
The beginning after the end: perfect duo

A young otaku dies and got sent to the leatest fiction he saw which was TBATE, how would this fan change the Fate of this world ?

Abdellah_Khajou · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
18 Chs



we'll be sparring today, both Arthur and me.

He seems to have accepted what I said. Or at least that's what it seemed like.

I didn't want to teach Arthur anything from the future techniques that he'll have because he'll learn them on his own, and his mana core gets destroyed anyway.

"Arthur, can you share with me, and teach me how to use the sword ?" I asked.

"Are you sure? , you know we're 3 years old now " Arthur said.

"yes I am sure, I don't know how to fight, I know a lot about theoretical stuff but not practical, I would like you to train me," I said

"Why do you think I'm experienced enough to train you ?" he asked

"I read it in the novel," I said

"It's strange to know that my life was a novel, was it popular ?" he asked

"very very popular, now train me, " I said

"We need wooden swords," He said

"I'll make Father buy them for us tonight," I said

And with this, I finished my conversation with Arthur, left a clone up there, and went to my underground hideout, I was receiving reports from the golems I sent to the beast glades, they were able to finally find Alacryans, and they sent this report to the crystal.

Then I had this idea, how about I make golems out of Radioactive elements and send them to the Alacryan camps, wouldn't that kill them right away, I will give it a try later on, they didn't seem to be getting information about The Tempus warps or the communication devices but that wasn't a big deal, yet, I made clones to write this information we collect in notebooks, and write the pieces of information I know about the original novel, I would need these pieces of information later on. These clones made their room and called it the Reports room.

I'll focus now entirely on improving my core level and combat abilities, and with shadow clones improving my skills and growth rate it wouldn't take me that long to become very strong. I made also other clones to improve my hand-to-hand combat skills.

It's dinner time, and I'm sitting with Arthur, facing Mom and Father.

It was like going to war, I bet Arthur could feel that too, the stress in the air.

My mother was wearing a light green robe, mixing perfectly with her brownish hair, and my father was wearing a blue t-shirt-like top.

But, they seemed to like wearing battle-type clothes for me and Arthur.

A battle a battle of speech.

"Dad, can I ask you something?" I said in my child's's's voice.

"what is it Tom?" my father said.

"I want you to buy us swords, wooden ones so we can sparr together," I said.

"why this all of a sudden? " My father asked.

"Are you considering it, Reynolds, I won't let my children learn how to fight, They're 3 years old" shouted my mom.

"Mother we just want to play together" Arthur and I said.

I looked straight into Arthur's eyes. We have to use that technique.

Arthur and I, used the forbidden technique, the cute puppy face.

"No, we're not going to buy you swords..." She went silent, seems like our technique worked on her.

"I'll bring it tomorrow ok,," Father said.

It's our victory after all. We went upstairs, as soon as we finished dinner.

"We've won brother,,," I said.

"it was going to be a hard battle without the forbidden skill," He said.

"Well they say a great warrior has to use all the weapons in his arsenal" Arthur and I said at the same time.

"A man of culture,,," we said, at the same time again.

"We're twins after all", again.

"JINX" we shouted.

"that was fun" I said.

"yes, I'm glad I have a family now, a brother..." Arthur said with a sad face.

"Forget about the past brother, this is a new life, a new beginning," I said.

We slept after this discussion, Morning quickly came by.

"Today, I'm going to train you, in the same way I was trained, don't expect it to be easy," Arthur said.

"I'm very prepared for your training, I expect the best from you brother," I said.

"First of all, augment your body with mana to make it stronger, then we're going to work on your movement And reaction speed, then we're going to work on swinging, blocking, and moving with your sword, then we'll sparr, me and you," He said.

The training was long, hard, and tiresome, but it was bearable mom kept watching us, just in case any of us got hurt, she was very proud of us.

"It was a long day, isn't Arthur?" I asked.

"It was indeed a long day, so what do you think about this training session?" Arthur asked.

"I learned a lot thanks to you brother,,," I said.

"Now let's eat dinner kids, Reynolds" Mom said.

"How was training kids" Reynolds said.

"It was good we had a lot of fun today, and I learned a lot thanks to Brother," I said.

"I also learned a lot from you," Arthur said.

"I was worried about you hurting each other but seems like things were quite chill," Mom said.

"oh come on Mom it's just wooden swords, how could we hurt each other," Arthur said.

After dinner, I went to try something new, with my clones, what if I used them to purify mana to improve my core faster?

And it failed, that would've been too op for me to have.

But at least, I could use them to improve my swordsmanship and hand-to-hand combat.

And then an idea struck me, those golems that I sent to the beast glades, I might use them to kill the Alacryans, by making golems out of Radioactive materials, but that would need a lot of training to be able to achieve.

I was quite happy to gain mana rotation and mirage walk, golems even thunderclap impulse, but most of the things I learned cannot be practiced in combat, and my growth is limited by the lack of talent, since i was never the person to fight, I was just a weeb after all.