
The best striker of Blue lock

Shuraim_Yt · Games
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2 Chs



"talk"........... I woke up in a strange place. It had a green cyan colored floor. As I looked up I saw that the higher It goes the more darker it becomes. I saw a very good looking man although I don't have a thing for men. I walked up to him and asked" Where am I? And who are you? "The mysterious man said" You are dead and you are in the place where people with premature deaths come. As for who I am, I am God."

This information really shocked me but then I thought'why are people with only premature deaths are here? 'then God suddenly said" these people are going to be reincarnated for a second chance to have a good life and to do what they like. Oh yeah and I can read your mind incase your wondering."

Then I said" So can I be reincarnated into the world blue lock? " This actually surprised the God but quickly regained his composure. As he nodded. Then I said" I want to have five wishes. My first wish is to have 20+ iq every year since the day I was born. My next wish is to have Metavision. My third is spatial awareness. Fourth is to have Gojo Satorou's body although my name will still be Rei Mitsuo. As for my last wish I want to have the characteristics of a snake"God looked at me a bit confused about my last wish and I figured he was reading my mind.

"It has been granted" God said.Then a portal suddenly appeared and he said"Well of you go and I hope you can entertain me or else there will be consequences." I gulped nervously but nodded and I went into the portal or you may call the world of blue lock as Rei Mitsuo!