
episode 1

Chapter 1: how it All Started. YOU WILL GET MARRIED WEHTER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT Thats what my mom said just a second ago. I mean Im turning 18 in 6 months and that means I gotta get married. Its not that bad but I gotta get married to prince destimond YUCK! Now some of you maybe asking me Tracy what is wrong with prince destimond he is the most self obsorbed, nasty, unhygienic,ugly prince ever! I mean the guy has a room full of mirrors just to look at him self! How wierd is that!? But enough of the bad news lets talk good news. In a weak I will finally be able to go to the human world.finally l After of years of begging my parents they said I could go on one condition I have to take my twin brother Austin with me. I cant wait to go to the human world I cant wait to celebrate Halloween and Christmas or is it the other way around eh, I figure it out later. I really want to try their food pizza, hotdogs and chips?. I also want to try there activities like basketball we have a similar thing here but the ball is made out snails and it doesnt bounce. My brother is just excited but for the wrong reasons he wants to meet girls. I mean he has like thirty girlfriends in school already. I dont what those girls see in him he may be good looking but he is as dumb as a doornail he doesnt even know what 5000÷60×300000 is its so easy its just 25,000,000 . TRACEY! Yes mother! Come to the dinning room supper is ready. Coming mother. Be a dear and dress up nicely we have a geust Yes mother Chapter 2: DINNER As I walked to the dinning room I wondered who it could be. When I got to the dinning room I saw our guest and it was the exact person I didnt want to see it was you guessed it prince destimond. My stomach turned as I layed my eyes on him. And even worse there was only one chair left at the table and it was next to him. As I slowly walked to my chair he winked at me and I almost threw up right there. I sat down and he wispered to me hello my love I was ready to die right then and there but I kept my cool. Dont call me that destimond I am not nor will I ever be I said under my voice. Dont fight the feeling cant you see we are meant to be. I kicked his leg from under the table. He winced in pain. Whats wrong dear his mother asked nothing mother he said trying not to scream in pain. So Tracey what do you plan to do when you become 18 destimonds father asked l. Im I plan to get my PHD and become a doctor. WOW that is a very strong career.and what do you plan to go into destimond my father asked and he said confidently oh me I planed to go into modeling I almost bursted out with laughter. Like they would actually accept destimond into a modeling agency. My father said an akward underwhelming wow. I almost fell out of my chair trying not to laugh. My Mother saw that I was trying not laugh and shot me a dirty look thats when I knew if laughed that I would be grounded so I changed the expression on my face and looked down at my food. My brother said he was going into architecture. Wow that is a great career destimonds mother said. Austin replied with I like to see my drawings come to life with our using a spell. Hmm very interesting destimonds father said. So Tracy I hear you and your brother are going to the human world destimonds mother said. Yes yes we are Austin and I said In sync then we both laughed . And then I continued yes we are and we cant wait. Then destimonds mother said you should be careful and make show not to let any one know your a witch cause they dont like witches. And I replied with yes we know weve seen what they do to witches there. I asked to be excused and got up and went to the balcony. I stared into the stars and wondered what could be out there Chapter 3: The morning of the journey to the human world : Im so nervous Austin! Tracy youve said that 9 times now, I get it your nervous. I just cant wait to meet the ladies. Ugh typical flirtatious Austin,I cant wait to taste the food. Typical fat Tracy. Hey! Im not fat, I have a six pack. Of soda Austin replied. Oh put a sock init Austin. Hey you started it. What ever. I wonder what humans are like. Tracy said Mom says there just like us with no magic. Wow Tracy exclaimed. Well thats makes it easier for us to blend in. Yup Austin agreed. What are you even packing Austin. Well dear sister I am the essentials my cologne my gorgeous clothes , my swim suit, and pieces of paper with my number on it. What did you pack? Well since you asked I packed my toothbrush clothes soap perfume swimsuits snacks text books and my phone tablet and laptop. Oh and my shoes. DANG TRACY ALL OF THAT IN YOUR LITTLE SUITCASE! yeah Im good using space duh! How I cant even pack two pairs pant correctly. Austin Tracy come on you dont wanna be late for your portal. Coming mother they both said in sync. Oooh it happening Tracy said. Calm down Tracy. Austin said. Im calm I can do this lets go Tracy said while grabbing her bag. Austin picked up his bag and said alright. Chapter4: Made it to the human world Before Austin I stepped in the portal Mom told us that there would be a man with the name Justin lavete and his address was 265 lister Rd. We both wrote the adress in our journal. We kissed mom and dad good bye. and entered the portal it was a doozy it was complete darkness and then all of a sudden we were on earth. It was so majestic I couldnt believe it we landed in a bush behind the City so that no one would see us. Although it was just w bush I saw so many things like squirrels and people it was so cool it was just like mom said they look just like us but with out magic. One of The weird thing was they had this medal contraption with wheels and motors and it moved. And people sit in them to get from place to place. As we came out of the bushes it was amazing there was so many things to at once I almost fainted from the sight and every Bodys clothes were so revealing. And so stylish. Austin on the other hand were looking at the girls it was so annoying. I was in the other hand looking at all the foods. Austin and I went to the adress mother had given us and found Justin. Justin was rather odd if you ask me his house was filled with crystals and insents and he was shirtless. Austin and I walked in to his apartment and saw that he had a pet snake. He welcomed and said you must be the royal twins,youve grown so big. I suppose your wondering where your gonna stay for tonight well your parents rented you a beautiful 4 bedroom 4 bathroom condo l. We bothe stared in awe. I cant see your suprised Justin said. Well lets go shall we a Minute gone is a minute older. He lead the way and we followed. he whistled for what is known as a cab we sat in one those metal contraptionsbon wheels known as cars