
The beginning after the end: perfect duo

A young otaku dies and got sent to the leatest fiction he saw which was TBATE, how would this fan change the Fate of this world ?

Abdellah_Khajou · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs



Tom's clones are staying in the underground hideout, just like usual.

Toms from 1 to 50 were fighting using all of their possible attacks, from 51 to 60 were protecting the hideout and making sure it didn't fall, from 61 to 100 were in the reports room, occasionally, they went to

the gym, or the swimming pool.


Tom 1 headed towards the second, the second avoided his launch, pivoted to the right and punched him on his open side, the first was sent flying backwards, hitting the mana barrier.

The second used gravity magic to keep the first on his


But the first used earth magic and dived into The ground, the second tried to hover and get away from the earth, but it was too late, he was absorbed by the ground itself.

Once he was deep in, and without having the ability to breathe neither see his opponent, he lost and disappeared as a clone.

A mana crystal in the hideout would recreate the clone that disappeared after retrieving his memories and experience and storing them.

Later on at night, these memories, and experiences of the whole day were to be sent at night to Tom, as for those clones who haven't disappeared they were to go to the crystal and imbue it with their mana.

This was the system that Tom had made to train.

Each clone was to use only one form of mana, so that would improve his usage of it.

"You beat me this time, that's a new trick," Tom 2 said to the first.

"I thought of it when you have beaten my $as last time," Replied the first.

"Wanna go to the gym?" Said the second.

These weren't the only ones training, the same thing was done by all the clones.

Fire spells, water, Ice covered the entire training area.


Tom 63 was currently writing a report about the Aalcryan activities in the beast glades when he was suddenly stopped by his friend Tom 64.

"We found it, we found the tempus warps and currently, the golems are bringing it here, it's just a matter of time" He said.

"Are you sure it's safe, you haven't been detected!?" Tom 63 asked.

"Yes, the golems haven't been detected, and they left some footsteps that belong to beasts, to make them think that it has been eaten by some beast out of their control" He replied.

"Doesn't that look suspicious, I mean it must not be this easy, right?" Tom 63 asked again.

"What do you mean by easy, we spent years looking for them, and you say it is easy." Tom 64 said.

"Sorry, I think I'm overthinking about it" Tom 63 said while apologizing.

"No big deal" Tom 64 said.


"Captain, a tempus warp has gone missing in the western camp, Some beast footsteps were near the area of the missing tempus, it has probably been eaten by it" A soldier said.

"Were there no shields, guarding the area" The captain asked.

"No, we were fighting a wild beast that had attacked us."

"And it went missing just after the attack?"The captain asked.

"Yes sir" The soldier said.

Tom's POV :

"I know that you're separated into clans, you have the dragons, the basilisks, the theytests, other ones too, and you're beings capable of becoming one with the mana, you're so strong compared to us mere lessers, and you're probably one of them" I answered the being that's most likely an asura.

"You know a lot kid, aren't you afraid of me then?" the being asked.

"I was, but now I realized something, you can't do anything to me, with your current state at least, something damaged your mana core, it feels like it's being locked or something, and you guys depend on mana to live, I know something at least, if you stayed like this you will die soon "I answered.

" How would a mere human child, know this much about mana, and feel the mana in an asura, you aren't a normal kiddo, right? " The being asked.

" No, I am not, but aren't you afraid of dying "I asked, this was an asura, I don't know how it got damaged to this extent, but I know something for sure, this wasn't

in the novel, something is making changes aside from mine, it's either somebody else knows about the novel, which is not impossible since I am here, or someone else knows about the future. I don't know anything about it, after all.

"-fraid, but do l have anything to do about it?," the being asked.

"Excuse me, can you say that again?" I asked.

"I am afraid, but can I do anything about it? The being


" I think I can do something about it "I said."

"Like what, you can't fix a cracked core" the being said.

"I think I can, should we give it a try, but promise me something, you will not kill me if I did, and you will tell me what happened to you" I said.

" I promise, but I don't thunk a mere lesser would do something that even asuras can't " It said.

If I remember correctly, Cecilia did something similar to Nico's core, but she's the legacy her control over mana is much better than mine, I don't think I can do it, but I have to give it a try.

I started pushing my mana in the asuran body, a phoenix I realized. But why would a phoenix be outside the hearth, no need to think about it for now, I have a thing to focus on.

The Phoenix's mana wasn't moving in her core it was stuck in there, it seems like something is holding her mana still, a spell probably, but what if I circled my mana around hers, then I will move my own, stimulating her mana to move again, the mana moves by default so just a simple push would put it back on track, but thus was easier said than done, her mana was more than mine, so I was repeating the same operation again and again.

"It worked" the phoenix said.

"Glad it did, now keep your promise" I said.

The phoenix got out of the cage, it was still it's animal form, and bit me.

"Ouch, why would you do this" I asked.