
The Before Of Afterlife: A tower climbing Litrpg

What happens after death? Alaric sought the answer to the question all his life, only to reach the conclusion that many had... "Whatever is to happen, will happen." "Heaven is a permanent, eternal divine reward reserved for those who lived morally upright. Whereas Hell is a permanent, eternal divine punishment for those who have committed moral transgressions and have remained unrepentant. " But he was wrong, so very wrong. What awaits you after death is... Ding! « Welcome to ' The B-... » Heaven? Hell? Reincarnation? Rebirth?.. Wrong!! All these things amount to nothing more than mere fantasy. Equality doesn't exist after birth, but rather after death! On the stage, where performers give their best performance to please the audience above, Alaric is the odd one; he doesn't care about these so-called 'audiences' or his fellow 'performers'. To him, all that matters is his goal... to gain Absolute power! To stand above everyone and below none. Anyone who stands in his way is an enemy, and he will gift them what he is most loved by... Death! Since he got the second chance he has always desired, he is ready to climb any height or fall to any depth to achieve his goal. But! Things are not as simple as they appear. The curtains behind the stage hides secrets as mysterious as the origin of everything. To pull the curtains back, there is only one way in sight... To reach the top! Follow Alaric as he climbs the stages giving the performance no one had ever expected, uncovering the secrets that should be known to no mortal, as he asks himself... What is Afterlife? *************************** Normal release schedule: 10 Chapters/ Week >Current release schedule: 10 Chapters/ Day!!

Absolute_Dominator · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 3: Afterlife? System?? (2/2)

A man in a black coat and pants walked out of the portal, not so surprisingly floating in the air.

The people below silently observed the man above, I being one of them. The man with his muscular and sturdy body combined with his shaved beard and the hairs of the same level looked like a retired general.

He was looking down at no one in particular, but at the same time, it felt as though he was looking at you. Like it does in a picture where the person is looking at the camera.

"Ahem... Before you mortals start loading me with questions know this, I am a projection, a video is what it's called in your world. So I won't be able to answer your questions."

The people looked at each other and sure enough, they seemed dissatisfied. Some even raised their hands or directly asked questions like 'Where are we?', 'Is this afterlife?', 'Are you god?' and more only to meet the silence of the man floating in the sky.

'Well, they were dead a moment ago and now here they are living and breathing, of course, they would have a lot of questions.'

"Now if your futile attempts are over, let me continue."

The man said as though he knew that some people would ask questions even after his warning.

"As you all know, you mortals have died in your respective worlds. We are giving you another chance to live, that too in your most ideal body. Complaining will not change the age of body you are in so save your breath for what's to come next."

The old people among the group looked dissatisfied but stayed silent not voicing their complaints. They had a vast experience in life so they knew better, when or where to speak.

I though noted another thing said by the man, 'died in your respective worlds' not Earth, does that mean there are other worlds?'

"Now since the mundane things are taken care of, let us get to the main point."

The man paused for a few seconds and continued.

" 'Nothing in the world comes free', it's true before death and even after death. So the fact that dead mortals like you are walking in a healthy and young body too shall come at a price... right?"

The man asked as a small smile appeared on his face.

'I don't like where it's going.' And I was not the only one who didn't like it as the people around me too had a worried and anxious look.

"We don't ask much from you. Not much at all.."

*Rumble* *Rumble*

The ground started vibrating. As many footsteps could be heard from the distance. Some birds like creatures flew away from their trees.

"All you have to do is survive! Survive for three nights. If you do you would be permitted in the Tutorial. If you don't.. then that would be the end of you, believe me, there's no third chance in life."

*Roar!* *Rumble!* *Rumble!*

A distinct roar was heard as the vibration got more intent, a few nervous ones even fall.

"Well, then mortals I wish you luck. Give your best performance for the audience above."

The man said as his body or rather the projection disappeared in thin air.

'The audience above? Does that mean we are being watched?' Before I could ponder over the matter any further or the people could voice their complaints...


A clear voice rang in my ears followed by a translucent blue screen that appeared before my eyes.


[ Quest Information:- ]

[ Description: You had been granted another chance to live, prove that you are worthy of this chance by completing the objective. ]

[ Objective: Survive for three nights. ]

[ 83:59:57 ]

[ Rank: N/A ]

[ Rewards:-

1} Access to System!

2} Entry in Tutorial!

3} Extra rewards based on performance! ]


"What the hell is this?"

"Oh my god! It's the legendary system of the Litrpgs!"

"Oh! It disappeared on its own just by a single thought."

"And reappears after a thought too."

"You can't even touch it, my hands passed right through it."

I too had read many web novels and the ones with the system were my favourite, but who would have thought that I would have my own one day. 'Though it's only the quest log for now. Just thinking about having a system like the ones in the novel is.. exciting.'

But I didn't let myself be lost in excitement like the people exclaiming in amazement. Who completely forgot about the roar and rumbles of before. I observed the quest objective, keeping an eye around me at the same time.

'The man said that we have to survive for three nights that would have been 72 hours if it was night, but since the sun is high in the sky and the timer started at 84 hours, it should be noon right now.'

*Crack!* *Crack!*

The sound of glass cracking rang.. again. This time however it was fainter and rang from all around.

Looking at the sky I saw the 'thing' cracking.

The 'thing' was a transparent barrier surrounding the clearing. And I knew it was a barrier because of the space and place the cracks were appearing.

"What is it this time!?"

An annoying voice sounded from the people, starting the long dissatisfied comments of people.

*Zooom!* *Zooom!*

Sounds like the launching of missiles came from the forest as the green bean of light shot in the sky.

Even in the afternoon, the green beam was visible, some near while some far.

I have Ideas of what was to happen, but...

I wish I am wrong.

*Roar!* *Shatter!*

But to prove the fact that I am right, a roar of a wild beast followed by the sound of glass shattering rang as the barrier shattered!

"Oh my god."


"What in the world are these things!"


At that moment I realised that the barrier surrounding us wasn't transparent but rather illusionary, trapping us in the illusion of a peaceful forest.

And what greeted us past the illusion was a large horde of creatures.. no monsters!

Wolves with bodies twice as big as an adult wolf with the mane of a lion. The grey monsters with their red eyes, saliva dripping from their mouths, looked at us... humans! like a hungry beast looking at a fat piece of meat.

Looking at the horde of monsters who had surrendered us I involuntarily took a step back, taking deep breaths in an attempt to calm my racing heart.

*Growl* *Growl*

The wolves took a step forward, causing further panic in the already scared people.

"Wh.. what's up with the..these wolves they d..do.. don't look normal."

"Damn! They are monsters get me out of here I don't want to die again."

"Mommy *sob* where are you?*sob*"

When the panic was increasing among the group...


A growl much scarier than the ones before sounded in the forest. As a thing with glowing blood-red eyes walked out from the forest. The moment my eyes landed on the thing, the heart which had somewhat calmed down started beating wildly again.

*Gasp!* *Gasp!*

"We are done for.."

I could hear the gasps and sounds of horror from the people around, which was completely understandable, after all, in front of this.. this thing the wolves looked normal.

"This... this is not the afterlife."

Someone standing at the front muttered as he retreated backwards.


The thing opened its massive jaw letting out a terrifying roar. As all the wolves followed him letting out loud howls.

The wolves circling us moved in action at the same time, pouncing at the group of humans with their jaws wide open...


All hell Broke loose...

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