
The Beta’s Mate

WARNING R18: Violence and Mature Content. VOLUME ONE: The Beta’s Mate I was minding my own business, shooting arrows mindlessly at the target. When he came out into the clearing. A huge, beautiful, silver wolf. Next thing I knew he was on the ground in front of me, an arrow sticking out of his chest. He was minding his own business, scouting, when he caught her scent. His mate. His wolf started running before he could think, but he was just as ecstatic. He slowed as he reached the edge of the forest, and he saw her. She was beautiful. He moved forward and the next thing he knew there was an arrow sticking out of his chest. VOLUME TWO: Given to the Hunter I looked at the tall man and he stared back at me with the same hollow eyes. I wanted nothing to do with him and I’m sure he wanted nothing to do with me. “Go on.” A voice spoke. I closed my eyes and took the man’s large hand. He stared at the small woman in front of him, her dark eyes stared back at him, hollowly. He wished he could go back in time so that he would never have to experience this, but it was too late. He was here, and he was being forced to take this woman. He shoved his hand out for her to grab and her small hand reached out to it. This is an original work not translated. This is my plan for the series so far: Vol. 1: The Beta’s Mate Has cute romantic moments, steamy moments, intense moments with the bad guys. Vol. 2: Given to the Hunter Has sad moments with cute moments and healing. Mystery. Vol. 3: The Consuming Darkness Innocent romance between darkness and softness. Vol. 4: TBD Vol. 5: TBD Vol. 6: Charmed by Lightning This is a prequel to the previous books, not necessary to read but it does explain some things. WARNING: This is Author's first book. If you like it, give Hydrangea of Crescent a try.

QueenHalloween16 · Fantasy
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227 Chs

Chapter 2

The sound that came out of the wolf's mouth when arrow hit him sounded nearly human. I put my hands over my mouth and dropped the bow. 'It's just an animal' I told myself.

I walked over slowly till I was just about two metres away from him. Wait a second, something was happening, it was moving, and the way it was moving hurt my head. It was all blurry and changing, and before I knew it there was a man on the ground in front of me.

I couldn't see his face, but I could tell he was in pain. He had silvery hair just like the wolf had had. Pale skin, and a gold necklace around his neck.

He turned on his side so he could face me, he opened his eyes and they were yellow, wait no gold, and they glowed. They were beautiful.

He had quite a large frame, compared to me, he had a boyish charm, but sharp cheekbones that stood out against the rest of his smooth facial features. and his body was… nice. Okay it was perfect, he had a very chiseled body, I could tell by how tightly his shirt clung to his chest, he was wearing a short sleeve shirt so I could see his arms, I gulped. I had never seen a man that looked that breathtaking.

I looked at his face to see that his full lips were smiling, though I couldn't tell if it was a happy one or a smirk.

"Enjoying the view?" He asked laughing then winced in pain. I tore my eyes away from his lips and rolled my eyes.

I walked closer to him slowly. I tried to hold his eyes but the brightness of them was unsettling. I circled him, he let me, when I came full circle, I was still thinking of what to ask him. The wolf had turned into him so it was safe to assume that they were one in the same. He was not moving and was clearly in pain 'I should probably take the arrow out' I thought to myself. I bit my lip not knowing what to do.

"What are you?" I asked, "I mean…You're clearly a shifter of some kind, right? What are you called?"

"You're right I am a shifter, I'm what you would call a werewolf, we prefer to be called Lycans though." He said.

"Lycans, huh." I said.

"Yes, Lycans."

"Do you by any chance have fast healing?"

"Yes." Came his reply, slightly confused then he looked at the arrow in his chest and laughed, he winced again. I needed to get that arrow out.

"So." I started, "What rank are you?" I had studied and read enough books to know about the hierarchy of werewolves, or Lycans whatever.

"I'm a Beta."

"Hmmm" I hummed in reply although my mind was working fast, that's a very high ranking wolf, Lycan. What's he doing all the way out here?

"Where's your pack based?" Once I'd asked this question I moved closer to him and sat down on the ground. I then positioned my self so that my right foot was on his chest, next to the arrow, and my left foot was on the other side of the arrow.

"What are you doing?" He asked, which was a reasonable question, although the answer was obvious.

"Nothing, so where is your pack located?" I asked as I put my hand on the lower part of the arrow's shaft, ready to pull.

"We're based in Prince George." He said.

"Really?" I didn't know much about Prince George I knew it wasn't close to here, I lived on Vancouver island, and Prince George was on the northern mainland. "Why so far from home?" I asked as I had a little test on the arrow.

His groan of pain made me stop, I wanted to lean over and hug him, but I refrained.

"Okay." I said, "Would you like me to break it off at the bottom of the shaft, then you walk to the house, and I find something to pull in out? Or would you like me to just pull it out here? You have faster healing so I don't think it'll be a problem. Right?" I asked him.

"Yeah, just pull it out." I tightened my grip on the shaft and pulled, he screamed in pain I almost wanted to hug him again and comfort him, "I'm sorry." I said with a worried expression on my face.

"It's okay," he spat through ground teeth, if he was angry at me I didn't hold it against him. I was too good at giving people the benefit of the doubt.

I tightened my grip again and pulled. It came out and he growled, and yelled in pain. "I'm sorry." Was all I could say.

"It's okay, I'm fine." He said. I took a deep breath. It's okay we're fine I said to myself. I got up and brushed off my pants, that's when I remembered the baby monitor, Paul! I checked it, whew! He's still sleeping.

I turned back to the 'Lycan' he was laying on his back, and taking deep breaths with his golden eyes closed.

I watched him for a couple seconds, the stopped myself before I got too distracted.

"Would you. Do you-" I stuttered, "Would you like to go in the house?" I don't know why I invited him in, but he was injured, though he probably didn't need help.

"Sure. Wanna help me up." He replied.

I sighed, "Okay." I grabbed his hand it was huge compared to mine, and I liked the feel of it on my own. 'Pull yourself together, he's a random guy you met at 'work' goodness' I told myself. 'Although he was not a guy he was a wolf.'

He limped towards the house and I could finally see how tall he was I think he was a good foot and a half taller then me, I'm not a good judge of height, I came to a couple inches below his shoulder. I would usually be frightened or uncomfortable with someone that tall, but his height was comforting.

I had been trailing behind him. And I had picked up the bow and quiver, I would get the other arrows later.

I was tempted to offer to help him, but I was kinda uncomfortable with the idea of touching his arms and his back. I stared at his back, it was big, and his arms looked so strong. With my attention focused solely on his beautiful physique, I stumbled over a log that was lying in the grass.

A small yelp escaped my lips, I steadied myself and looked at the wolf who had stopped walking and was looking at me worriedly.

"I'm alright." I said with a nervous smile on my face. He nodded, he still had a worried look in his eyes when he turned and kept walking. 'Why was he worried about me? I mean I guess I nearly fell so that makes sense.' I pushed the question out of my head and continued walking.

We got to the back door, he stopped and gestured for me to open it, I walked forward silently and opened it. He's barely said anything, is something wrong I mean I guess he's in pain but. Ugh, I don't know I'm so bad at reading people, I can never guess what they're thinking.

We had walked into the mud room which was connected to the kitchen, and while I was still pondering that had happened in the last few minutes, he surprised me with a question, "What's your name?"

"Uhh, Brooke." I replied.

He smiled, "Brooke." Him saying my name made my chest swell with happiness and a warm feeling spread through me. I couldn't help but smile.

"My name is Raphael." He said.

Yay! Now we know their names!

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