
Stranded in the Polluted Zone (2)

Tables toppled, food flew everywhere, and a few people fell out of their chairs. Some started to run. Screams filled the blimp.

The head-shaped monster outside the window started to change, its long black hair sticking to the glass like glue, helping it to crawl along the glass. Its nose and mouth stretched out into a long, sharp appendage. The creature, standing on its hair outside the window, started to nod rapidly, its long appendage pecking at the glass like a woodpecker.

Tap, tap, tap, tap. A series of rapid and eerie knocking sounds filled the air. The blimp's windows, said to be grenade-proof, quickly developed cracks, like a spider's web.

The cabin, once filled with chaos, fell deathly silent. All the passengers huddled together, their terrified eyes fixed on the spreading cracks, as if they could stop them with their stares.

In the silence, the only sound left was the tapping, echoing like a chilling reminder of their impending doom.

Tap, tap, tap…

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