
The Beginning of the Downfall (English ver.)

The story of a child who wants to know the reason for his existence.

NiraUwU · Fantasy
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8 Chs


Thili walked around the forest without direction for days with an empty stomach. Thili eventually fainted from exhaustion. When he was unconscious, an old man helped him. The old man saw Thili's face and realized that the child was hungry. He then took Thili to his house.

Thili opened his eyes and found himself in a room with someone he didn't know. He smelled the scent of cooking and walked out of his room, where he met an old woman who was cooking and an old man who was relaxing on a chair. The old man said, "Ohhhh ohoho, you're awake. How are you feeling? Are you hungry? Don't worry, Grandma Yuna can cook anything, ahahahaha."

The old woman replied, "Oi! Say that one more time, old man, and I'll make sure you can't speak again!!"

"Ahahahaha, please don't listen to the old man's words! Grandma's name is Yuna Aebi, but you can just call me Grandma Yuna, okay?"

"My name is Una Aebi, and you can call me Grandpa Una! Shall we eat together? You must be hungry, right?"

"Hmmm," Thili nodded his head and walked to the dining table.

"May I ask your name, son?" Grandpa Una asked.

"Thili, my name is Thili."

"Thili, a good name for a young man like you, ahahahaha."

"Alright, alright, don't talk too much, let's eat before it gets cold," Grandma Yuna said.

Thili sat down and ate his food. Tears streamed down his face as he realized how delicious the food was. He had never felt such warmth before.

Grandpa Una smiled and said, "Thili, where are you from? Why are you alone in the forest? Where are your parents or relatives?"

Grandma Yuna added, "That's right, Thili, it's dangerous to be alone in the forest! Please don't do it again and go back to your family."

Thili replied, "My family...they kicked me out...and my brother too. My sister told me to wander aimlessly in the forest, and the next day she died."

"What happened to your brother?" Grandpa Una asked.

"She tied her neck to a tree, so I left him and walked in the forest," Thili said.

Grandpa Una and Grandma Yuna nodded together.

"If you haven't had enough, finish your food and eat more, haha," Grandma Yuna said.

"Come on, finish it all and eat a lot so you can grow big, haha," Grandpa Una added.

After they finished eating, Grandma Yuna cleaned and washed the dishes. Grandpa Una escorted Thili to his room and told him to sleep.

"Thili, you go to sleep first. I want to help Grandma clean up," Grandpa Una said.

"Hmmmm... hooooaaaaammmmmm~," Thili yawned.

Grandpa Una went to where Grandma Yuna was and started a conversation about Thili.

"Has the child fallen asleep?" Grandma Yuna asked while washing the dishes.

"Yes...he has. It seems like the child was abandoned by his parents, and his brother committed suicide. He's a strong kid," Grandpa Una replied.

"We can't let the child stay alone in the middle of the forest like this!" Grandma Yuna exclaimed.

"So, do you want to take care of him? I don't mind because I'm still alive," Grandpa Una said.

"I also don't have the heart to see such a small child walking alone

Grandmother Yuna said, "I couldn't bear to see such a young child walking alone in the forest. Luckily, he didn't encounter any wolves or monsters."

Grandfather Una responded, "It depends on him whether he wants to stay here or go somewhere else. He decides for himself, and we can't force him."

Grandmother Yuna agreed, "You're right. Let's wait until tomorrow."

After their conversation, they both decided to go to sleep.

The next morning, Grandmother Yuna prepared breakfast while Grandfather Una set the table. Thili woke up from a deep sleep and walked to the window to see the sun and feel its warmth.

The door opened slowly, and Thili turned to see Grandfather Una. "Thili, let's have breakfast," he said.

Thili nodded and replied, "Okay, Grandpa."

They both walked to the dining room, and Thili enjoyed the warmth and companionship of him grandparents. They went fishing, hunting, and cooking together.

Suddenly, Grandmother Yuna shouted, "Thili, wake up! You have to leave here!"

Confused, Thili asked, "What's happening, Grandmother?"

Grandmother Yuna replied, "There's no time to explain. You have to run from here and take this with you!"

Following Grandmother Yuna's instructions, Thili left the place and looked back to see a group of wolves attacking. He ran as fast as he could.

After running for a while, Thili looked back and realized that she had lost something precious to him and would never get it back. He went towards the nearest town that Grandfather Una had shown him before.

To be continued...