1 [1]The First Sign of the End

'We interrupt this broadcast with a message from the military.'

The military? What would be so dangerous that the military would intervene with the broadcast?

These where the first thoughts of everyone listening to the raideo or watching a TV show.

'There have been reports of Monsters seen all around the world and that very is power and looks. Stay inside if not already, for if you are to in encounter one of these beings and they are not preoccupied you will die.'

At this time, there where a few groups of people. The first one thinking it wasn't real, denying everything which then lead to death. The second one being the one to panic and give up hope, hiding away and waiting for it to end in a secluded area, runningbout of supplies and dieing, to scared to go out to get stuff.

The third ones being the ones who thought the end was near and being prepared. The fourth one being the ones who calm and found a way to survive the madness. The fith and final group was the chosen ones. More on them later.

Some of the people in denial just turned off their device and ignored the problem right before they would have been convinced that it was all real.

'There have been reports of people with... powers that have been going around killing some of the Monsters and injecting people who they deemed worthy with some kind of serum that gave them the powers that they had. The powers are mostly random and it takes an hour to kick in. The people who receive these are to be called The Chosen Ones. We have set up a place for the Chosen Ones to gather in each state. They are in the center of each state and they will give the chozen ones training.'

It was then that everyone started planing what they would do once the broadcast was over. It was mainly to go out and get supplies while drawing attention from the original people with power, hoping that they would get chosen.

'The people at these places will evaluate your worth and give you a rank. The rankings very from e rank then to d, c, d, a, s and finally g, with s being special and g being godly. The Monsters rank from 1-10, a 1 being the easiest, the most common and the only one that guns work against. We have the location of the only known rank 10 Monster being in Oaklahoma, with the power to destroy a one story house in one blow, being 25 feet tall and very fast.'

This gave everyone a glimpse of the ranking system and how big some of the Monsters are. It also told them that rank1 Monsters, which are the most common, aren't resistant to guns, giving them a chance at survival.

Over the next month, the number of people alive dwindled down to 1 billion survivors.

Next chapter