
The beginning of the life

This story ...is  about  a boy who was just a kid who entered into his adolescence .That was the time when every boy had his dream of getting a love and wanted to be happy and to get into the world of problems .Well I haven't introduced our hero...Joseph,that was his name he was a bright student and at the same time he was a back moving boy ...he was so different from the other boys.He never thought of love,life and so on .......but as our forefathers told ....every man has his own day of a twist.....a big twist that no one can expect and would even change your dimension of view......his world was so small ....his  list of dreams were so short ...that god would have been also surprised ......and put his hands on his head and would ask "is this really a man ? "because he never made a list of dreams or goal...but.....he had one and one dream .....which!...from others view was so weird....or was it .....love?....his biggest and only dream was to see his big brother being settled as a family with his children's calling him uncle....

and he wanted him to be happy ever ......he waited for years waiting for this dream to blossom .....he waited....each and every moment thinking and looking how happy would his brother be... how...even i don't know if he is mad or his love towards his brother was so strong

....finally he saw his dream becoming true.....his brother was finally getting married .....during Joseph's brother.....sorry I haven't introduced Joseph's brother Jacob.....so ....during Jacobs wedding joseph was the  most happiest person in the world for that moment.....but  he never knew that that precious moment would be the time where the diversion. takes place....