
The beginning of everything

09/19/2010, 0530, Virginia Beach

Dam Neck , DEVGRU Headquarters

Senior Chief Petty Officer Lightwood , it is a great honor to integrate you into the reserve, and you may also be called for operations, which require you - said Master Chief Blackburn 

I salute.


It is a great honor to be able to still be part of this brotherhood and to be able to contribute to my country.

With that, I leave the base, go home, pack my bags and catch a plane to Hawaii, where I will now live.

After years as a special operations soldier, it's difficult to think that I won't be able to operate with my brothers anymore and not feel that adrenaline rush.

Hours later, I arrived in Honolulu, and I go straight to my new home. Once there, I lie down in bed and sleep.


I woke up at 0530, and I started doing my exercises, the military habits don't leave you, once I'm done I'm going to make my breakfast, eat eggs and have a coffee to start my day.

At 0600, I'm watching TV at home, and I hear the sound of a gunshot, I grab my Sig Sauer P226, and go straight in the direction of the noise, when I arrive I see a house with a backyard overlooking the beach, entering silently, checking all the rooms, I notice an older man, shot in the head, I go straight to him and try to give him first aid, but I realize that unfortunately he is dead. With that, I hear the sound of police cars arriving, I keep the gun on my waist and wait to give my statement.

The police arrive and ask what happened.


I don't know, I heard the sound of gunshots, and I ran here to find out the situation, sir.

Sir, what is your name? - says the policeman


My name is Scott Lightwood , I moved here yesterday from Virginia.

I understand, thanks for the statement - police officer says

I went home, searched the internet for the name of the man who was murdered in that house, researching I came across that his son is a Navy Seal, with the rank of Lieutenant Commander and the name of Steve Mcgarrett . I remember a Mcgarrett , when he was teaching at BUDs , he was a very good sailor, is that really him? - I wonder

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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