
The best thing happened to me

[ This novel contains mature content. Read at your own risk. Please don’t blame me for your nosebleed :)))] This is the story between two people who had experienced heartbreaks and know the value of love. Li Jie- the guy who is super busy ruling the country’s economy , the dashing CEO, and a ruthless underworld emperor. Zhang XiaoXi- A beauty worth drooling at, a kind hearted, A goddess model and an actor. After being deceived by their loved ones and decide not to fall in love again, fate brings them together with an arranged marriage. Getting married to an unknown person and staying under a same roof - seems to be awkward but what will happen when they both fall in love with each other unexpectedly. what happens when all the unexpected things come their way from the initial days of their marriage? This story contains all those small small mushy, romantic, sweet and heart warming scenes that happens between a newly married couple. P.S. The cover photo doesn’t belong to me:))

sarah09 · Fantasy
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83 Chs

I will get married

Ignoring everything else, Li Yan rushed to his mothers side and said " mom I am always on your side, I know you love me the most, more than you love my brother and yes brother needs to get married soon. I heard brother yusheng has already proposed to his Evelyn last week."

"Yes yes sweetheart yusheng's father already told me that yusheng proposed to his girlfriend . we need to hurry or else yusheng is gonna get married first than our son" continued father Li who almost had a heart attack when he heard his wife talking about divorcing him, and to top it up, she threatened to get married to a young man!!! His heart could not bear with it.

** crash, now it was time for the coffee cup in Li Jie's hands**

Looking at his father and brother who didnt even think about supporting him when mother Li threatened them, Li Jie sighed . He very well knows how doting his father can get and how much of a wife slave he is. Not to mention even he himself could not even bear to go against his mother. There is no way he is gonna escape this time and he understood it very well.

Mother Li always supported her children and doted on them so much. Not only them but everyone in Li family knows how affectionate and caring Mother Li is. And everyone also knows how terrifying she can get when someone tries to harm her closed ones or innocent ones.

Mother Li has been bugging Li Jie about a woman she liked for the past month. She also arranged them to meet twice where the woman was stood up by Li Jie.

Mother Li who never forced Li Jie into anything but this time she is determined to get Li jie married to the woman she had chosen. Everyone in the family are curious about the identity of this woman whom mother Li had taken liking for.

"Fine i will agree but i will have to meet her once"-said Li Jie

Raising her eyebrows mother Li remarked- " I know what is going on in that brain of yours. Remember i am the one who gave birth to you. Do you think you can fool me huhh?"

"Mom what are you talking about i just want to meet her" answered Li Jie trying to avoid his mother gaze.

"I know you want to meet her and convince her not to marry you . But dont even think about it. You are getting married or i am leaving the house for good thats it"- warned mother Li

Caught red handed Li Jie could not refute his mother.

Meanwhile, out of all the most suffering person Father Li is trying to convince Mother Li not to leave him. Even though he know its a threat to get his son married. He is not liking the topic of his wife leaving him.

"Sweetheart why would you leave your home. Lets just throw this brat out of house. Dont say you are leaving please. My heart cannot be at peace please."

"Do you think he doesn't have any other houses and cant live without us. That wont work. It is final either its him or me"-said mother Li

" Mom what is so special about her that you are even forcing your son which you never did in my entire life. Do you think she is some angel"?-asked Li Jie

" oh yes she is definitely special and of-course she is an angel or at least to me she is an angel. There is no point in trying to convince me. You are getting married thats it."-explained Mother Li

"Why dont you listen to your mom. You are always making us worry about you. What are you 4 years old? I gave you everything in your life now that you are grown up , dont you care about your parents feelings?"-snapped Father Li

"Listen son, whatever I do, i do it for your own good. I know you are hurt because of your past relationship but you cannot live like this all the time.

We are getting old, we dont know how long we will be able to live and take care of you.

I want you to marry a girl who can grow old with you. I want someone in your life to be there for you all the time.

You cannot waste your life remembering something that should not have happened in the first place. I never liked that Tang woman. But since you loved her, i could not bear to say anything but look what happened

I dont want to see you like this.

Please son think this as mom begging you . Please get married to Xiaoxi please.

She is a great girl. i am really sure that you will like her and be happy with her.

I am your mother and a mother always want the best to her children. Believe me Xiaoxi is the best one you could get as a wife."- coaxed Mother Li looking at Li Jie with tears in her eyes.

All the defence he had came crashing down looking at his mother tears. His heart ached looking at his mom like that. He could understand what his mother was worried about.

But will there be a magic in his life to bring back happiness. Can this woman really add colors to his life. There is no answer for him.

But he definitely know that his parents would be happy if he got married to her. And nothing else matters to him now.

Wiping her tears Li Jie hugged his mother" Mom i will get married to who ever you want and whenever you want. I promise. But Please dont cry. I will do as you say. You can arrange everything and tell me , i will there at the bureau."- Li Jie left saying this to his room.

"Trust me son, this will turn out to be the best decision of your life." - Mother Li said holding Li Jie's hands.

Hope you all liked this chapter.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

There will be few more chapters are going to be up today.

Thank you:))


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