
The Bellrose Did Not Bloom Today, Maybe Tomorrow

Due to the misfortune of being born into the powerful family of Baskervilles, Lactiflora and Roosevelt are forced to participate in the most horrendous tradition their family have, fighting for the head position, pulling hairs, dooming your cousin’s fate, nothing special. The uninterested pair decided that the sick tradition has to end. Pulling the string in the Vitrum manor, the twins found out that their fate is inevitable, but as persistent and as stubborn as their father, Lactiflora and Roosevelt, along with their cousins, discovered the secret their ancestors hid below the manor. A journey into the entrance of the abyss, into their hearts and soul. Their past, present and future. Into the unknown... Their journey will bore holes into their hearts, break their spirits, and deform the way they see the world, no matter what they gain, what they lose, they have each other. Like how they entered the manor, Lactiflora and Roosevelt will always be together.

Atropa_Acuminata · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Honor of Being A Butler

Elegant movements are essential to a butler's etiquette when performing responsibilities within the manor. The butler's responsibilities include, maintaining the order within the house and making sure the schedule for the day is followed as what is written.

Being the butlers of the Baskerville family, Rei, Elijah and Benjamin, follow every etiquette and rules to their hearts and souls, making sure their roles are performed at best.

The servants' day started at 6, Elijah has given everyone their errands for today. Half of the chefs will be cooking the meal for the breakfast and another half will be preparing for the after ceremony feast. The house keepers split up to wipe the dust that accumulated overnight, the gardeners are trimming the bushes and watering plants, these are the few things that were written on their board. Everyone is busier than usual.

At 7 every curtain that conceals the sun from the manor is opened, letting the warm light rays in.

Benjamin on the other hand, took the responsibility of waking the young masters and mistresses from their slumber. With his ability to duplicate himself, he can wake them up all at once on time to make sure they are following the schedule, after all time waits for no one. Each duplicate carries teacarts containing various tea blends to give the children the variety based on their taste and also to entice their appetite for breakfast, today is going to be a long day, they will need all the energy they can get on their morning meal.

The pocket watch in Benjamin's hand reads 7:30, the young masters are all dolled up and have time to idle before breakfast. Some still fuzz around with their looks, the others use the little time to sleep for a little more. Either way Benjamin is going to make sure everyone will present themselves at the breakfast table in time, not early, nor late.

One of the responsibilities a butler has to perform is to answer the call of your master. With a tinkle of a bell that is specifically made for the Head, Rei handed his own task to another. Ultimately, the event wouldn't start without the star herself. It's his job, to make sure Lady Lunaria shines the brightest among all.

With elegance, he maneuvers his way towards Lunaria's chamber. With three knocks, he lets the head know of his arrival.

"Come in," The Lady on her lush bed looks beautiful as the first time he knelt for her and vow to serve her with his utmost loyalty. "Is everything going smoothly/"

"The schedule for today is being followed religiously, and the tasks assigned to the house staff are performed well." One of the etiquettes butlers follow is to always have short effective phrases ready for answering questions, never a curt answer of yes or no.

He pours the Lady a cup of earl gray. The lady eyes the dress he prepared the night before, it screams elegance and class, it's more beautiful than the previous ones. Maybe it's that's why the previous generation failed, they didn't give their all during the Color ceremony.

Rei checks his pocket watch after putting the last accessory on Lunaria's hair, a moon with crystals dangling on it like stars. The Head's attire is covered with rhinestones from shoulder to the hem of her dress. Rei is sure that all eyes will be on her. He checks his pocket watch, The bigger arm is on 7 while the smaller one is on 9. Just as expected, they will reach the Breakfast hall just in time to give the Head a dramatic entrance she deserves.

The grandfather clock in the main room strikes 8, all servants from, chefs, to housekeepers, to gardeners, all lined up to greet their master a good morning. She walks in the middle with all 3 butlers in tow. As soon as she gets to the breakfast hall, the food is served on the table, and her great grandchildren are all standing on their seats, just waiting for her arrival.

Rei saw the admiration on some of the young heirs' eyes, some oohed quietly, and there were those who looked neutral, but he knew there's a little amazement in that. He's right, but he does not dare to take merit, it is all on the Lady.

"Good morning everyone, I hope you had the best of sleep last night. As you know today you will relieve the colors that would represent your whole being during your stay here alongside the weapon with your branch's sigil. Enjoy your breakfast, you may take your seat.

The butlers let out a silent sigh of relief, they made it through the breakfast, the rest of the day will be as perfect as the beginning. At the end of the day, perfection is what all butlers ought to deliver, it's their honor after all.