
The best move

The book DECIDE

For everybody who begins a journey you must pass the finish line, people run in a race, one wins but the rest must also finish the race though not the winners. Life is a tragedy that we must face.

It depends on the way you tackle the life's challenges, the book of life says that we have to be willing to allow the person you are today to die so that you give birth to the person you want to be .everything begins with the mind .the bible says that our minds should be renewed and be like the mind of Christ.

Most people operate below their standards and thinking ability ,no one rises to low expectations our challenge is a measure of our strength of character ,accept responsibility for life .no one else ,we are created for a purpose, the moment you determine your purpose then you begin living your dreams.

If you want to achieve your dreams, help others achieve theirs too. There is nothing so disgusting like the way unfulfilled life dreams moves ,take for instance ,we struggle so much ,we are born struggling from childhood ,the turmoil continues until you are 30 years that is when you are somehow stable ,and then spend 10years of good time only to rest in the hospital bed .life is not fair or maybe it is us who are not fair to life?

We must do something with this life so that we change this merciless law that destroys the youths.

We live in a time when most people are giving up, but as people say it will not be over until we win.

There are three ingredients in life, you learn, earn and yearn that is when you know what life is.....life is;

-a tragedy face it

-so beautiful embrace it

-can take you to your knees but when on your knees pray to your savior to rescue you because God hears our prayers when we humble yourself upon our knees.

-I s like an onion ,peel each layer one at a time and know that at some point you have to cry

-is a challenge meet it

- is a gift accept it

-an adventure dare it

- Sorrow overcome it

-is a duty perform it

-a sum solve it using any method but don't forget the formula

That is how simple life is .it begins with a motivated heart, one who knows that unless you get what you want otherwise it is not over yet.