
The Beta System

An intelligent four year old boy, Clinton, is bestowed with the Beta System. Being told that 1 year later, the world will change and everyone will have a system, and there will be intense contest against people of other planets 5 years later to determine which planet gets to survive, Clinton will do what he can to be the strongest person that no one can defeat and save his world. .... Or not. Watch as Clinton dominates everything with his insane luck. *Warning: This is an op mc novel, if you don't like op mc then don't read.* *This is just a hobby of mine, so don't expect any regular updates. Probably just gonna write once in a while when I feel like it and when I have ideas.* *Also, if there are any inconsistencies, sorry, cause I do tend to forget what I've previously written. Please tell me if you see any, and I'll try to fix them.*

Superglace · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

The System can Curse?

"Our national treasure has been stolen."

"National treasure?"

"Yes, it is an important treasure that can determine the survival of our empire."

"What exactly is that treasure?"

"The treasure is 〈Phantom Orb〉."

"〈Phantom Orb〉? What does it do?"

"It has mysterious powers and its exact use is unknown, but it is being used as the power source for the Nine-tailed Empire. But recently, the treasure has been stolen, and we are currently only hanging on due to our use of Crystal Orbs as substitutes. Those orbs will be able to last us for quite a while, but the empire is doomed to collapse if we don't manage to take back the 〈Phantom Orb〉 before we run out of Crystal Orbs."

"Why exactly is it that your empire is unable to take back the 〈Phantom Orb〉?"

"The thief is currently hiding in the Starlight River."

"And the reason that you can't do anything is because..."

"2 reasons. First, Starlight River is a restricted territory, and only those level 50- 3,000 may enter. second, it is a river, and we, the nine-tailed foxes, have our attributes reduced temporarily if we stay in the water for too long."

"And who is the thief?"

"A mareleon."

<Ah, that weird animal with a weird name who likes to steal stuff and can go invisible.>

"But how did they stole it? Even if they can go invisible, you should probably be able to counter that and the national treasure is heavily guarded, right?" asked Clinton.

"Normally, we can detect invisible mareleons. This time, however, was the 10,000th millenary for the founding of the empire, so we decided to make a larger celebration than normal, so there weren't really many guards guarding the national treasure, which gave the mareleons a chance to steal the treasure."


"Well, we've arrived."


"The empire, of course."

"That was fast."

"Of course. You shouldn't underestimate the treasures that we, the nine-tailed foxes, have accumulated over millions of years. Let's get you out of here first. When you get out, just walk straight and go inside the room through the door in front of you." The old man waved his hand, and Clinton was transported outside and was inside a large hall.

Clinton was speechless. <He could of at least tried to explain things clearer if he wanted me to help.>

[Well, he probably thought it was better to explain in person.]

<But he could of tried to explain the directions a bit clearer.>

[It was pretty clear, though. Just walk straight and through the door in front of you.]

<I did not just hear that.>


<So where am I?>

[According to the data, you are currently in the palace of the Nine-tailed Empire, Silver Continent-]

<Hold it right there. I don't need to know the rest. What are you, a machine?>

[Technically speaking, yes, but also not.]

<... Meaning...?>

[I'm basically a conscious being who's been trained to talk like a machine and has my consciousness transported outside my physical body.]

<Were you forced to against your will?>

[What are you implying!?]

<Nothing, just curious.>

[And curiosity killed the cat.]

<Curiosity didn't kill the cat, carelessness did.>

[... I feel like you are just messing with words.]

<... No, I'm just stating the truth that everyone overlooked and decided to randomly blame something else instead of the real culprit.>


<Well, fine, I won't ask.>

[... Thanks.]

<So you know how to thank people, huh.>

[... F!@# !@#! Of course I do.]

<Whoa! What was that!?>

[... I was just making random sounds.]

<No, I'm pretty sure you just cursed and the words got censored by the system.>

[... I AM THE SYSTEM, you F!@#$%! idiot!]

<No, you're not. You're just the consciousness placed within the system because the system's AI is too important for this kind of work.>


<I never knew you could curse, though.>

[... Of course I can.]

<See, you did curse.>

[... I did not.]

<Yeah, right.>