
the begining of hell

(my name is yami.i come from a world that's not like ur human relm.my best friends name is mika shes can be bossy at times but I think shes ok to hang out with. mika and I live on a planet called draconia with many different types of shapeshifters and mythical creatures .the only reason ur human realm knows of some of these creatures is because our dragon lord has banished many to ur planet. our dragon lord lord sythe is the most powerful dragon beast known to draconia I just hope no one ever challenges him for the throne . hes a good king tough but fair . anyways our story begins on a night much like ur human hallaween we call it senso heiwa. it means war peace. we call it this due to this planet's history . we were in a war for over 10000 years and when dragon lord sythe became king we were all at peace.to celebrate senso heiwa everyone has a huge party the adults get to drink snake venom and the kids we prank each other until the second sun rises into the morning sky.) mika:hey yami!what r u writeing in that lame book of yours agian? come one u need to loosen up have some fun u r from the wolf clan I get that but caint u at least prank one kid with me tonight pls.yami:this is why my sister said to never be friends with the fox clan.but fine just one prank and that's it .mika:yes!!!!!!ok so u see the kid over there the little blond one blue eyes small dragon wings and horns ?yami:u want me to prank the dragon clan are u asking for a funeral to happen tonight !!!!!!!mika :its ok I know her it's cool just trust me on this one .yami:mika I swear if u get me killed I'm never gonna let u hear the end of it .mika:yea yea whatever . ok so what ur gonna do is transform into ur wolf version and scare her. yami:I know I'm gonna regret this. *after yami transforms into a black wolf with one red eye and one yellow eye she slowly sneaks up behind the young dragon hybrid and growls at her.then the dragon hybrid out of know where begins to beat up yami until yami blacks out ..........*(later at the nearest medical center....................................)yami: where am I? and who r u ? june :apologize I didnt mean to beat u up that badly I just wasnt expecting someone to scare me I thought everyone was afraid of me .yami : u didnt seem that scary to me .june:well I'm a dragon.yami:I know I should apologize to u as well.june:hu?what for? yami:it was my friend mikas idea to scare u and I shouldn't have listened to her.now I've got a broken arm and leg. june :I should have know mika put u up to this shes always trying to get back at me . she can be so anoing. yami : at least we can agree on that . *as they both start laughing * june:hey so I know I beat u up and all but would it be ok if u and I could could be ya know friends ? yami : yea I'd like that.whats it name by the way ? june I'm june of the dragon clan. yami : and im yami of the wolf clan. say since I haven't seen u around here before I should show u the secret cave.june: the secret cave? yami: yea it's where mika and I go sometimes to get away from the adults and from chores.ud love it we've got blankets and pillows and every night mika and I go out and catch fireflies to use as lanterns. we would use candles but were not old enough to use matches yet .june:that sounds like alot of fun what else do u guys do there? we play games with the shadows we call it shadow shifting. and we draw stuff in the sand and try to guess what the other person is drawing oh and my faveorite sometimes well just go on super long walks around the cave and look at the stars .june :well until u get better I'm gonna stay right here with u .yami:really? june :yup. I'd like to get to know u a bit more .yami: I think u and I are gonna be friends for a really long time .june me to .