
Krash ruler of the desert

Edan entered the Boss hidden boss room he knew about which contained somthing he wanted.

As soon as he entered he heard a voice:

,,They have come, they will die. Tremble before Krash ruler of the desert.''

Krash was supposed to be a hidden boss you would find threw a mission which contained a quiz you would have to solve. If no one found the quest, the quiz couldn´t be solved or the boss wasn´t defeated he would finish absorbing a otherworldly power and bekomme a Chaos beeing. Transending even the strength of a World Boss, this was because the World could controll the strenght of its inhabitants, but if it did not come from this world there would be no limitations on how strong a apponent could be.

With this in mind Edan was determined to get his hands on this otherworldly energy so that he could change not only the world, but everything that did not belong to it as well.

Krash was a muscular dark taned man wearing a turban, shirtless with only very wide thin trowsers and a black beard. Wielding a scimitar, a curved blade in one hand and a whip in the other hand.

Without wanting to give Edan a chance to attack Krash came charging at him and aiming with his scimitar at Edans neck.

Edan allowed the blade to stricke him and the scimitar snaped in two as soon as it hit his neck. Krash wondering what happend was punched in the face and flew several meters back hitting a wall and collapsing whilst spitting out blood.

Slowly aproaching him Edan smirked:

,,You should have activated your third phase as soon as I entered, without the help of otherworldly powers no one could defeat me, and now thanks to you nothing that exists can ever defeat me."

Krash hearing this wanted to get up and attack but he couldn´t, not only had the punch broken his neck, making it a wonder he was still alive, but the crash into the wall had brocken his spine. Unable to sense his arms or legs he would never be able to do anything ever again.

Edan looked down on Krash and finished the job. Krash the terror of the dessert had died.

Looking at the body disintegrate Edan found what he was looking for, a orb containing the power of an unknown otherworldly beeing. Without a second thought Edan swallowed the orb and started absorbing its powers.

Edan was now going to plan what to do next, now that no one could rebel against him or harm him in any way maby he should create his own kingdom and rule other it, uniting the whole continent, no the whole world under one banner would also be a good idea. But to be honest that sounded quite exhausting and whilest living in his old world he was working non stop, so maby not working was now a nice change of pace, he would just live in a quiet town and and enjoy doing nothing. Maby find a wife, have some children, safe the world at some point if needed, as monsters from this world or from other worlds couldn´t harm him and then live on for how long he wanted as he could also change his age however he wanted. Yes a nice plan, a good plan and one he would follow, not a leaders life, but a quiet on.

Absobing the orb felt pleasant, it wasen´t a strange feeling but the energy flowing in him felt nice and warm, slowly geting warmer while it flowed threw Edans body. The warmth was intensiving for every second that passed, slowly changing from a warm feeling to a hot feeling, from hot to burning, from burning to unbearable, from unbearable to death.