
The best years

For someone who had zero interest in the social part of school, Tracy appeared to be a hard but to crack Read this short story to see how her perspective soon changed, in turn earning her the best years of her teen life

Simp4_Tomi · Teen
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2 Chs

The first part

I was looking outside the window , admiring the beautiful view when the car stopped, "Okay baby this is it, we've all been waiting for this, alright honey, we love you Tracy, so much alright,you got it baby" mom said before dad continued," alright champ , be good okay and take your lunch we are leaving now okay?". "Yes dad, bye, I'll see you at home " I yelled at the moving vehicle.

I was in a casual top and jeans with some sneakers, unlike other girls,I didn't really prioritize dressing up on the first days of school, I just wore whatever I was comfortable in.

I turned around to start another journey of my life, high school at one of the best schools in the area, Saint laurel's High school .

A big school with adequate facilities, a nice environment for the students and nice teachers, I wasn't against the idea of going to school, I was okay with that. The school was somewhat shocking, boring on the outside and very eventful on the inside. I guess it deserved the positive reviews as everything was in order.

I didn't know where my class was, nor my teacher, so I just kept wandering around the school till I heard a shrill voice, a little bit loud, but not loud enough to indicate danger.

"You must be the new student", the middle aged woman asked as she walked up to me,"yes ma'am", I answered a tad bit scared of her condescending aura," I'm the principal, Mrs Harold, follow me, I'll take you to your classroom", she said turning to one of the corridors, I hated the next part ,really, because you have to stand in front of the whole class and introduce yourself.

She turned after a few steps, "come along" she said slightly pushing her glasses towards her eyes. "Here we go!" I muttered slouching a little bit. I followed her to the classroom, grade 9, " come on in", " go take a seat, the empty one, just beside the window", she said looking all over the class as if searching for someone , "ohh , Sammie, that's where you are, please show her around after the class, maybe when you don't have classes".

I just heard an affirmation from somewhere in the class, and I just put my head jn the desk until I heard a teacher come in. Everybody rose to greet the teacher,, a beautiful woman with very long hair,then the part I dreaded the most came along, I had to introduce myself to the whole class

"Good morning everyone, I'm Tracy, me and my parents just moved here, and I'm the only child, I'm looking forward to being your classmate" I said after practicing the awkward speech I was going to give.

A part of me was looking forward to the competition in the class, I hoped there was competition, it usually kept me on my toes.

Well, my first day was nice, because the girl named Samantha actually made sure of it. She introduced me to her reading group and I found that there was indeed competition.

Samantha was tall, taller than me, and I think she was class president ,because the whole class had this organized atmosphere when she was around. She wasn't freakishly tall, she was tall and slim, a beautiful shape for a model. I could deduce she loved music because her playlist was fire ,and when her opinion or input wasn't needed she just kept quiet in observation.

After the closing hours I was taken to the best diner I had ever been to since we moved, a place called Jelani's, their milk shake was marvellous, a foodie like me couldn't help but appreciate how lovely their hamburgers were.

I pretty much got through the class with a nice , a very nice grade, which my parents were proud of, as usual. I made friends also and I had weird crushes,for example, Samuel Miller.

I sighted him on my first day at school, long black hair and hand veins, just beautiful. However, I was soon heartbroken when I learned he was dating this other girl, Melody Ackerman, I didn't have any qualms with their relationship, as long as she didn't pick a fight with me for admiring her boo.

I had no idea my life was going to change during the summer break, I had no idea I was going to meet people I would come to love so much that letting go became a problem.

I and Samantha went for cold drinks at Jelani's , we were both having our drinks in the already packed diner , also taking refuge from the sun which we considered too hot when this beautiful fair girl, who I think didn't have enough sunscreen begged to sit with us because the diner was already full, her name was Abigail.

She was light skinned , she looked beautiful with her brown hair, it looked bleached and natural at the same time. Delicate features and a nice voice, it looked like she was singing anytime she intended to speak. With the short time we spent with her she was just very bubbly.