
The Rebirth-5

Miyuki's eyes widened as she heard her saying ' grand mother'. As long as she know she had grand mother and grand father from her father's side but they never considered her as their grand daughter because her mother was an orphan and Daikin family was against their marriage. so she never got chance to call grandpa or grandma.

since her mother was an orphan so she didn't have a family . she wondered who is the old lady claiming to be her grandmother.

Seeing change in Miyuki's reaction she continued" yes indeed I am your grandma , from your mother's side.

I am Merin Sanzeinan the mother of your mom Milli Sanzeinan or other name Milli Yan. when she heard her mother name , she said ," My mother was an Orphan and she didn't have a family other than me and my father".

" Yes it is true that after her marriage with your father Dan Daikin, you and your father was her only family. But your mother isn't simple as you think ,her past life that is before meeting your father was quite a life , she enjoyed killing, she only loved one colour that's was the colour of blood ". the old lady said with a smirk .

she then continued," she was our lovely daughter, the only daughter in the Sanzeinan family. she was our family heir but didn't ascend the throne because of your father. your father completely changed our daughter who was strong, brave , smart and highly skilled in everything".

"your father made in her fall in love with him and made her weak and pathetic. Sanzeinan was the greatest assassin family which was feared by people and your mother was one of us but she choosed a different path and Sanzeinan lost their great heir and an incredible assassin"saying this she sighed .

It is true that we lost our precious daughter, but we aren't left without hope, she gave birth to you , our grand daughter I came here to take you to the place you belong".

hearing her say this made Miyuki more and more shocked. seeing her expression Merin asked " don't you have anything to say?".

Miyuki broke from the daze and bowed her head slightly and with a half hearted smile replied" Looks like I really have a family".

Seeing her reaction her grandmother was surprised she took some time to recover from her astonishment and asked her " aren't you having doubt , you believed me easily, don't you think that I am telling you a false story".