
The Beginning of the Downfall (English ver.)

The story of a child who wants to know the reason for his existence.

NiraUwU · Fantasy
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8 Chs


Thili continued his journey, walking until nightfall. All his supplies had run out, and he only had a little water left, which he drank before going to sleep.

Morning arrived, and he resumed his journey to the next town. Thili heard the sound of horse steps and a horse-drawn carriage. He approached the source of the sound and discovered a group of bandits. The bandits stopped and looked in Thili's direction.

Bandit A: Hey, there's a kid over there.

Bandit B: HEY! We can get more Dukats if we capture him too. Hurry, catch him!

Bandit C and A: Okay.

Thili stepped back and held his small knife firmly. Bandit A: Kid! Drop your weapon. If you do as I say, you won't get hurt.

Bandit C: HEY! Just catch him, what's the big deal? He's just a little kid!

As Bandit A responded to his comrade, Thili swiftly attacked the bandit's knee, causing him to fall, and then swiftly stabbed his eyes with the knife, instantly killing him. Bandit C immediately attacked Thili, who was hit and fell to the ground, but Thili grabbed a handful of sand. When Bandit C struck him, Thili threw the sand into his eyes.

The bandit screamed in pain, but despite that, Bandit B approached Thili and began choking him.


Thili: cough cough

Thili stabbed the man's hand, running out of breath, but he quickly took Bandit A's sword and stabbed Bandit B in the stomach. The bandit screamed in agony.


Thili grabbed a nearby rock and repeatedly struck Bandit C's head until it was unrecognizable.

Thili: Haaah... haaahhh... it's all over now...

Thili took a moment to rest; he was slightly injured. Unbeknownst to him, his wounds suddenly felt hot, and he screamed in pain, but the heat vanished instantly, and Thili's wounds healed. Thili had no idea what had just happened but considered it to be some sort of magic.

There was a thumping sound coming from inside the carriage. Thili climbed inside and looked around. He found a pile of Dukats and some items, but there was also a girl tied up. Thili quickly untied her.

Thili: Are you alright?

Girl: Uhmmm... *nods*

Thili: In that case, get off and wait below. I'll take some necessary items.

Girl: O... okay.

Thili took water, food, and the Dukats from the carriage. After he had taken what he needed, he got off and approached the girl.

Thili: Sorry, I'm the one who killed those men.

Girl: It's alright, but wouldn't it be better to release the tied-up horse? It would be pitiful if it were left alone. Thili: Hmm... it's not a problem.

Thili took his knife and immediately cut the horse's rope. The horse looked at Thili and walked away.

Girl: I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Luna, Luna Angelica.

Thili: My name is Thili, just call me Thili.

Luna: Don't you have a family name or anything else? Just Thili?

Thili: Just Thili.

Luna: Alright, Thili, where do you want to go?

Thili: I want to go to the nearest kingdom.

Luna: Oh, then how about the Kingdom of Ostrogoth?

Thili: I don't know the way.

Luna: Come with me, we just need to follow this road.

The two of them walked along the path, and they soon reached the city gates. However, Luna thought it would be better to enter through a secret entrance. Thili followed Luna's directions, and eventually, they arrived at a city called Ostrogoth. They had a great time together until evening.

Thili: I... don't have a place to stay.

Luna: It's alright, Thili. This has been a very enjoyable day for me. Being with you feels like having a great adventure.

Luna: Come with me if you want to sleep on a soft bed.

Thili followed Luna's lead, and they arrived at a government-run orphanage that accepted abandoned children and those without parents.

Luna: Don't worry, you can sleep at this orphanage. Thili: B... but I...

Luna: Don't worry, my father manages this orphanage, so you'll be fine. I'll talk to the owner. Wait here.

Thili: Okay...

Luna spoke to the owner of the orphanage, and the owner agreed to take Thili in as part of their family. Thili could only express his gratitude to Luna and accept that he would live in an orphanage until he turned 15.

That was Thili's last meeting with Luna. Luna disappeared, and her presence was never seen again for many years. Thili would never forget Luna's kindness in giving him a home, but his anger and resentment grew. He would never forget the incident where his stepbrother committed suicide because of the church they used to live in.

Thili decided to become an adventurer to seek information about the church and exact his revenge.

To be continued...