
Big Daddy Is Back

(Alicia's POV)

I woke up feeling different. I was still confused about the James getting stabbed thing but why did I let Jiwon sleep on my couch with me? He's gay! I by no means had anything against gay people but he was dating a stabbing man instead of me. I was jealous. I wanted my Big Daddy back. I missed him so much. He was my Big Daddy and I intend to get him back....one day.

I maneuvered out of Jiwon's arms to go get changed for the day. I stood up and rubbed my eyes. I spotted the time. Dang, it was one o'clock already.

"Arisha?" Jiwon whispered. I looked back at him to see him staring up at me.

"Yeah?" I questioned him.

"I'm sorry" Jiwon said sadly. Oh, I know.

"Sorry for what?" I asked him even though I already knew the answer.

"I'm sorry for cheating on you. It was stupid and honestly...I was kind of curious. Curiosity and stupidity got the best of me and I'm sorry" Jiwon explained to me.