

Tanya adjusted the lamp on her office table before peering at the long line of numbers on the account sheet on the screen. She had taken up accounts in school as an elective and had some rudimentary knowledge of it. Still, the rows and columns made her head spin. Polly had so thoughtfully sent a doughnut and a milkshake for her. She bit hungrily into the doughnut, before once again struggling to add up the columns. Once done, she leaned back in the chair, letting out a tired sigh and rubbing her sleep deprived eyes. It had been about two weeks since Ray had made that hurried proposal to her. She smiled as she recalled it. He really was a darling. Any woman would be so fortunate to have him as a husband and any child could proudly look up to him as a father. She knew he would bring up her baby lovingly, as if his own, and would never let her shed a single tear in her life. Why then had she refused his proposal? The answer was not one which she liked. Neil was not for her. She should make all efforts to forget him and move on in her life. Of course marrying Ray was out of question. She had only ever looked at him as her friend. A very good friend but a friend nonetheless. Also, she had glimpsed interest in his eyes when he spoke of Emma. She had invited them to her place for a drink one evening and seen them together. She could bet on the fact that Emma was in love with him. Ray too, admired the girl, he just hadn't accepted the depth of his feelings yet. "Are you done here?" Polly put her head in the cubicle to ask. "Yes. Just," she smiled at the older woman who cared for her like a mother. "Then go home and take some time to rest. You needn't come in tomorrow. My niece will be coming over in the morning and she will help out here. You take the day off, love," Polly fussed over her like a hen with only one chick.

The lighting in the room was subdued. It was a tastefully furnished room with wide couches, a huge table, soft carpet underneath, and pretty curtains on the windows. A bottle of half drunk wine and two glasses stood on a side table along with a half eaten box of chocolates. The scent of the large bouquet of red roses was overpowering. The only sound in the room were the moans which came from the couple kissing on the couch. The man had his shirt open halfway down, exposing his chest and some of his abs. The woman bent to place some kisses on his chest, her own dress bunched high up on her thighs. Her roaming hands found the buttons on his trousers and her fingers tried to work on it.

Neil felt a feeling of suffocation rise up inside his chest as he felt Renee's hands on him. Pushing her gently away, he sat up to pull together the edges of his shirt and button it up. "Please...I am not in the mood Renee. Why don't we check out the delicious dinner you have prepared?" he said, rising to his feet. With a deadly glance at him Renee rose to proceed to the kitchen, and set the tiny table with the china. Once they were seated and he bit into the chicken casserole, Renee looked up at him. "You still haven't forgotten her, have you Neil?" "Can we talk about this some other time Renee?" he was at the end of his tether. "Why not now? I want to wipe her memory out of your mind for ever," Renee said angrily, putting a spoonful in her mouth and chewing vigorously. "You don't have to do anything. I shall work it out for myself." "When Neil, that is the question? We are supposed to get married in a few weeks and you still hanker after her. Also, as far as I know, she is still officially your Luna," there was resentment in her voice. "I give you an ultimatum Neil, to revoke her position by tomorrow," her eyes flashed fire. "Or what, Renee?" throwing his napkin aside, Neil stood up. Realizing her mistake, she backtracked. "Nothing Neil. I just want to tell you that you are making a mistake by spending even a moment in thinking about that worthless woman." "That worthless woman as you call her, my dear, is the one who undertook a journey to the coven to get my curse removed. Even after she knew what I intended to do to her," he spoke, as if in a trance, then taking in the enormity of his own words, he sank down on the chair. "You are again singing to her tune Neil. Don't you love me any longer? Don't you wish to marry me?" her mouth twisted into a taunt. Neil moved away from the table to stand at the window, staring out into the darkness. His heart hammered in his chest with the realization which had just hit him at that moment. How could he have been so blind? Renee was a habit which belonged to his teenage. They had been a pair then. Slowly, after they became lovers, he had been in love with the idea of love. What they had had was nothing more than enjoyment of the good times. Renee had not once volunteered to find a way out of his curse. Nor had she stopped him from moving into the city, just agreeing to his plan to marry another woman and sacrifice her life for their happiness. She had not once warned him or stopped him from carrying out such a hideous plan.

Neil lit a cigarette, blowing circles in the air and watching them disappear after a moment. Of course, he could not escape from his own culpability. His plan had been cruel and selfish in the extreme. In his defence he could only say that he had been tortured by the curse, almost losing his mind, and desperate for a solution. Now, he looked at the woman sitting at the table with her mouth open. She had clearly not expected him to come to Tanya's defence. After all he had never loved her or even liked her. But did that mean he loved Renee? Neil readied himself to deal with the biggest epiphany. Turning to Renee he spoke in a measured manner, "I think Renee, that there is really no love between us any longer. It was just teenage attraction to begin with and now that we are no longer impressionable youngsters, that attraction too has died. I suggest that we break off this engagement of ours." "What...did...you...say?" she was dumbfounded. "I don't wish to marry you Renee. I am sorry for leading you on, but it is better that we realized our mistake before we entered into a mating bond."

Neil drove through the darkened streets of the town. He knew he was driving aimlessly, but he needed this time to think. The last half hour had been spent with trying to make Renee understand that he was dead serious in his decision and not just angry with her. She refused to listen to reason, insisting that they marry quickly. She tried her best to change his mind and when that did not work, resorted to weeping on his shoulder. By that time, he was fed up of her tricks. Pushing her aside, he had emphatically told her 'No' and walked out. Now, he saw a familiar house on the street in front of him. He was drawn to that house. Parking beside the gate, he rang the bell, and waited impatiently.

Moments later, the door was opened by a teenage girl in jeans and a t-shirt, her hair in two ponytails hanging to her shoulders. She was taken aback to see him, and a little bit frightened too. He was the Alpha, after all. "Hello there. I want to see Joe. Is he home?" Neil inquired. Nodding her head, she led him inside. Joe was seated on a rocking chair in the sitting room, but it was the other man with him, who caught his eye. "I see you are already busy Joe. Maybe I will come later." Neil's voice was tight with displeasure. The two men stood up abruptly to see him, bowing in respect. Ray looked at him straight in the eye, "You needn't leave Alpha. I can do so if you wish." "Please, Alpha, Beta Ray. Why don't both of you take a seat?" Joe piped in, pleading with his eyes. Reluctantly, out of respect for the old man, they sat down, far from each other. "I thought you were in the city, Beta Ray?" Neil asked, sizing up the other man. "I was Alpha. I returned in the evening and came to see Joe on a personal matter." "Oh, and what personal matter do you have that you did not have the time to inform your Alpha of your return? Are you no longer interested in pack business?" Neil's tone was condescending. "Please calm down Alpha Neil. Beta Ray has a very pressing and happy matter at hand. The one of his mating ceremony," Joe broke into the verbal match which the two men were having.

Neil felt the color drain from his face. Ray was getting married? He was planning his mating ceremony? Without Neil's knowledge. Something was not right here. Why hadn't he come to his Alpha to seek his permission before planning a mating ceremony? The biggest question was, who was he getting married to? "He would have come to seek your permission Alpha, but he was hesitant. You see the matter is a bit delicate. You may not appreciate the Beta's choice of a mate." Joe explained. "He had therefore, come to me, to seek my advice," Joe continued. Neil glanced at the other man's face and thought that he found fear and guilt written large on it. Who was his choice of bride? Was it Tanya? Neil's heart almost stopped. He would kill Ray if he even harbored such thoughts about her. Tanya belonged to him and him alone. "Who is the girl he has in mind?" Neil addressed the question to Joe.