
The Beginning

Death, what lies on the other side? What will be the last thing you see? Have you made your peace? Death is coming, just a snack away.

Royalhero · Fantasy
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1 Chs

The Beginning

12 o'clock and I found myself underneath a marvelous, giant tree, underneath its shade. The wind is breezy, and keeps me from overheating. The grass is that nice green, a bit tall, but not tall enough to be a bother. I'm sure there were some bugs around; they weren't on me, so they could stay hidden. From the distance, there was a beautiful sight of the ocean. If you were quiet enough, you could hear it cry out to you.

I kept my mouth stuffed with hamburger helper that was jazzed up with some cheddar. I put spoonful after spoonful until my cheeks were puffed, and only then, did I start to chew and swallow. I gasped afterwards, for I overestimated my abilities to how fast I could eat. After repeating the cycle a bit more, I grew thirsty. I had some type of water that was filled with flavor and vitamins... It was gross.

My bank account was negative 24 dollars and some change, but I had 30 in my pocket. It made me think about how a negative times a negative is a positive... that was the shit that confused me.

What does the world do with all that money? If we're an average person, then we work to pay bills, and then the person taking our money is working to pay bills, and then the next and the next until the fat greedy pig has money to own the world. I'm sure there is a word for this, but I'm not smart enough to know what it is.

1:04 in the afternoon. I closed my eyes and puffed out some air. I finished my meal and then- a tree branch snapped and a young boy came falling down, bursting his skill on a rock, and dislocated his shoulder. He didn't say anything, just was twitching in pain and wheezing. Next to him was a cat. As soon as it hit the ground, it took off without barely a scratch on him. I looked up to try and see how far he had climbed just to fall. That's life in a nutshell... but I guess you can't pick yourself up when you're dead. And at what cost? All for a cat that didn't need you. There's a saying somewhere about this... but I'm not smart enough to know.

My eyes flash blue and the color of the scene changed to black and gray. Another blue light flashed and to my hands was a scythe. I went up to the boy and sliced his body, and out came a ball of energy, floating up to the sky.

My eyes flashed again and colors were restored. I took my fork and container that once had my poor man's food. That's all for today. Thank you for joining me.

Oh, by the way- my name is Royala, Royala Death, and I'm... The Grim Reaper.