
The speech ends

The world itself sent us a message in our time of need, it announced the arrival of an Angel in our mortal realm.

Jean Crane waited a bit before he started to speak again.

In our time of need, I stumbled upon the Angel.

Loud gasps could be heared from the audiance everyone but one where anxious to hear this excluding the Players who were only anxious because they wanted to meet the Angel.

Crane continued, I stumbled across the Angel we where all informed about had arrived in our mortal realm, but if you thought this was surprising then you are mistaken.

Not only did I meet the Angel, but I also meet her god, the beeing that created her.

But if you thought this was suprising then you also are mistaken.

Not only did I meet him, but I talked with him, and was able to convince the god to help us.

The whole audiance was quiet and no one dared to speak, the news they were receiving was to shocking for many to comprehend, not only an Angel but also an God were her in Breston but to top it of the god would help this town?

Everyone was silent and waiting for Crane to continue his speech.

The god was willing to help us in our time of need, but it is not I who should tell you this news, as the god himself is under us today and wanted to tell you the news himself as he cares for us so much.

As soon as Aton heard this sentence he started to walk onstage just like crane had told him to beforehand.

Aton had received a magical ring beforhand to turn into what ever he wanted to look like, and it was impossible to see threw the illusion of the ring.

Now with the face of a handsome person with golden curled hair, black shoes, white trousers and a white suit, but for some reason the red rose had remained. Aton wanted to turn its color but it didn't seem to work, so he discarded the idea.

Now onstage he saw how many other people actualy where her.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32,...

Aton got lost in counting and was now nervous.

In his old life he was a gamer who didn't realy have a social life. He wasen't a shut in, but he was far away from beeing the guy who could just talk infront of a crowed.

Aton stood there frozen to a statue and didn't move a inch.

During this Jean Crane had finished his part of the speech and gestured Aton that the stage belonged to him before steping back.

Inwardly Aton was cursing at himself for acepting to apear onstage but it was already to late for it.

The audiance was waiting , lots of people where wispering looking at the newcomer who was proclaimed a god.

Everyone was looking at him.

He was standing onstage starring at the crowed.

He looked at them and didn't say a word. The people where guesing that he was trying to form a opinion about them and thus was not talking yet, but they where far from the truth.

Aton was still standing there counting how many people where here trying to calm himself down.

1036, 1037, 1038, 1039, 1040,...

With each aditional person he counted his will to live diminished, and the best, he had only counted a fraction of the audiance.

Aton was not sure what to do and wanted to just leave the stage as soon as possible.

He was already considering to let Valy take his place when sudenly a voice out of the audiance shouted.

,,How dare a lowly beggar claim to be a god, knights I order you to execute this man on the spot for blasphemy.''

The holy knights started to storm towords the stage as soon as the voice had cryed out those wordes.

Pushing away the rest of the audiance they arrived at the stage and stormed towords Aton ready to execute him.

Aton still frozen in place did not have any time to react and was grabed by two holy knights.

They pushed him down on the floor whilst the third holy knight took out his sword and beheaded Aton on the spot.

This all happend in 10 seconds and not one person could react.

The crowed was shocked as they finnaly realized that they had witnessed an execution and where scared from the holy knights.

Suddenly a terible scream could be heard, a scream so full of sadness, that everyone who heared it started to shiver from fear.

Valyria had seen everything and wanted to aid her father but she was to slow to even get on to the stage.

Her father was killed infront of her and all she could do was watch.

Valyria screamed again, and ran towords the beheaded Aton.

Kneeling down infront of his body she started to cry.

The people who heared her crying felt like somthing had pierced there heart.

Even the holy knights had difficulty containing they're sadness, so powerful where the emotiones of an Angel.

Valyria cryed for what felt like an eternity until she clenched her fists so hard that her hands started to bleed.

Suddenly she stoped.

Suddenly the whole world stoped.

No one was moving.

As fast as time had stoped it started to move again.

Valyria now not crying anymore started to slowly stand up.

She looked calm, to calm.

No one moved and only watched what she would do next.

Valyria slowly turned around.

Facing the holy knights she finnaly spoke.

,,For killing my father...'' her voice broke as she looked in pain.

,,For killing my father, a true god, I Valyria daughter of the god Aton sentence you to death.''

As soon as she spoke those words her eyes started to shine red and she emitted a overwelmingly dark aura so strong, that many of the normal citizens fainted.

Valyrias appearance started to change.

Her hair turned crimson, the Wings on her back suddenly appeared, but instead of theyre usual white they had turned pitch black.

The dress she was wearing turned into a dark metalic armour and a red black sword with a clock between the blade and the grip of it.

The clock was slowly ticking each second that past it emited a small shockwave.

The holy knights that started to see Valyria changing her appearance thought she was the Angel of an dark god so they started prepairing for battle.

There where altogether 13 holy knights present including they're captain who had exposed Aton as a beggar with his analysises skill.

Valyria was still transforming and as soon as she was ready dark lighting clouds appeared and rain came bursting down.

Full of hatred Valyria looked at the 13 holy Knights before pointing her sword at them and spitting out a single word.


My longest chapter and maby most shocking?

ps. by mistake uploaded it 1 day to early so i took it down yesterday and reuploaded it now

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