. If we don't feel her movements or anything else, just questioning to go to the bathroom is a matter of pride.

He finally arrived today, where he came to Amir, an important call, he go out and left everything behind. It was a call from the police, where they said they found out who the psychopath was.

After Amir left, the doctor and Younes entered the room together. "It's your time, baby."

The doctor ripped Lillian's clothes off. They're going to do an operation that wasn't taken into account...

To be continued..