
Who Are You?

Back in her dressing room, Zheng Hualian was awkwardly sitting alone with Xia Minghua.

Earlier when Li Chuhua was here, it was alright since she did most of the of the talking.

They had originally thought that he was an aspiring actor wanting to talk to a lead, but then he introduced himself as Zhou Lengxin's "friend".

Zheng Hualian found herself becoming very attracted to this man in front of her. Who wouldn't?

He was young, handsome, and when he smiled, his peach blossom eyes curved into crescents and you could see his dimples.

"So... is this for some movie coming out? Sorry, I don't really pay attention to these things."

Xia Minghua figured that he should get to know some of the people by Zhou Lengxin's side.

Zheng Hualian fiddled a bit with the bow on her dress and shyly said, "En, this is for the upcoming movie, "His Endless Love", Sis Zhou is helping me out."

"Oh," Xia Minghua slowly nodded his head, "so what does she do?"

It didn't really make sense for a music major to work on a movie set.

"I'm not too sure either... I think the director wanted her to help me adapt to the industry, like a supervisor?"

"Are you an actor?"

"Yes." A faint blush appeared on her fair cheeks.

At that moment, Zhou Lengxin reentered the room with Li Chuhua trailing not too far behind.

"Sis Zhou's friend, have you seen her face? Is it pretty?"

Li Chuhua came back from the bathroom and immediately started grilling him for gossip again.

Xia Minghua looked at her, "Mm, pretty. You wear that around all day?", he poked her masked face.

She nodded briefly, but her mind was elsewhere.

What to do? Should she help Zheng Hualian build her character at the expense of her emotions? Or should she crush her budding feelings before they bloomed?

It would also not be fair to Xia Minghua.

'It would be better just not interfere ah, just let nature take its course.'

"What are you thinking about?" Xia Minghua nudged her arm, "You still owe me dinner."

"Oh, I was just leaving."

Zhou Lengxin cleaned up her stuff and carefully placed the three autographed posters inside her bag.

"Then I'll be leaving first, bye bye."

Zheng Hualian watched as the pair left together, feeling a little empty inside.

She was unable to explain it. He was like the sun, every movement drew her in.

Xia Minghua was like that

He was walking Zhou Lengxin out, when a voice called, "Senior Xia?"

Automatically, he turned his head towards the direction of the sound.

"Senior Xia, it's really you! What a coincidence!" A pretty female in a designer dress pranced over, completely ignoring Zhou Lengxin.

She looked kind of familiar. She was average height with an oval face and white skin and wore pink lipstick. Maybe even some rhinoplasty and botox?

Su Meizhen smiled so that you see her whitened teeth, "Senior, looks like we were fated to meet here, let me invite you for a meal." She put a hand to her breast to draw attention to her chest and then used her other hand to brush her hair behind her ear. She perfectly gave off the image of a shy and sweet girl— the kind men went crazy for.

"Who are you?"

Xia Minghua's eyes narrowed slightly, his voice turned frosty.

Su Meizhen's smile turned a little stiff, "Senior, I'm Su Meizhen from the Drama Department!"

'I'm the Campus Belle! The winner of the online beauty poll and I was crowned the number one beauty at Imperial!' She added in her mind.

"Sorry. Don't know."

He indifferently glanced at her with a hint of disdain and led Zhou Lengxin out by her shoulders.